National Repository of Grey Literature 70 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Relationship between the ratio of flexor and extensor forces and handstand stability in young gymnasts
Szabó, Daniel ; Malíř, Roman (advisor) ; Černá, Jana (referee)
Title: Relationship between the ratio of shoulder flexor and extensor forces and handstand stability in young gymnasts Objectives: The aim of this study is to test the relationship between the ratio of shoulder joint flexor and extensor forces and shoulder joint stability in young sports gymnasts. Methods: This study investigated the relationship between shoulder flexor-extensor strength ratio and handstand stability in young competitive gymnasts. The research design is a cross- sectional study where all participants (N = 11, age 15-30 years) were tested only once without experimental intervention. Postural stability testing using a Footscan pressure plate that monitored the movement of the centre of gravity in handstand. Measurement of isometric strength of the shoulder joint flexors and extensors was performed using the VALD Performance ForceFrame. Testing was performed in the supine position, where participants pushed into the pad with maximal force. Data were then analyzed using the statistical programming language R to create variables for average flexor and extensor strength, and the relationship between these variables and handstand stability was examined using Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results: The results of the study describe that there is a negative and statistically...
Usage of Kinesiotherapy as compensatory excercise in aikido
In this bachelor thesis I investigated the prevalence of injuries and musculoskeletal disorders in adult aikidokas and the possibility of their influence by means of compensatory exercises. In the theoretical part of the thesis, chapters were devoted to the history and description of aikido, a general overview of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries, including an introduction to the subject for the combat martial arts and aikido. The last chapter briefly discusses compensatory exercise. Methods describes the two research sets, the questionnaire development and evaluation methodology, and the examinations used in the case studies. The practical part is a mixed research, which consists of a quantitative part - evaluation of the questionnaire, development of the compensatory exercise and a qualitative part - development of the case studies. The first aim of the work was to find out on the basis of the questionnaire what injuries or pathological disorders aikidists encounter most often. I have already partially answered this question in the theoretical part in the chapter on injuries and musculoskeletal disorders. The results of the questionnaire were almost identical to the results of the studies mentioned in the theoretical part. Based on the results of the questionnaire, I created a compensation exercise, which was the second aim of the thesis. And the third aim was to verify the functionality of these compensatory exercises, this was done in the qualitative part, where I prepared a total of three case studies of aikidists who were selected exercises from the compensatory exercises based on the results of the questionnaire. After the practical part of the research, the results of the input and output kinesiological analyses were compared. Using the outputs from the practical and theoretical part, I answered the research questions in the discussion. Finally, I summarized the objectives of this thesis and their fulfillment.
Možnosti fyzioterapie u pacientů s instabilitou ramenního kloubu
BOČKOVÁ, Markéta
This bachelor thesis deals with the problem of instability of the shoulder joint and the possibilities of its physiotherapy. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The first aim of the thesis is to present the possibilities of physiotherapy for patients with instability of the shoulder joint. The second aim is to present therapeutic procedures for specific patients with shoulder joint instability using case studies. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the anatomy and kinesiology of the brachial plexus, followed by the characteristics and classification of instabilities. The theory is complemented by clinical examinations of the shoulder joint. The practical part of the study is a qualitative research, which is described in the form of case studies. At the beginning of the thesis I focus on the possibilities of physiotherapy of the given problem. Therapies that were used aimed at stabilization of the shoulder joint and strengthening of the brachial plexus muscles. The research consists of three probands, women aged 20-40 years with chronic pain in the shoulder joint area with concomitant instability due to degenerative changes. An initial kinesiological analysis was performed, based on which a short-term and long-term rehabilitation plan was drawn up and therapy was prescribed. A gradual increase in range of motion with concomitant increase in muscle strength was observed in all probands during therapy. In two of the three patients, pain in the shoulder joint area was also relieved. The results of the case studies were summarized in the conclusion of the bachelor thesis. The thesis can serve physiotherapists in practice as inspiration for therapeutic procedures.
Results evaluation of reverse shoulder arthroplasty during physiotherapeutic intervention
Roztočilová, Dominika ; Fulín, Petr (advisor) ; Plecháčová, Marie (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Author: Dominika Roztočilová Supervisor: doc. MUDr. Petr Fulín, Ph.D., MBA Consultant: Ing. Milan Šebek Title: Results evaluation of reverse shoulder arthroplasty during physiotherapeutic intervention Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of reverse shoulder arthroplasties and functional outcomes of the shoulder joint after the implantation. The aim of this thesis is to apply described physiotherapeutic approach to a selected group of patients and to evaluate the outcomes of shoulder joint function at given intervals during the postoperative physiotherapeutic intervention. The aim of the thesis is also to analyse current studies about this topic, compare the results and compare the effectiveness of different physiotherapeutic approaches. The theoretical part summarizes knowledge about the anatomy, kinesiology of the shoulder girdle and biomechanics of the shoulder joint. It also discusses shoulder replacements, especially the reverse implants. Furthremore, principles of physiotherapeutic postoperative intervention are described and physiotherapeutic approaches are outlined. The practical part of the thesis is procesed in the form of a research. It includes 8 patients who underwent implantation of a reverse arthroplasty and subsequent physiotherapeutic intervention. For...
Case study of physiotherapeutic care of a polytraumatic patient
Pochyba, Štefan ; Homonická Pyšková, Barbora (advisor) ; Nováková, Tereza (referee)
vi Abstract Author: Bc. Štefan Pochyba Head of the thesis: Mgr. Barbora Homonická Pyšková Title of the thesis: Case study of physiotherapeutic care of a polytraumatic patient The aim of the thesis: The aim of this work was the processing of theoretical and therapeutic knowledge about the diagnosis of polytrauma andthe creationof a case report of physiotherapycare for a patient with this diagnosis,with the processingof the results. Methods: The theoretical part deals with the diagnosis of a polytrauma patient, defines terms important for understandingthe issue of this diagnosis, and deals in detail with the possibilities of medical care andrehabilitation.The special part is createdby a case study of a patient with a diagnosis of polytrauma, processing and evaluating the data found. Results: The compiled rehabilitation plan described in the special section helped the patient to improve his condition. Keywords: polytrauma,fracture,proximal humerus fracture, patient rehabilitationafter polytrauma, shoulder joint, case study
Determining the range of human joints motion using accelerometer data
Toláš, Štěpán ; Sekora, Jiří (referee) ; Kolářová, Jana (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is focused on determining the range of human joints motion using accelerometeter data. The theoretical part first describes the basic kinesiology of human joints. This part is followed by chapters which contain the basic information about accelerometers and describes how obtain measurements using these sensors. The last chapter is focused on the design of an algorithm for calculation the range, velocity and path of motion written in Matlab programming environment.
Examination of structures and functions of the shoulder joint in swimmers.
Lenčéšová, Eliška ; Kučerová, Klára (advisor) ; Rampová, Michaela (referee)
Swimming is considered one of the most suitable physical activities. Almost all muscle groups are involved in this sport. The aquatic environment in which this sport is performed eliminates the static load that is present in other sports. This is one of the many reasons why this sport is considered an ideal physical activity for people of all age groups. Shoulder injuries and pain are the most common problems swimmers experience. This occurs because of the nature of the movement that is performed during swimming. It involves repetitive movement of the upper limbs, the great effort required to overcome the resistance of the water and the attempt to generate as much speed as possible. These, and many more, are the reasons why the highest number of injuries occur at this location. Most of the force that is generated to move forward is provided by the upper limbs. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to compare shoulder examination using clinical tests, which are available to all examiners, with ultrasound examination. Six subjects were examined, 3 males and 3 females. All probands are currently involved in competitive swimming or have been involved in the past and are currently practicing the sport at least 4 times a week. The probands involved in this work reported one shoulder with present pain...
A relationship between lateral symmetry of the shoulder joints during modified handstand execution and the Upper Quaretr Y Balance Test
Havelka, Ondřej ; Malíř, Roman (advisor) ; Chrudimský, Jan (referee)
Title: Relationship between lateral symmetry of the shoulder girdle in modified handstand position and Upper Quarter Y Balance Test Objectives: The aim of this study is to test the relationship between the lateral symmetry of the shoulder girdle in the modified handstand position and the score in the Upper Quarter Y Balance Test. Methods: This empirical research investigated the connection between the lateral symmetry of the shoulder girdle in a modified handstand position and the Upper Quarter Y Balance Test (UQYBT) score. Shoulder stability was assessed using the UQYBT score and categorized as shoulder with higher score (P, L, S). The quality of the handstand was evaluated by examining marker displacement relative to the baseline on the y-axis, resulting in higher marker position (P, L, S) and x-axis relative to the line segment, resulting in farther marker position (P, L, S). The relationship between these variables was analyzed using the Goodman- Kruskal λ association test, which measures the strength of association between two categorical variables (UQYBT and higher shoulder (P/L/S), and UQYBT and farther shoulder (P/L/S). The λ coefficient, ranging from 0 to 1, was used to interpret the relationship. Results: The results showed a minimal and statistically insignificant relationship between...
Case Study of physiotherapeutic care of a polytraumatic patient diagnosed with proximal humerus fracture
Lichnovská, Bára ; Neuwirthová, Svatava (advisor) ; Nový, Filip (referee)
Author: Bára Lichnovská Title: Case study of physiotherapeutic care of a polytraumatic patient diagnosed with proximal humerus fracture Head of the thesis: Mgr. Svatava Neuwirthová Aim: The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to outline the possibilities of physiotherapeutic care of a patient with polytrauma, whose main limitations result from the consequences of multiple fractures such as HKK and DKK. Introduction to the problem of fractures - classification, solution of the case study of physiotherapeutic care of a patient with a diagnosis of proximal humerus fracture. Methods: The theoretical part of the thesis is prepared in the form of a literature search. The knowledge of anatomy, kinesiology of the shoulder joint area, humerus is mentioned. It also describes the types of fractures and their division, treatment options - invasive or non- invasive, the course of bone healing and the procedure of subsequent rehabilitation after fractures. The special part includes a complete case report of the patient, initial kinesiological analysis, record of therapeutic units completed by the patient and then the output kinesiological analysis. In the final part I discuss the evaluation of the overall effect of the therapy. Keywords: case study, physiotherapy, brachial plexus, shoulder joint, humerus,...
The difference in range of motion between dominant and non-dominant upper extremity of female volleyball players
Štěpánová, Anna ; Vorálek, Rostislav (advisor) ; Petružela, Jan (referee)
Title: The difference in range of motion between dominant and non-dominant upper extremity of female volleyball players. Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare the shoulder range of motion of dominant and non-dominant upper extremity of female volleyball players. The work should inform about the extent of muscle dysbalancies caused by asymetric loading. Methods: The study is qualitative and all the data will be obtained by measurements. For measuring i will utilise hypermobility tests by Janda as a foundation but mainly the goniometry. The data were proseded with respect to studied literature dealing with this topic. Results: Evaluation of range of motion and coparison with the physiology. Key words: volleyball, range of motion, mobility, shoulder joint, goniometry

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