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The effect of age on selected prenatal outcomes and breastfeeding
Fontániová, Simona ; Lukšová, Markéta (advisor) ; Tomášková, Zuzana (referee)
: For my bachelor's thesis, I chose the topic Influence of age on selected prenatal outcomes and breastfeeding. The thesis contains a theoretical part and a practical part. In the theoretical part, I try to explain the difficulties associated with pregnancy. In the first chapter, I focused on high-risk pregnancy and childbirth. Subsequently, disorders of the duration of pregnancy, which include miscarriage, premature birth, ectopic pregnancy and post-term pregnancy. In the second chapter, I continue with the importance of breastfeeding and, at the same time, breastfeeding problems that can trouble the mother. In the third chapter, I deal with the classification of newborns and birth injuries. For my practical part of the research work, I chose a questionnaire that reached mothers of different age categories via the Internet. I believe that my bachelor's thesis will benefit all women who are not aware of difficulties in pregnancy at an older age. Based on research, I found that age plays an important role in a woman's life during pregnancy. A woman's age has a negative impact both on the ability to get pregnant and on the birth itself and subsequent breastfeeding. Keywords : Breastfeeding, high-risk pregnancy, advanced maternal age, pregnancy, labor, maternal outcomes, fetal outcomes, birth weight,...
Constructions of the right productive age in relation to high-risk pregnancy in the context of experiences of Czech women
Vostrá, Kateřina ; Sokolová, Věra (advisor) ; Ezzeddine, Petra (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on the constructive normative reproductive age. This topic is analyzed by semi structured quantitative interviews. These interviews were carried out by 6 women who became pregnant in the age of 35 and older which is considered to be a turning point in defining whether the pregnancy is risky or not. Purpose of this research is to understand how women view and deal with risky pregnancy and also how much that can be influenced by society. The analytical part of the thesis is focused on searching answers for these questions. The first part consists of the theoretical terms related to this topic i.e. concept of stratify reproduction, the risk in terms of reproduction as well as medicalization of pregnancy and the relationship to social age category. Keywords: pregnancy, age, risk, responsibility, risky pregnancy, medicalization, normative age, woman
Maternal stress and premature birth
Kokešová, Nikola ; Černý, Andrej (advisor) ; Laštůvka, Zdeněk (referee)
This bachelor thesis is studying the influence of maternal stress on premature birth. Premature birth is a very serious perinatal complication, the incidence of which remains consistent, although health care is constantly improving. In the Czech Republic, the incidence of premature birth is around 8 %. The work has theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on preterm birth, what are its causes, how it can be prevented, what is the diagnosis and management of premature birth. Last but not least the thesis discusses stress as a risk factor for preterm birth. In 2020, a pandemic of COVID-19 hit the world. In March 2020, the first cases appeared in the Czech Republic. A completely new and extraordinary situation has brought many changes and limitations in everyday life of the society, and thus caused an excessive level of stress in the population. Therefore, in the practical part, we focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnancy and premature births. The aim of the work was to find out whether this new stressful situation affected the frequency of premature births at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital in Prague. We have also studied whether the frequency of premature births has...
Pregnancy in women with assisted reproduction.
Bachelor thesis deals with pregnancy in women with assisted reproduction. The topic of the bachelor's thesis is up-to-date because every year there is an increase in the number of infertile couples and thus higher attendance of infertility centers. The bachelor thesis is divided into theoretical part and practical part. In the theoretical part we will deal with infertility in women and infertility in men. In the following chapters, we focused on assisted reproduction and assisted reproduction types. Last but not least, we will address the risks associated with assisted reproduction and ethics. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to find the attitudes of midwives to assisted reproduction. To this end, research questions have been developed: 1. How midwives perceive assisted reproduction? 2. How do midwives approach the care of a pregnant woman after assisted reproduction? The research was conducted in March and April in 2017. The qualitative research was carried out by a semi-structured interview with midwives. The interviews were conducted with nine midwives who work on a nursing unit at risk of pregnancy. Midwives were aged 27-54 years old. Respondents interviewed work in Ceske Budejovice, Prague, Ostrava and Brno. The survey was conducted with respondents on the basis of their consent to the signing "Request for Co-operation Agreement". This request to midwives guarantees anonymity and treatment of information obtained according to ethical standards. At the beginning of the interview, we obtained the respondent identification data. During the interview, respondents were asked about assisted reproduction issues. Specifically, the complications of assisted reproduction, assisted reproduction methods, midwifery attitudes to assisted reproduction and obstetricians' opinions on embryo reduction. A midwife interview led to the care of a woman with assisted reproduction and the care of women with OHSS. The opinions of midwives on the changing needs of women for assisted reproduction were also examined. The interviews were recorded on an audio device throughout. The conversations were subsequently overwritten and analyzed by the dyeing method in the text. Based on the analyzes obtained, two main categories and their sub-categories were identified. The first main category Assisted Reproduction is divided into three subcategories called Methods, Complications, and Attitudes of Midwives to the AR. The second main category is nursing care, which is divided into three subcategories called Specifics in Care of AR, Women's Awareness and Changed Needs. Midwives often encounter assisted reproduction and perceive it positively. Midwives who have personal experience with assisted reproduction perceive it better than midwives who have encountered this problem only in their practice. Midwives have found that women have altered needs after assisted reproduction, especially a sense of security and safety. The research has shown that midwives are aware of the risks associated with assisted reproduction and are partly aware of the care of women after the AR. Respondents also think that women are well informed about AR issues after assisted reproduction. A research survey has shown that each midwife is a personality and can perceive the issue of assisted reproduction differently. The result of this bachelor's thesis can be presented at expert conferences or published in professional journals.
Role of midwife in the care of pregnant woman after asisted reproduction
Bachelor thesis deals with the role of midwife in the care of a pregnant woman after assisted reproduction. The topic of assisted reproduction is nowadays very discussed, because the number of infertile couples increases, thus there is also a higher attendance of infertility centres. The bachelor thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. In the theoretical part I dealt with female infertility and male infertility. In the following chapters, I focused on assisted reproduction and its types. Last but not least, I dealt with the risks associated with assisted reproduction and its ethics. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to find out the attitudes of midwives towards assisted reproduction. To fulfil this aim, following research questions were developed: 1. How do midwives perceive assisted reproduction? 2. How do midwives approach the care for a pregnant woman after assisted reproduction? The research was conducted in March and April 2017. The qualitative research was carried out by means of semi-structured interview with midwives and unqualified public. The interviews were conducted with nine midwives who work at a nursing unit of risk pregnancy. The other respondents were four men and four women without professional education. Respondents were aged 27-54 years. Interviewed respondents work in Budweis, Prague, Ostrava and Brno. The research was conducted with respondents on the basis of their consent, by signing "Request for Co-operation Agreement". This request guarantees the midwives their anonymity and also handling the obtained information according to ethical standards. At the beginning of the interview, respondent's identification data were obtained. During the interview, respondents were asked about assisted reproduction issues. Specifically, the complications of assisted reproduction, assisted reproduction methods, midwives' attitudes to assisted reproduction and their opinions on embryo reduction. The interviews then led to the topic of care for a woman after an assisted reproduction and the care for women with OHSS. The opinions of midwives on the awareness of women and changing needs of women after assisted reproduction were also examined. The interviews were recorded on an audio device throughout their whole duration. The conversations were subsequently rewritten and analysed by the method of highlighting in the text. Based on the analyses obtained, two main categories and their sub-categories were set. The first main category Assisted reproduction was divided into three subcategories called Methods of assisted reproduction, Complications of assisted reproductions, and Attitudes of midwives towards the AR. The second main category Nursing care for a woman after AR was divided into three subcategories called Specifics in care for women after AR, Providing information for women after AR and Changed needs of women after AR.Midwives encounter assisted reproduction relatively often and perceive it positively. Midwives, who have personal experience with assisted reproduction (either by themselves, or friends, family), perceive it better than midwives who have encountered this problem only in their practice. Women who underwent AR are better acquainted with this issue than PA. On the contrary, men do not deal with assisted reproduction issues. Interviewed midwives have found out that women have altered needs after assisted reproduction, especially a sense of security and safety.. The research has shown that midwives are aware of the risks associated with assisted reproduction and are partly aware of the care for women after the AR. Respondents also think that women are well informed about AR issues after assisted reproduction.A research survey has shown that each midwife is a personality and can perceive the issue of assisted reproduction differently. Furthermore, from the research occurred, that women after AR tend more often to have complications throughout their pregnancy
Constructions of the right productive age in relation to high-risk pregnancy in the context of experiences of Czech women
Vostrá, Kateřina ; Sokolová, Věra (advisor) ; Ezzeddine, Petra (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on the constructive normative reproductive age. This topic is analyzed by semi structured quantitative interviews. These interviews were carried out by 6 women who became pregnant in the age of 35 and older which is considered to be a turning point in defining whether the pregnancy is risky or not. Purpose of this research is to understand how women view and deal with risky pregnancy and also how much that can be influenced by society. The analytical part of the thesis is focused on searching answers for these questions. The first part consists of the theoretical terms related to this topic i.e. concept of stratify reproduction, the risk in terms of reproduction as well as medicalization of pregnancy and the relationship to social age category. Keywords: pregnancy, age, risk, responsibility, risky pregnancy, medicalization, normative age, woman
The prevalence of the preterm births among nurses
Havlíková, Anna ; Strnadová, Alice (advisor) ; Kulhavá, Miluše (referee)
In my Bachelor Thesis, I was focused on the issue of preterm birth in the group of general nurses. I aimed to compare the incidence of preterm birth in the group of general nurses with that of the background population. Further, I intended to specify whether there are differences in the preterm birth occurrence between the group of general nurses that were redeployed to a work with lower risk during the pregnancy and the group of general nurses that were not redeployed and still used to do shift work (working in non-daylight hours). I used scientific literature, international studies and articles in professional journals to obtain data to create a theoretical part. In this part I was focused on pregnancy; childbirth; preterm birth; the risk factors related to work of the nurse; and finally to the labour law concerning pregnancy. In the experimental section, I present the analysis and evaluations of data I obtained in the form of tables and graphs. All these presentations are described and annotated. The data for analysis were obtained from the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was constructed by me. The survey took place at the two clinics of the Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice. In my Bachelor Thesis, the statistical analysis of the obtained data did not prove that there is significantly higher...
Maternity in later age or phenomenon of the present time
Zadražilová, Jana ; Miskolczi, Martina (advisor) ; Antovová, Michaela (referee)
The bachelor´s work concerns with maternity in late age and lays the goal to draft present trends showing in the Czech Republic, using qualitative research to reveal the opinions and experience of women facing the mentioned problem and find out how much they are influenced in decision about the time of birth of the child by the partner. The work brings basic historical overview of changes in family behaviour, theoretical approaches that try to explain these changes and moreover it devotes also to occurence of evolutional defects at children of older mothers, also older fathers and rising interest about methods of assisted reproduction in connection with still rising age of mothers. Using the analysis of the trends of fertility from the year 1989 was found that it got to decrease of total fertility and specific rate of fertility is still moving to higher age of women but with lower intensity. The average age of women is still rising and with this also the number of performed cycles of assisted reproduction. In the same time also the occurence of inborn defects at the age of women 35 and more is relatively high. Thanks to qualitative research were in most of cases confirmed the arguments for postponement of maternity got from the professional literature. Moreover was found low level of knowledge about the occurence of inborn defects at children of older expectant mothers and relying on the methods of assisted reproduction in case of inability to become pregnant. The attitude of the partner in deciding about the time to have the first baby is either the same as the woman partner or the attitude of the woman is in this matter primary. In question of having a baby or not is deciding the attitude of the partner.
Life during high risk pregnancy from the perspective of a woman.
This bachelor thesis deals with a high risk pregnancy and considers the woman´s point of view. The work is divided into two main parts theoretical and practical. The theoretical part was realized on the basis of literature. At the beginning of the theoretical part, the attention is paid to current situation and definition of pregnancy. This part also defines fertilization, implantation, implantation of the fetus, fetal development, pregnancy diagnosis, pregnancy changes and the role of midwives in prenatal counseling in 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Furthermore, the theoretical part focuses on the high risk pregnancy and its risk factors. One particular chapter describes hospitalization of woman in the department for high risk pregnancy that deals with pre-term birth, multiple pregnancies, bleeding during pregnancy, irregular positions of the fetus, disease affecting pregnant woman and midwifery care for women with high risk pregnancy. The theoretical part is concluded by the description of woman´s needs during hospitalization in the department for high risk pregnancy. The goal of this bachelor thesis is to find out if high risk pregnancy affect the needs of women during hospitalization. The research question was: How do high risk pregnancies affect the needs of women during hospitalization? It was used qualitative research and semi-structured interview for the research. The interview served for data collection and contained pre-prepared sets of questions. Interviews took place in the department for high risk pregnancy during the period of March and April 2015. The respondents were a total of ten women hospitalized in the department for high risk pregnancy in the hospital in České Budějovice. Interviews with respondents were held in calm predetermined locations. All respondents agreed to participate in the research, the agreement was carried out in writing, and were familiarized with the fact that all the information is collected for this bachelor thesis. The data was analyzed by coloring the text and creating its categories and subcategories. Direct speech is used to present the results of the interviews that are marked in italics in text. Two categories and subcategories were set. First category is called Information and its aim was to collect information given by women in the department for high risk pregnancy. This category includes the following subcategories: Source of information and Satisfaction of information. These subcategories inform us about sources and satisfaction with the information. Second category is called Needs and is preoccupied with the needs of women. This category includes three subcategories: Physiological Needs, Social Needs and "Psychological Needs" that deal with physiological, social and psychological needs. The research showed that hospitalization of women in the department for high risk pregnancy influenced especially bowel movement, sleep, rest, activity and nutrition. Some respondents were not satisfied with their state of health and with results of examination realized by doctors. On the other hand, the majority of respondents were satisfied with the information provided by midwives. Concerning another subcategory dealing with needs, all respondents said that their contact with friends and family was limited. For this reason, they tried to communicate with mobile phones and computers. In addition, hospitalization also affected their family life as they could not take care of older children and look after the household. Psychological condition was very important during hospitalization. Women felt worried about their state of health and the health of their unborn child. Respondents stated that their biggest psychological support was provided by their partner, husband, family, friends, and also midwives. This bachelor thesis can serve as informational source for midwives who work in the department for high risk pregnancy or as educational text for the public.

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