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Komunikace vybrané destinace na sociální síti Instagram a její percepce mladší generací Y
Zemánková, Jolana
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of communication of tourism entities on the social network Instagram. Based on a questionnaire survey across genera-tion Y and its subsequent evaluation, as well as the compilation, implementation and evaluation of a quantitative content analysis of communication of three enti-ties promoting tourism in the city of Brno (@gotobrno, @ticbrno and @brnomycity) and in the final phase the addition of an interview with the creators of the content of the two selected accounts was achieved the goal of the work, namely to propose recommendations for the creation of content on this platform by tourism entities so as to achieve a higher perception of the younger generation Y.
Online komunikační strategie podniku v odvětví cestovního ruchu
Mašek, Vít
MAŠEK, V. Online communication strategy of a company in the tourism industry. Thesis. Brno: Mendel University Brno, 2020 The diploma thesis deals with the communication mix for sales support in the area of accommodation facilities abroad. Based on the questionnaire survey, the determinants of the dependence of individual factors that influence the decision-making process of a consumer when choosing accommodation were identified. The outcome of the thesis is a recommendation for an online communication stra-tegy for selected generations.
Rozvoj atraktivity cestovního ruchu v kraji Vysočina se zaměřením na generaci Z
Svobodová, Kristýna
Svobodová, K. Development of tourist attractiveness in the Vysočina Region with a focus on the Z generation. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel univerzity 2020. The bachelor thesis deals with the possibilities of development of attractions of the Vysočina Region and evaluates the current situation in the region. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts of tourism, destination ma-nagement, attractions and tourism organizations. Furthermore, it sorts and de-fines the individual generations and marketing. The analytical part describes the factors of development of the Vysočina Region, analysis the existing attractions in individual districts of the region, tourism organizations that operate in the region and the visitors of the region are characterized based on the questionnaire. The suggestional part of the thesis is created on the basis of information from the ana-lytical part. The aim of the work is to create a suggestion for improvement, that will make the Vysočina Region more attractive for the selected target segment and thus provide higher tourism in the region. A marketing design mix is created.
Distribuční strategie malého-středního vinařství
Mužík, Jaroslav
Internet shopping is getting more and more popular among Czech customers. Closing of brick-and-mortar shops caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has even fastened the trend. This bachelor´s thesis describes the development, current state and trends of most common marketing communications tools from the perspective of available distribution strategies of small and medium wineries A qualitative research of 192 small and medium wineries in the Czech Republic was carried out in order to map a real usage of distribution channels from the perspective of a potential customer entering the Internet market. The last part of the thesis deals with the hypothesis, introducing the results as well as recommendations how the enterprises can use their potential of internet channel communication to the fullest.
Influencer Marketing Focused on Women's Fitness
Vondráková, Lucie ; Voráček, Josef (advisor) ; Crossan, William Morea (referee)
Title: Influencer Marketing Focused on Women's Fitness Objective: The main aim of the bachelor's thesis is to find out the benefits of the Fitness Influencer Marketing for female customers. Method: For the practical part of this bachelor's thesis were used two types of questionnaires. The first type was a questionnaire with fitness influencer and the second method was questionnaire for the online fitness consumers. Overall, 130 consumers participated in this questionnaire, their age ranged between 18-60 years. One influencer was selected to participate in the second questionnaire. This selection was also limited by age, specifically her age had to be between 18-45 years. The entire research was focused on women from Czech Republic interested in online fitness and fitness influencers. Nevertheless, there were more positive aspects in this research. Results: The results show that the consumers are interested in fitness influencers marketing and online marketing because of three positive aspects such as the desire to improve physical condition, the motivation to do more sports, and to get an already compiled training. However, there are also negative aspects such as lack of control over the exercises, comparing oneself to others and drastic diets that can lead to eating disorders. There were more...
Social Networks of Retirement Home Residents
This bachelor thesis, which deals with the social networks of retirement home residents, consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is devoted to aging and related changes, health and social services for older adults with a focus on retirement homes, and social networks including social support. The practical part involves the research aimed at finding out what social networks the retirement home residents have. Two research questions were formulated based on the research aim: "What individuals are part of the social networks of retirement home residents?" and "How do retirement home residents maintain their social contacts?". A qualitative research strategy, a survey method, and a technique of semi-structured interview were chosen to carry out the practical part. Interviews were conducted with residents and caregivers in the selected retirement home. The results of the research highlight, among other things, the key role of older adults' social networks in fulfilling their psychosocial needs, providing help and support, and indicate an impact on their psyche. They emphasize that personal contact with their loved ones is irreplaceable for retirement home residents. The thesis will be provided to the facility where the research was conducted to serve as an informational resource on the social networks of its clients and provide suggestions for optimization in this area. It could also serve similar facilities as inspiration for supporting their clients in social interactions.
Social nets
Matušek, Jakub ; Gajdošík, Andreas (referee) ; Gabriel, Michal (advisor)
In his work, Jakub Matušek devotes himself to the rendering of invisible information connected between people. Using 3D printing, he creates a "network" composed of a large number of figures. And that network not only as a figurative name, but as a fabric in which something can be wrapped, covered, or something can be captured or filtered with its help. By the term information network, the author understands both a network formed by digital media, even social networks, but also a network formed by interpersonal relationships. He perceives it as gray matter.
Social Network Analysis and Simulations
Vorlová, Pavla ; Král, Jiří (referee) ; Samek, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focusing on description of processing social network analysis, design and implementation of a model that simulates a particular social network and its analysis. Social networks are modern and very used in this time. They are very good point for exploring. This project deal with static analysis social network, where social network is constructed by graph. We nd out di erent properties of single component and than we establish signi cance of them. Relationships between components are important too for us, because they have a big influence on propagation information in network. Structural properties figure out existence of di fferent communities. We simulate social network with multi-agent systems, they are desirable for represent changes in network. Multi-agent systems have implemented a simulation model that represents a particular social network. His behaviour was analyzed and examinated by chosen methods.
Multi-Agent Systems for Social Network Modelling
Lelkes, Gábor ; Král, Jiří (referee) ; Samek, Jan (advisor)
This thesis introduces the reader to topics of social networks and multi-agent systems. It's goal is to describe design and implementation of a functional model of social network as a multi-agent system built on Jason framework, and, in the end evaluate this effort.
Marketing Strategy Proposal for a High-tech Company
Drgonec, Igor ; Rympler, Petr (referee) ; Chalupský, Vladimír (advisor)
Diploma’s thesis presents usage of marketing and subcategory online marketing to create basic steps or tutorial to start and to rise popularity of mobile applications developed by Programatori s.r.o. and publicity of company as well. In this thesis will be used especially tools of online marketing like social networks, and SEO optimization. These tools will be used during whole life cycle of mobile application.

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