Integration of Grid-Forming and Grid-Following inverters into the grid
Sýkora, Jan ; Klusáček, Jan (referee) ; Radil, Lukáš (advisor)
The thesis deals with the integration of Grid-Forming and Grid-Following generation plants into the grid. The key parts of this thesis are the assessment of the current state and development of the resource base of the Czech Republic, a critical study of the limiting share of resources lacking natural inertia for maintaining stable and safe operation of the grid and the definition of the nature of inverter resources in "Grid-Forming" and "Grid-Following" modes. The main contribution of the work is the development of models of "Grid-Forming" and "Grid-Following" inverters in order to verify the capability of operation in grid-on mode and their response to disturbances in the system.
Alternative Energy Sources and Their Integration into the Concept of Smart Grids
Kopička, Marek ; Procházka, Jiří (referee) ; Baxant, Petr (advisor)
This work deals mainly with electrical energy. In the first part is focused on alternative energy sources, and describes structure of consumption and production of electricity over the past few years, during which is focuses on renewable energy sources. In this context, assesses the conditions for alternative energy sources in the Czech Republic from the perspective of the legislative, as well as current status and potential of alternative energy sources and tries to predict the development of these issues. The next section describes the Smart Grids as a means to achieve these goals. There are presented the basic features of this system, its goals and challenges, a description of the integration of Smart Grids with other sources of electricity and the benefits of using Smart Grids both from the perspective of user and from the perspective of system. Other parts are focused on distributed control systems in the energy sector, its development and principle. The last part is devoted to consideration of the role of alternative energy sources and distributed generation in Smart Grids.
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Proposal of measures in the low voltage network for the implementation of renewable sources and electromobility according to scenarios NAP SG
Vojtěch, Jan ; Kučera, Michal (referee) ; Ptáček, Michal (advisor)
The thesis analyzes legislative and strategic documents of the European Union and the Czech Republic which set targets in environment and energy area in 2030, alternatively in 2040. The individual chapter is dedicated to national action plans, where the most important is National Action Plan for Smart Grids setting specific requirements for future development of smart grids. The thesis contains analysis of distribution network in the municipality of Následovice and simplifying assumptions for the implementation of calculation. There are also introduced scenarios which have been used for the calculation of the distribution network with its results. Potential defects of the distribution network are commented with suggested solutions. The calculations were repeated to verify the solutions. Results are recapitulated in an individual chapter. Graphical outputs of the calculations can be found in the attachement.
Options of network operation with distributed generation sources in island operation
Mareček, Tomáš ; Drápela, Jiří (referee) ; Kopička, Marek (advisor)
This diploma thesis presents managing of the island mode using distributed generation. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the power system of the Czech Republic is described, together with its future development, and future development of installed capacity of distributed generation. Types of distributed generation are also mentioned. Next part of this work is focused on technological parts of islanding operation and its requirements. The following part describes components of the smart grids and mentions some of its functionalities. The practical part of the thesis describes the created models of components in PSCAD programme. From those components two slightly different grid models are created. On those grid models, simulations are made, during which island mode is created. Some of the grid functionalities are tested during those simulations, for example; reaction of the island mode for load increase, load decrease and others.
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Data network for smart grid energy
Durkoš, Michal ; Šimek, Milan (referee) ; Mišurec, Jiří (advisor)
Electric grid as we now it has been without significant change for a long time. Along with the human population grows demand for electricity, which leads to need to create more energy. Bigger interest is in ecology and use of renewable sources, although these do not have constant output which often stresses the grid. These problems are to be solved by smart grids. Smart grids are capable of adjusting energy generation to immediate demand including renewable sources to compensate energy fluctuations in grid. They provide demand response and other applications interesting for end users. Smart grids are combination of achievements in energy, informatics and communication technology. Communication, which is key part of smart grids, has to met certain requirements and can be executed by various technologies. There are described various communication technologies and a design concept of data communication in this paper.
Data Concentrator for Smart Grids
Franek, Lešek ; Beneš, Bedřich (referee) ; Kučera, Pavel (advisor)
The goal is to design data concentrator for Smart Grids. Data Concentrator provides the interface between the server systems of distribution companies and end devices, which are electricity meters, water meters, gas meters and other equipment. There are hardware and software design solutions and there is also discussed creating its own distribution of Linux.
Zero-Cross Detection for Time Synchronization in the Environment of PLC Communication
Šťastný, Ladislav ; Steinbauer, Miloslav (referee) ; Vozňák, Miroslav (referee) ; Fiedler, Petr (advisor)
The doctoral thesis proposes a synchronization event detection method suitable for establishing a common time base across devices using power-line communication. The technique facilitates the creation of a synchronization procedure for smart grid terminal devices, thus bringing to the low-voltage segment new functionalities already known from the higher voltage levels of the distribution network. High-precision, zero-cross line voltage detection was employed as the synchronization event. The use of the PLL (phase-locked loop) was considered and analyzed as a potentially applicable option; however, such a solution proved to be insufficiently robust against interference. Further, an FFT-based approach was designed and reviewed. The technique performs zero-cross detection, but only for the fundamental harmonic component that remains the same across the entire network. The influence of incoherent sampling on the FFT, too, was tested during the development of the method; in this context, coherent sampling was found to constitute an essential prerequisite for accurate detection as it allows us to eliminate the spectral leakage error. The impact of an AD converter on the detection accuracy was also evaluated. The proposed approach ensures the accuracy required for all common measurements and operations to improve the production, distribution, and consumption of electricity through smart grids.
Super Grids Conception
Chodura, Przemysław ; Prokop, Václav (referee) ; Paar, Martin (advisor)
Cílem bakalářské práce “Super Grids Conception” je poskytnout komplexní náhled na problematiku Super Gridů ve smyslu pozadí, konceptu jako takového, dostupných technologií, dosavadních zkušeností a budoucího vývoje, možných zdrojů elektrické energie a konkrétních konceptů a studií. V úvodu jsou osvětleny důvody vedoucí k potřebě elektrických sítí nové generace – celosvětové snahy snižovat dopad výroby elektrické energie na životní prostředí, rostoucí poptávka po elektrické energii a potřeba integrovat obnovitelné zdroje energie. Možné zdroje elektrické energie jsou diskutovány jak v širším kontextu, tak i ve smyslu současných omezení a budoucího vývoje. V druhé části jsou popsány koncepty Smart Gridu, Super Gridu a SuperSmart Gridu s důrazem na přínosy, základní principy a systémové hledisko. Autor se dále zabývá jen koncepcí Super Gridu. Použití stejnosměrných (HVDC) a střídavých (HVAC) technologií je porovnáno z technického i ekonomického hlediska a z něj vycházející typické použití těchto technologií. Dále je podrobně popsána nejlepší dostupná technologie HVDC systémů – základní principy a konfigurace, popis jednotlivých částí, omezení současných technologií, dosavadní zkušenosti a možný prostor pro další vývoj. Následuje zmínka nových výzev oblasti HVAC technologií ve vztahu k Super Gridům a popis problémů souvisejících s hybridními AC/DC linkami a koridory. V poslední části jsou vysvětleny rozdíly v historickém vývoji a současných postojích v různých částech světa. Zároveň jsou představeny koncepce zvažovaných Super Gridů. Zvláštní prostor je poskytnut vizionářské koncepci vytvořené DESERTEC Foundation a technickoekonomické studii OffshoreGrid.