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Návrh modelu rozhodovacího procesu při přípravě developerského projektu
Procházková, Martina
This dissertation thesis aims to propose a suitable decision-making model process with preparation of a development project. The model consists of an aggregate of key factors, which after evaluation, will indicate future successful efficient market application. This thesis brinks a model proposal of shopping centre development projects. The model developed has been tested with real projects in practice in the latter part of the thesis.
Consumer behaviour on the market with meat in Libya
Elghawi, Elshames
Abstract ELGHAWI, E. Consumer behavior on the market with meat in Libya. Bachelor thesis. Mendel University in Brno, 2015. This bachelor thesis aims to characterize the consumer behavior of Libyan consumers when shopping for meat products. In order to achieve that available secondary data was analyzed. As a source of primary data a questionnaire survey with 29 individuals. Data was collected in period November 2014 through April 2015 with both print and online version of questionnaires. For all parameters frequencies were calculated and for selected ones also means, modes and medians. Also author's personal experiences were used as a source to help complement the extremely limited secondary data. Meat consumption in Libya is very high, with the highest level of consumption of chicken, lamb and camel meat.
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The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Rating of Suppliers for the Firm
Olšová, Renata ; Doskočil, Radek (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
Cílem této diplomové práce je návrh vhodné metody, jak vyhodnotit dodavatele modelů letadel a leteckého příslušenství holandské společnosti Aviation Megastore. Tato polečnost existuje na trhu již více než 25 let a má více než 170 dodavatelů po celém světě. Proto vznikla potřeba jednotlivé výrobce a distributory ohodnotit a zvážit jejich vývoj během jednotlivých let, případně u některých vybraných dodavatelů zvážit vzhledem k neuspokojivým výsledkům možnost ukončení spolupráce. Pro vyhodnocení bude použit program MS Excel a MATLAB.
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Risk Related to Selecting a Supplier Using Fuzzy Logic
Černá, Hana ; Doskočil, Radek (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with selection and evaluation of phone accessories suppliers for ZONES s.r.o. company and evaluates their possible risks. In thesis is created decision model which is using fuzzy logic. The main part of the thesis consists of proposals for the evaluation of the company's suppliers. At the beginning of thesis are theoretical bases which will be used in the practical parts. Decision models are created in Microsoft Excel and MATLAB. The fuzzy model is based on requirements of the company. Another part of the thesis deals with analysis and comparison of results from both programs. The result of this thesis is the model which is easy to use and improves selection and evaluations of phone accessories for ZONES s.r.o. company.
Risk in Selectinga Supplier Using Fuzzy Logic
Korčáková, Michaela ; Roman,, Havrila (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the draft of fuzzy model used for decisions of choosing the suppliers of the tool steel for the company S.CH.W.SERVICE, s.r.o. In the introduction of the thesis the theoretical basis for the process are summarized and the company is introduced. The main part consists of the actual suggestions for the evalutaion of the company´s suppliers. The deciosion making models are created in MS Excel and MATLAB. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to the comparison of the results from both suggested models.
Risk Selection of Suppliers with Fuzzy Logic
Vala, Lukáš ; Mendel, Jan (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with evaluation of fertilizer suppliers using fuzzy logic models. The main part of the thesis consists of proposals for the evaluation of the company's suppliers. Decision models are created in Microsoft Excel and Matlab. Another part of the thesis deals with analysis and comparison of results from both programs.