Kvalita služeb vybraného ubytovacího zařízení
Koláčková, Zuzana
The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to identify customer’s satisfaction and customer service of accommodation facility selected. It is focusing on internal and external impacts, which can cause customer’s loyalty and behaviour. Research is made by detailed problem information, collecting primary data. Also, data was collected by online survey from guests of accommodation selected. In the end, all collected data and actual situation are processed and analysed. With results from work I propose measures, which can be helpful for future realisation of this project.
Online podpora prodeje prostřednictvím chatbotů
Bejčková, Pavlína
The thesis is focused on the issue of chatbot technology and its adaptation in the company. The aim is to evaluate the impact of deployment of chatbots for sales support and customers services. Above all, to find out what impact it can have on customers and their shopping decision during shopping online. The results are based on secondary and primary data. The primary research was accomplished through a questionnaire research and in-depth interviews. Base on the findings, the recommendation is made for companies considering the adoption of chatbots.
Hodnocení spokojenosti hostů s ubytováním v hotelech na Jablunkovsku
Chmielová, Lucie
The bachelor thesis evaluates satisfaction with accommodation in hotels in the Jablunkovsko region. The first part describes theoretical basis of the thesis, which includes consumer behaviour, marketing research and describes statistics methods for data processing and verifying hypotheses. In the second part of bachelor thesis analysis and interpretation of the survey take place. This analysis is divided into the analysis of respondents and the analysis of questions about hotels. Discussion is held based on found facts, followed by draft recommendation for the hotel owners in the Jablunkovsko region.
Význam kvality v městských destinacích cestovního ruchu
Mlejnková, Kateřina
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to determinate the most important factors of quality which influence a demand of urban destination in tourism, an identification of these factors and a determination of the importance at potential clients. The data were obtained by a primary research, asking potential clients in urban destination.
Customer satisfaction in a selected fitness center
Čechová, Adéla ; Viplerová, Tereza (advisor) ; Ruda, Tomáš (referee)
Title: Customer satisfaction in a selected fitness centre Objectives: The central aim of this bachelor thesis is to propose recommendations that will lead to an increase in the quality of services provided through the analysis of customer satisfaction in a selected fitness centre. The main aim is to achieve a higher level of customer satisfaction and to strengthen the overall position of the fitness centre in the market. Methods: In the bachelor thesis, the SERVQUAL questionnaire method is used to compare the actual level of provided services with customer expectations. Subsequently, the obtained results are then presented graphically for better clarity and readability. Results: The results of the study indicate the overall satisfaction of customers in the selected fitness centre with the services provided. However, it appeared that some areas of service did not meet customer expectations. However, it has been revealed that certain areas of the services did not meet customer expectations. This difference between expectation and reality provides valuable insights for identifying areas where services can be improved, thereby enhancing overall customer satisfaction. Customers are most satisfied with the fitness center environment and promotional materials. Negative gaps arose in the employee...
Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Suggested Measures for its Improvement
Miškaříková, Ludmila ; Vašková, Eva (referee) ; Schüller, David (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the theoretical definition and description of issues related to customer satisfaction and loyalty, and also affects the appearance and behavior of the company's overall customer satisfaction. It also defines the basic methods and techniques of marketing environment analysis firm principles and a questionnaire survey. Theoretical knowledge is applied to specific manufacturing company, described the current situation, and including basic analysis of external and internal environment, concluded with a summary SWOT analysis. Based on a questionnaire survey found customer satisfaction, the company unveiled a wish and shortcomings perceived by customers. Use these outputs are set concrete proposals leading to a better company image and increase customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction analysis
Matějka, Michal ; Plánková, Lucie (referee) ; Chalupský, Vladimír (advisor)
This Master's thesis deals with analyses of customer satisfaction and loyalty to the GiTy, a.s. company. The theoretical part of the thesis explains problems of customer satisfaction and loyalty and their measurement. Furthermore, it deals with marketing research, with a focus on questionnaire-based data acquisition. The practical part of the thesis includes the company presentation, survey design and methodology of the data analysis. This part also describes the continuous customer satisfaction measuring system of the company. The implementation of this measuring system was the aim of this thesis.
Proposals for Improvement of Services in the Hotel
Brychtová, Adéla ; Izák, Filip (referee) ; Mikulec, Luděk (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with suggestions for improving the services of Hotel U Labutě in Žďár nad Sázavou. It is a small hotel with a number of competitive hotels. An important part of the work is an analysis of the current condition of the hotel and proposals for solving specific shortcomings found during the analysis. The purpose of the proposals is mainly to improve the quality of the services provided and increase the attendance of the hotel restaurant.
Creation of Process Management of the Selected Portfolio of the Company
Krämer, Petr ; Kocábová, Magdalena (referee) ; Jurová, Marie (advisor)
The thesis concentrates on the process of building project management methodology in AAA COLOR company. The first part of this thesis will explain an analyses the process and management of the already executed building project „Reconstruction of the storage hall of Borfers a.s.“. The second part will give suggestions of how to manage building project in AAA COLOR company, whereas the final part will explain the possibility of realisation of those suggestions and their positive contribution to the company.
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