Anglicism in the Discourse of Lifestyle Influencers
Pospíšilová, Alžběta ; Sojka, Pavel (advisor) ; Vlčková, Jana (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on anglicisms in the discourse of Czech lifestyle influencers. It is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes how English language and culture has affected Czech language. It also unveils the phonological, grammatical and word-forming adaptation principles. Finally, it defines the community of online content creators and the lifestyle category. The practical part analyses the collected anglicisms. The main focus is on the used adaptation principles. All of the lexical material has been extracted from recent (i.e. 2023, 2024) YouTube and TikTok posts. A dictionary with every collected anglicism is also included in this thesis.
Social Networks of Retirement Home Residents
This bachelor thesis, which deals with the social networks of retirement home residents, consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is devoted to aging and related changes, health and social services for older adults with a focus on retirement homes, and social networks including social support. The practical part involves the research aimed at finding out what social networks the retirement home residents have. Two research questions were formulated based on the research aim: "What individuals are part of the social networks of retirement home residents?" and "How do retirement home residents maintain their social contacts?". A qualitative research strategy, a survey method, and a technique of semi-structured interview were chosen to carry out the practical part. Interviews were conducted with residents and caregivers in the selected retirement home. The results of the research highlight, among other things, the key role of older adults' social networks in fulfilling their psychosocial needs, providing help and support, and indicate an impact on their psyche. They emphasize that personal contact with their loved ones is irreplaceable for retirement home residents. The thesis will be provided to the facility where the research was conducted to serve as an informational resource on the social networks of its clients and provide suggestions for optimization in this area. It could also serve similar facilities as inspiration for supporting their clients in social interactions.
Social Network Analysis and Simulations
Vorlová, Pavla ; Král, Jiří (referee) ; Samek, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focusing on description of processing social network analysis, design and implementation of a model that simulates a particular social network and its analysis. Social networks are modern and very used in this time. They are very good point for exploring. This project deal with static analysis social network, where social network is constructed by graph. We nd out di erent properties of single component and than we establish signi cance of them. Relationships between components are important too for us, because they have a big influence on propagation information in network. Structural properties figure out existence of di fferent communities. We simulate social network with multi-agent systems, they are desirable for represent changes in network. Multi-agent systems have implemented a simulation model that represents a particular social network. His behaviour was analyzed and examinated by chosen methods.
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Marketing Communication of a New Social Network
Stibůrek, Ondřej ; Stráníková, Martina (referee) ; Navrátilová, Ludmila (advisor)
The theme of this work is to evaluate the best low-cost advertising and marketing methods and suggest which method is best to spread awareness about the new social network. Together with developing this work a www.pudeto.com website will be launched and optimized. I am going to apply these methods on this site. Evaluation of these methods will be done by using the ratio of advertising media and their conversion in users to a Web site or page views. This paper does not contain the data resulting from these procedures but only a proposals for solutions.
Management System for Sports Teams
Nowak, Jakub ; Kajan, Michal (referee) ; Korček, Pavol (advisor)
The thesis is focused on problematic of sports team management. It analyzes sports team‘s needs and requirements for a system, which could help them to organize their team activities and issues. Thesis includes an implementation of such system and its marketing strategy for future development purposes. Whole system is built on a web application basis using PHP programming language and relational database server MariaDB. System is available online for public use. It is monitored continuously and its expansion and development is based on feedbacks from its users.
Methods of Social Network Analysis for Data Mining
Machulka, Tomáš ; Rozman, Jaroslav (referee) ; Samek, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes some of many methods for social network analysis. There is also a description of the data visualization. The thesis contains description of implementation of aplication for social network analysis using several methods. Output of analysis is confronted with output of other software for social network analysis.
Web Collaboration Platform for Activists
Kabelka, Jiří ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is creating a web collaboration platform for connecting ecologically oriented activists containing tools for finding suitable collaborants and subsequent project management. The platform is built using the Model-view-controller architectural pattern. The platform is using the PHP Framework Laravel for server side communication and a MySQL database for data storage. The platform user interface is built using the CSS library Bootstrap, Blade templating engine, Sass compiled using the webpack module bundler and native Javascript with jQuery library.
Marketing in Service-oriented Companies
Matochová, Jolana ; Bílek, Jaroslav (referee) ; Chalupský, Vladimír (advisor)
In my final project I decided to attend to the company Veletrhy Brno, a. s., which product, thus fairs, I investigate as a marketing tool. I performed a comparison with other instruments and analyzed the arguments of the company by exhibitors. I realized therefore a marketing research, where I was finding the reception of fairs in terms of exhibitors at exhibition PRODÍTĚ 2011. After the gathering, analyzing and processing all the information I have reached some conclusions and formulation of proposals of marketing strategy with which my graduate work will introduce you.
Influence of social networks on communication and culture
Havlíček, Lukáš ; Krhutová, Milena (referee) ; Sedláček, Pavel (advisor)
Má bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problematiku sociálních sítí a jejich vliv na dnešní společnost. Zabývá se jejich historií od prvotních pokusů až po nejnovější globální sociání sítě. Poté práce vysvětluje základní myšlenku vedoucí k vytvoření sociálních sítí i jejich charakteristické znaky. Dále nastiňuje problémy související se snadnou dostupností a nadměrným využíváním sociálních sítí, které následně ovlivňuje lidskou společnost. Práce se věnuje vlivu sociálních sítí na jazyk, mezilidskou komunikaci a kulturní adaptaci.