Strategická analýza vybrané municipality - spolková země Dolní Rakousko
Vyletělová, Pavla
Thesis on Strategic Analysis of selected municipality is engaged in processing strategic analysis of the selected region in Austria by the Federal State of Lower Austria. At the beginning, the literature search, which theoretically defines the processing work. The practical part is characterized by selected area and an analysis of the region which maps the basic information and current developments. Based on the information compiled SWOT analysis, followed by the proposed strategic plan including an action plan for development of the area. In conclusion, it is an assessment and recommendations on the possible development of territorial development.
Socioekonomický potenciál okresu Znojmo
Melichová, Tereza
The bachelor thesis focuses on the socio-economic analysis of the Znojmo district. The aim of the thesis is to assess the current situation in the Znojmo district and propose possible recommendations for improving the situation and future development. The data were primarily obtained from the Czech Statistical Office and processed in the form of graphs, tables, and cartograms. Based on the conducted analysis, it was found that the problematic areas of the Znojmo district include transportation accessibility and the labor market situation. Poor transportation services are evident in particular in the peripheral areas of the district. It is a district with a higher unemployment rate, where the main reason is the seasonality of the labor market. On the contrary, a good potential for development here is tourism, because of historical monuments, diverse nature, vineyards, and winemaking tradition.
Rozvoj obcí v působnosti Místní akční skupiny mikroregionu Buchlov
Pokorná, Kateřina
The bachelor thesis is focused on preparation of documentation for creation of the Strategy of LAG Buchlov for the upcoming period. The development of each of the municipalities of the LAG Buchlov through selected indicators is monitored in the practical part of the thesis. Indicators are divided similarly as the concept of sustainable development. Indicators are divided to economic, environmental and social and they are monitored in the span of 10 years. The results are used for the construction of the composite indicator of 2008 and 2018. In the first monitored year, the municipality of Modrá took the first place. On the contrary, in the last monitored year was the first place taken by municipality of Hostějov.
Ekonomická analýza Jihomoravského kraje a zhodnocení podmínek pro podnikání
Kučera, David
The aim of this study is analysis of conditions for business in the South Moravian Region. Thesis is focused on comparing indicators of economic development of the South Moravian Region from the view of selected indicators -- gross domestic product, unemployment and export. The analysis of specialization and concentration is made. The results of the analysis from the South Moravian Re-gion are compared with an average in the Czech Republic. The model for as-sessment of business conditions is proposed. On the basis of that model Vyskov region is classified as the best area supporting business within the framework of the South Moravian Region.
Vliv lokalizace firmy na rozvoj regionu - případová studie Pivovarů Budějovický Budvar, n. p. a Dudák - Měšťanský pivovar Strakonice, a. s.
Pokorný, Aleš
Brewing is a significant and stabilized branch of the food industry. The main aim of the diploma thesis is to provide the evaluation of the economic situation of breweries Budějovický Budvar, n. p., and Dudák – Měšťanský pivovar Strakonice, a. s. The theoretical part deals with the fundamental terms used in regional development, brewing and malting industry. There is a description of the factors that affect the economic level of a region, mostly the demographic situation, the localization of companies and intra-regional relations, such as the intensity of relations between companies, and the level of cooperation between the suppliers and customers. The analysis of brewing and malting industry is focused on the beer production, the quality and the range of products, export, and the market requirements. The financial analysis provides important information concerning the economic situation of both breweries. The results of the horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet serve as an initial overview of the breweries’ economic activities. The economic analysis of costs and revenues is used for the comparison of both breweries in this area. On the basis of partial results from the analysis of brewing and malting industry, of economic and financial analysis and of SWOT analysis, the influence of localization of breweries on the development of the region is assessed.
Role agroturistických farem v rozvoji území Mikroregion Ždánický les a Politaví
Bukáčková, Adéla
This bachelor thesis deals with the roles of chosen agrotourism farms in the Ždánický forest and Politaví microregion. The main topic pursues the options of tourism, mainly agrotourism and regional development within this area, the chosen farms are defined, the microregion is analyzed and the relationship between the farms and the microregion is evaluated to find future options of development and collaboration. The used methods were analysis of the existing information and interviews with locals. The main goal of this thesis is the analysis and proposition of some actions that may help to develop the farms and the microregion. The potential of the farms is not used well at the moment, but it can be really usefull for the future development of the area, if used correctly, for example with better advertising or more collaborations with local and regional groups.
Identifikace teritoriálního kapitálu SO ORP Hranice v kontextu tvorby Strategie regionálního rozvoje pro období 2014-2020
Václavík, Tomáš
The main aim of this thesis is identification of territorial capital in Hranice district while preparing the strategy of regional development. Literature review examines approaches for territorial capital identification and its forms used by foreign authors. The main contribution of this paper is the practical part in which is identified and analysed available capital in the Hranicko region. From results comes up extended SWOT analysis of the area processed to SWOT matrix. Gathered information was used to creation of regional development strategy draft. In that strategy are set out three main priorities, amplifying in procuration and individual activities leading to fulfilment of the priorities.
Methodology for increasing the capacity of local actors for sustainable development of the region
Dlouhá, Jana ; Pospíšilová, Marie ; Petiška, Eduard ; Dlouhý, Jiří ; Macháčková Henderson, Laura
An analysis of the needs of rural and small communities in terms of sustainability shows that the preconditions for initiating change are, among others, in the social sphere: these include social capital (trust, developed relationships between actors, joint activities) and education appropriate to the conditions of the region (shaping local identity). The Methodology proposes how relationships and cooperation in a given place can be shaped and subsequently used to improve the quality of life in all its dimensions - social, environmental and economic. It shows practices for shaping local culture and lifestyle, presents the experience of the Movement for Change, recapitulates the principles of social entrepreneurship, and refers to existing forms of cooperation in community projects. It shows that opportunities for education, especially based on locally embedded learning, are lacking so that a shared understanding of sustainability principles in the regions to ensure a general awareness of local UR resources and opportunities is missing.
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Communication in building a technical infrastructure for regional development
Řeháková, Adéla ; Sládek, Roman (referee) ; Linkeschová, Dana (advisor)
Diploma thesis „Communication In Building A Technical Infrastructure For Regional Development“ deals with communication between municipality and citizens, local technical infrastructure conditions, regional development, and municipality cooperation. In the theoretical section, there are explained basic terms and described topics of communication, technical infrastructure, and regional development. In the empirical section, there is analyzed the quantitative citizen research in the South Moravia region and the qualitative research based on interviews with mayors. The conclusion contains the evaluation of the research results and possible recommendations.
Vyhodnocení finanční pozice pojištovny a vztahu k rozvoji regionu
Marešová, Marie
Marešová, M., Evaluation of the financial position of the insurance company and the relationship to the development of the region. Mendel University in Brno, 2023. Bachelor thesis. The subject of this bachelor's thesis is to evaluate connection between an insurance company and the development of the region between 2017-2021 and then propose short measures that can lead to improved performance and associated regional development. The first part deals with theoretical information and the basics of financial analysis. The second part includes the financial analysis itself as well as the analysis of factors affecting the performance of the insurance company in the region and identification of key areas that may have an impact on the region. In conclusion, the thesis evaluates whether the company is an important contribution to the region or not, and then recommendations are written that the insurance company could undertake. The analysis revealed that it is a financially healthy and growing company, but it also has its shortcomings.