National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Property of the Moon – Provision of International Public Law vs. Private Initiatives
Lupač, Petr ; Trávníčková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Kochan, Jan (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the legal regulations of Outer Space and the Moon and to answer the question of whether the sale of land on the Moon is in accordance with international law. At first, the author will define the term of international space. Secondly, Outer Space which is predominantly exulted by the fundamental instrument of space law - the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies - will be characterised. This legal regulation is further expanded on by the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. Attention will also be given to private initiatives relating to purported claims to proprietary rights to plots of land on the Moon. The thesis will evaluate the arguments arising from international law as well as the arguments from the sphere of private initiatives. The last chapter will include an analysis of the legal regulation of mining of the Moon's natural resources and the proprietary claims thereto.
Exploitation of Natural Resources of the Seabed as the Common Heritage of Mankind
Hájková, Jana ; Kochan, Jan (advisor) ; Trávníčková, Zuzana (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the current and possible future developments in the exploitation of natural resources of the seabed beyond national jurisdiction. In the first chapter the term of international space is defined, while the second part approaches the historical development of international law in relation to the seabed. The second chapter deals with the concept of the common heritage of mankind, at first it shows its historical evolution, then this term is explained and the last part of the chapter is devoted to the common heritage of mankind as a principle of international law. The last chapter focuses on the use of resources of the seabed. In the first part seabed legislation is discussed. The second part explains the concepts of prospecting, exploration and mining. The third part deals with the International Seabed Authority and the last part deals with mining and its impacts.

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