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Optimalizace financování dlouhodobého majetku v podniku
Lacinová, Veronika
Lacinová, V. Optimization of Fixed Assets Financing in company. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2021. Bachelor's thesis deals with financing possibilities when acquisition of lathe in ENELEX spol. s. r. o. Three methods of financing are compared at work, i.e. self-financing, loan and financial leasing with the company. Furthermore, the tax impli-cations for all forms of financing and the impact on the financial situation of the company in the form of financial leasing are evaluated.
Financing of Business Activities
Špaček, Michal ; Karas, Michal (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the selection of optimal financing of long-term fixed assets. The theoretical part describes the options of financing and analysis used to evaluate the actual situation of the selected company in the practical part are individual analyzes, which are performed and serve as a basis for the final part, where the most suitable method will be selected.
Financing of Business Activities
Zelinková, Kateřina ; Dostálová, Hana (referee) ; Heralecký, Tomáš (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis deals with a suitable form of financing business. Specifically financing of extension storage place in the company. Therefore analyzes thepossibilities of financing the investment and emphasizes the optimal choice of a particular company.
Leasing as one of the forms of financing business activities
This bachelor thesis is about Leasing as one of the forms of financing business activities. The aim of the thesis is to explain leasing as a financing source, to analyse its advantages and disadvantages and the use of leasing in a selected company. In the theoretical part, forms of financing, tangible fixed assets and leasing are de-scribed. The practical part presents a financial analysis of the company Pro Sand Engi-neering LLC which deals with the production of machines for stone, sand and cements processing. The data are obtained from the website Futhermore, the work focuses on financing of fixed assets in this company and their experience with leasing. Finally, leasing with loan financing and self-financing are compared on a business plan. The best form of financing is the method with the lowest value of total cost.
Financing of Business Activities
Špaček, Michal ; Karas, Michal (referee) ; Ptáček, Roman (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the selection of optimal financing of long-term fixed assets. The theoretical part describes the options of financing and analysis used to evaluate the actual situation of the selected company in the practical part are individual analyzes, which are performed and serve as a basis for the final part, where the most suitable method will be selected.
Benefits and importance of financial resources of social entrepreneurship for nonprofit organizations
Fialová, Dagmar ; Dohnalová, Marie (advisor) ; Šloufová, Romana (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused on the contribution and importance of financial resources of social entrepreneurship for nonprofit organizations. The main goal is to analyze the evolution of nonprofit organization's funding from Czech public funds and to identify benefits and importance of financial resources of social entrepreneurship for nonprofit organizations. The theoretical part brings description of financial resources for nonprofit organizations and explanation of social entrepreneurship concept and social enterprise definition. The research of diploma thesis brings the analysis of evolution of nonprofit organization's funding from Czech public funds from 1999 to 2009 and the identification of benefits, importance and share of financial resources of social entrepreneurship in specific nonprofit organization - Domov Sue Ryder, o.p.s. The identification of benefits and importance of financial resources of social entrepreneurship is based on the analysis of evolution of sources, costs and own revenues (sources) from 2001 to 2010 in selected nonprofit organization. The output of this diploma thesis is the evaluation of benefits and importance of financial resources of social entrepreneurship for nonprofit organizations.
Financing of Business Activities
Zelinková, Kateřina ; Dostálová, Hana (referee) ; Heralecký, Tomáš (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis deals with a suitable form of financing business. Specifically financing of extension storage place in the company. Therefore analyzes thepossibilities of financing the investment and emphasizes the optimal choice of a particular company.
Financing of NGOs in Social Services with Focus on Self-financing
Hronová, Markéta ; Boukal, Petr (advisor) ; Vávrová, Hana (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the system of financing of NGOs in social services and to develop their self-financing possibilities, including the practical application of the theoretical basis for the specific NGO. The theoretical part deals with the definition of social services, the Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services, legal forms of social services providers, and especially main sources of financing of NGOs in social services with a focus on how these might be self-financing. Practical part includes an analysis of the financing of the civic association OPORA including evaluation and selection of appropriate possibilities of its self-financing.
Analysis of the resource self-sufficiency of NGOs in culture
Svobodová, Lucie ; Boukal, Petr (advisor) ; Vávrová, Hana (referee)
The Master's Thesis focuses on resource self-sufficiency analysis of four chosen NGOs in culture. Those are theatres Činoherní klub, Semafor, Archa and Dejvické divadlo. All of the organizations underwent the Prague theatre transformation process and became the Public Service Companies. The Thesis investigates, whether the change into to private subject and the rising independence have led also to the increase of resource self-sufficiency and extension of financial resource portfolio. For this purpose the financial statements of the theatres were analysed. The resource self-sufficiency index was put in the context of other financial analysis indices. The Thesis has shown, that although the theatres use at least four financial resources, they are highly dependent on incomes from provided public services and especially on subsidies from the public budgets. The NGOs should improve their level of business activities and fundraising. The resource self-sufficiency of analysed theatres is between 35 and 52 %. While in three cases the self-sufficiency has been increasing, in the last case it has been decreasing continuously.
Financial analysis of the company Linet, s. r. o.
Kováčik, Róbert ; Mikan, Pavel (advisor) ; Klečka, Jiří (referee)
The theoretical part of this thesis covers the term financial analysis, it's use, description of basic financial statements and later depicts the methods of analysis used in the analytical part. The analytical part will contain a brief introduction of the company along with a summary of important facts from history. The analysis itself will start with horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet and profit and loss statement. Following that will be the use of main groups of ratio indicators: profitability, which will include pyramidal decomposition of return on equity, liquidity, including pyramidal decomposition of L3, indebtedness and analysis of working capital. Next part will contain calculation of EVA using the "meccano" model for determing the cost of equity. After applying bankruptcy models ZETA score and index IN95 the practical part concludes with a comparison of the company's results to the whole industry. The obseved period begins on 1. April 2005 and ends on 31. March 2010.

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