Hodnocení aberace vybraných ploch katastru obce Hluboké a Kralice nad Oslavou
Houser, Jiří
The diploma thesis deals with land aberration in selected areas of the cadastre of Hluboké and Kralice nad Oslavou. In the years 1965, comprehensive soil surveys were made in selected areas. With the help of a map from VÚMOP, the places where excavations of selective soil probes were carried out were located. The probes were dug to a depth of about 75 cm. Various soil analyzes were performed from the taken soil samples. The diploma thesis mainly deals with soil granularity analysis, determination of humus and pH. Thanks to the preservation of data from a comprehensive soil survey, these soil properties were compared with the current state.
Vliv hnojení kejdou na fyzikální a hydrofyzikální vlastnosti půd
Rzymanek, Jakub
The work deals with the assessment of the effect of the application of cattle slurry on the physical and hydrophysical properties of Luvisol (LU). The experimental site is situated in a cereal growing zone. An operational experiment was established in 2017 with two variants of cattle slurry fertilization and a noorganic fertilized control. At the PK variant, cattle slurry fertilization was carried out only once a year in the autumn, at the PJK variant cattle slurry was applied twice a year in the autumn and spring. Core samples were taken from the experimental plots in four terms using Kopecký rollers, always in three replicates for each variant. Samples were taken from depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm. Simultaneously, loose samples were taken from the same depth to perform the analysis of the water-stable structure and the preparation of fine soils. The analysis of intact soil samples revealed a significant effect of slurry fertilization, of both variants, on the increase of the maximum water capacity of the soil, compared to the unfertilized zero variant. The analysis of the loose samples showed the effect of slurry fertilization on the increase of the COX content, in depth of 0-20 cm, between the PJK variant and the zero variant. The effect of slurry application on pH / H2O and pH / KCl was significant for both fertilization variants, in comparison with the control. The content of water-stable structure aggregates was without significant changes. The results of the remaining analyzes of core samples were unsignificant.
Srovnání střednědobé změny vlastností lesních půd poškozených a obnovených porostů v povodí Olše (Lesní správa Jablunkov)
Hulvák, Robert
This bachelor thesis deals with comparison of selected soil properties analyses between measurements performed in 2021 and the research realized ten years ago within Czech Terra research program. Soil research took place in 17 localities focusing on stands, that were disturbed within the wide forest decline in Silesia and northern Moravia, that started in the beginning of the 21st century and now these forests are being regenerated. Also natural and artificial stands were sampled for result comparing. As possible indicators of changes, these properties were chosen: soil reaction, total carbon content, total nitorgen content, C/N ratio, maximum capillary moisture capacity and bulk density reduced. From an overal perspective, the most significant changes across statistical analyses occur in C/N ratio, reps. pH in these declined and regenerated stands and also in artifical ones. Natural stands showed much better stability of soil properties in the medium-term.
Effects of soil management on soil quality near Šardičky village
Schneiderová, Šárka ; Doležal, Petr (referee) ; Kameníčková, Ivana (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on influence of reduced tillage technology of soil processing on it´s near-surface soil layer (0 to 10 cm). The research was carried out on agricultural land near Šardičky village, where company ZEMO spol. s r.o. provides long-term use of reduced tillage technology. In 2016 the soil quality in this site was evaluated by using physical and hydrophysical parameters, results are presented in the previous bachelor thesis "Selected hydrophysical parameters as indicators of soil quality.". In diploma thesis in addition chemical and other hydrophysical properties have been evaluated to provide a comprehensive assessment of soil quality. In 2016, poppy seed was grown on this site and spring barley was grown in 2017 and 2018. Grab samples and intact soil cores were taken during the vegetation period of the crop. After three years of experimental research, in which I participated, it is possible to assess the development of individual parameters and the influence of reduced tillage technology on near-surface soil layer. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the description of the reduced tillage technology and problematics of the determination of soil parameters, which are used for evaluation of the quality of the near-surface layer. The practical part deals with evaluation of these parameters according to various authors and describes the development of soil quality during years 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Vliv plazmatem aktivované vody na vybrané půdní vlastnosti u různých půdních typů
Voldán, Fabián
The diploma thesis ,,The effect of the application of plasma-activated water on se-lected soil properties in different soil types” researched the effect of the application of plasmatic activated water (PAW) on six different location. This diploma thesis researched soil conductivity and soil reaction. The samples were taken from thirteen locations in autumn 2020. In the year 2021 was done container experiment with application PAW and distilled water. One of the samples was inspecting sample without application PAW and distilled water. This experiment was repeated in the year 2022. The PAW was made from distilled water in DBD system with liquid electrode. Based on the results it follows that the application of PAW is addicted on the soil properties. Although the PAW was applicated in the high dose no significant changes which should result in the end of the use of PAW in agriculture or in other environmental sector.
Hodnocení aberace půdy vybraných katastrů okresu Třebíč
Nováček, Miroslav
This bachelor thesis focuses on farmland aberration, which is the change in soil properties over time, this change can be positive or negative. To determine the form of aberration, the results of soil analysis were compared with the results of a Comprehensive soil survey from 1965, in the cadastral area of the municipalities of Hartvíkovice and Popůvky in the Třebíč district. The compared values include mainly soil exchange reaction, grain size and humus content. Various soil degradation processes, including water and wind erosion, acidification, loss of organic matter and compaction, cause the negative aberration. After analysis, the results showed that for all the probes examined, positive aberration occurred with an increase in pH and humus content. There was a change in the grain composition of the soils and some soil horizons were shortened.
Indicators of ecosystem recovery after heavy disturbances
Hermová, Markéta ; Frouz, Jan (advisor) ; Hardekopf, David (referee)
Minerals mining have huge impacts on the coutrryside and fundamentally change its character. The restoration of the habitats can be done basically in two ways. The mine can be either abandoned and left to natural succession or recultivated. In order to decide how to proceed on actual site, we have to carefully consider all the surroundings and set the objective we want to reach. Naturally, we are not able to monitor all the characteristics present in given locality and their changes. Therefore it is highly convenient to use a set of indicators, which can cover majority of these characteristics and will sensitively respond to development of the whole ecosystem. I decided to use three types of indicators in this study. These are physiochemical environment, ecosystem production and diversity. Through these indicators I have analysed the restoration possibilities of degraded ecosystems in localities used for coal mining in former times. I have chosen coal because it is an important commodity in Czech Republic.
Effects of soil management on soil quality near Šardičky village
Schneiderová, Šárka ; Doležal, Petr (referee) ; Kameníčková, Ivana (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on influence of reduced tillage technology of soil processing on it´s near-surface soil layer (0 to 10 cm). The research was carried out on agricultural land near Šardičky village, where company ZEMO spol. s r.o. provides long-term use of reduced tillage technology. In 2016 the soil quality in this site was evaluated by using physical and hydrophysical parameters, results are presented in the previous bachelor thesis "Selected hydrophysical parameters as indicators of soil quality.". In diploma thesis in addition chemical and other hydrophysical properties have been evaluated to provide a comprehensive assessment of soil quality. In 2016, poppy seed was grown on this site and spring barley was grown in 2017 and 2018. Grab samples and intact soil cores were taken during the vegetation period of the crop. After three years of experimental research, in which I participated, it is possible to assess the development of individual parameters and the influence of reduced tillage technology on near-surface soil layer. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the description of the reduced tillage technology and problematics of the determination of soil parameters, which are used for evaluation of the quality of the near-surface layer. The practical part deals with evaluation of these parameters according to various authors and describes the development of soil quality during years 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Chemical Properties of Flue Gas Desulphurization Gypsums from Different Energy Sources
Kroulíková, S. ; Mercl, F. ; Száková, J. ; Perná, Ivana ; Tlustoš, P.
There were compared flue gas desulphurization gypsums (FGDGs) from four different power plants in the Czech Republic on chemical properties (pH, total content of nutrients and risk elements) and then was assessed their potential for utilization in agriculture as fertilizer without any risk to the environment. According to our results, the FGDGs represent an important possible source of sulphur (17.8 – 19.0 %) and calcium (23.0 – 30.2 %) for reduction of their deficit in the soil. However, contents of arsenic and of mercury in three of the tested FGDGs not fulfil the limit values for fertilizers. In the future, the remaining FGDG is thus necessary to evaluate for its fertilizing effects in model and field conditions.\n\n
Indicators of ecosystem recovery after heavy disturbances
Hermová, Markéta ; Hardekopf, David (referee) ; Frouz, Jan (advisor)
Minerals mining have huge impacts on the coutrryside and fundamentally change its character. The restoration of the habitats can be done basically in two ways. The mine can be either abandoned and left to natural succession or recultivated. In order to decide how to proceed on actual site, we have to carefully consider all the surroundings and set the objective we want to reach. Naturally, we are not able to monitor all the characteristics present in given locality and their changes. Therefore it is highly convenient to use a set of indicators, which can cover majority of these characteristics and will sensitively respond to development of the whole ecosystem. I decided to use three types of indicators in this study. These are physiochemical environment, ecosystem production and diversity. Through these indicators I have analysed the restoration possibilities of degraded ecosystems in localities used for coal mining in former times. I have chosen coal because it is an important commodity in Czech Republic.