National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The prevalence of the preterm births among nurses
Havlíková, Anna ; Strnadová, Alice (advisor) ; Kulhavá, Miluše (referee)
In my Bachelor Thesis, I was focused on the issue of preterm birth in the group of general nurses. I aimed to compare the incidence of preterm birth in the group of general nurses with that of the background population. Further, I intended to specify whether there are differences in the preterm birth occurrence between the group of general nurses that were redeployed to a work with lower risk during the pregnancy and the group of general nurses that were not redeployed and still used to do shift work (working in non-daylight hours). I used scientific literature, international studies and articles in professional journals to obtain data to create a theoretical part. In this part I was focused on pregnancy; childbirth; preterm birth; the risk factors related to work of the nurse; and finally to the labour law concerning pregnancy. In the experimental section, I present the analysis and evaluations of data I obtained in the form of tables and graphs. All these presentations are described and annotated. The data for analysis were obtained from the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was constructed by me. The survey took place at the two clinics of the Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice. In my Bachelor Thesis, the statistical analysis of the obtained data did not prove that there is significantly higher...
View of men at the risk pregnancy and hospitalization his partner
The pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful time in the life of every woman. But the process of pregnancy is not always without complications. Even if a high-risk pregnancy appeared also in the past ages, nowadays due to the system of prenatal care and the centralization of high-risk pregnancy cases in the perinatological centres, the number of life-born children who have better chances for higher quality of life is increasing. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with both a high-risk pregnancy including factors which cause it, or have any effect on it and with the impact of the hospitalization on the psyche of individual couples and how this situation influences their family life. The qualitative research was conducted by the method of in-depth interviews and questioning. The researched group consisted of seven men whose wives were hospitalized in the Division for High-Risk Pregnancies at České Budějovice Hospital plc. A total of five goals were set and fulfilled. The first goal of the research was to find out if the men, whose wives were hospitalized in the Division for High-Risk Pregnancies, understood reasons of the hospitalization. The second goal was to find out if the above mentioned men understood the expression ?a high-risk pregnancy?. The task of the third goal was to find out what were the greatest concerns of the men whose partners were hospitalized in the Division for High-Risk Pregnancies. The fourth goal of the thesis was to find out the influence of the hospitalization of the partner on the family life. The fifth goal was to find out if those men emphasized the selection of the health centre where the eventual hospitalization takes place. In summary, it was found out that the men are aware of reasons of the hospitalization and they understand the expression ?a high-risk pregnancy?. They have the greatest concerns about health of the partner and the future of a child. Further, it was found out that the hospitalization plays a negative role in the family life and the fact that the men mostly emphasize the selection of the health centre where the hospitalization takes place. This thesis can serve as study material for both future and current midwives. Further, it can be used as a source of information for future mothers and their partners it means for the couples to which the topic relates directly, or they just would like to know different dangers in the pregnancy.
Psychological aspects of pregnancy risk
The thesis focuses on the psychological aspects of risk pregnancy perception. The primary objective of the thesis is to deal with the various aspects of the risk pregnancy experience and analyze the importance of psychological support. The work is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part explains the terms of physiological pregnancy and risk pregnancy in the broader context and describes the basic psychological concepts related to the topic. In the empirical part specified and justified hypothesis are presented together with the selected way of measuring data questionnaire method, data processing and analysis. There is presented a detailed analysis of responses from the survey including interpretation of the results. The conclusion is a summary of all the previous parts. There is addressed verification of hypotheses and objectives of the thesis. The problems in the process of creation of the thesis are outlined and benefits and utility work in practice are explained. The research results showed the importance and significance of psychological support during risk pregnancy. The thesis proved that emotional support can be found in multiple sources, but the greatest support for risk pregnant women is represented by husband or partner. It was also showed that there are many sources of information and risk pregnant women are interested in them. Understanding the whole situation is crucial for the acceptance of all restrictions and treatment recommendations that relate to the situation. And all these factors - psychological support, information and understanding of the situation - will ultimately have a positive impact on the overall psychological state of risk pregnant women.
Nursing Care in Women with Lupus Erythematosus during Pregnancy
PETROVÁ, Daniela
Nowadays, near-miracles happen in modern medicine. Owing to the early diagnostics and treatment many women, who could not dream of this before, get pregnant and carry their babies to term. Lupus erythematosus presents both for the woman and the fetus a big risk. Pregnant women with this disease can suffer from multiple problems that are necessary to monitor and control for the whole time. The goal of my work was to find out what are the problems related to lupus erythematosus in selected pregnant women and the specificities of their treatment, to find out how and to what extent do the individual cases differ during pregnancy, to monitor clinical symptoms of the disease in selected pregnant women and also to compare psychical problems of selected women suffering from this disease related to high-risk pregnancies. In this work, I used a qualitative method of research which involved five goals and five research questions. The conducted research was based on documents and interviews with selected women. The results were processed and converted into tables and casuistics revealing individual particularities. All the goals and hypotheses were proved based on the research. Drawing on the qualitative method of the inquiry, it is possible to state four hypotheses. First hypothesis: One of the problems in pregnant women suffering from lupus erythematosus is often the development of butterfly erythema on their faces. Second hypothesis: One of the specificities of nursing care in pregnant women with lupus erythematosus is a frequent monitoring of the fetus{\crq} heart beat during day and night. Third hypothesis: Individual cases of women with lupus erythematosus differ in clinical symptoms of the disease. Fourth hypothesis: Pregnant women with lupus erythematosus worry about the future progress of pregnancy. The information about lupus erythematosus and the results of the research collected in this work could be used in nursing care and its interventions provided by midwives both in hospital and primary care. If we know the problems and wishes of pregnant women with this disease, we will be able to offer them a more effective care.
The pregnancy problems by the women at the age after 35 years
Though medicine and nursing care have been advancing steadily, everybody is well aware that gravidity in older women poses certain risks, and after the 35th year of age it is not completely trouble-free. At the early stages of gravidity the fetus is endangered by a range of congenital defects of development. The expectant mother can experience problems not only during her pregnancy but also throughout the delivery itself. The pregnancy period may be accompanied by bleeding with the threat of possible miscarriage, premature delivery or some other serious complications looming. The paper aimed at finding whether women in the reproductive age were informed about the hazards of pregnancy after the age of 35; whether women used the method of in-vitro fertilization (IVF); what was the reason behind their decision to put off conception beyond the 35th year of age; and, finally, which nursing problems (nursing diagnoses) emerged attributable to the after-35 gravidity. The survey employed quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative investigation followed two objectives and examined two hypotheses. To obtain the required information, the survey relied on an anonymously completed questionnaire. The qualitative investigation pursued two objectives and research inquiries. The data were gathered through interviews and documentation processing. Both the objectives have been accomplished. Hypothesis 1: women within the age of fertility are familiar with the risks posed by the after-35 gravidity - confirmed. Hypothesis 2, not confirmed, expected women older than 35 years not to use the IVF method. With the research questions answered and the qualitative survey results evaluated, the author formulated these hypotheses: (1) Some women became pregrant after the age of 35 as they were unable to conceive earlier; (2) a difficulty that nurses have to tackle in the over-35 women is fatigue. The results of the paper could be beneficial for midwives or students in their future encounters with this subject, topical even today. The paper could also be found instructive by mothers contemplating gravidity after the age of 35.
Possibilities pregnancy after transplantation of the heart
The thesis deals with the possibilities of pregnancy of women in fertile age after the heart transplant. The aim was to find out, whether there are women after the heart transplant in the Czech Republic, who got pregnant, delivered a baby, or are trying to get pregnant, or are interested in pregnancy, at least. The qualitative research utilizes a survey method, which was aimed at physicians, who are looking after patients after the heart transplant. Furthermore a non standardized interview was held with the physician of the Outpatient{\crq}s department for the Transplants at IKEM and with her patient, who is currently trying to get pregnant. Personal documents of the patient trying to get pregnant were used, in order to make the research more specific. It is apparent from the results that there is a small group of women after heart transplant in fertile age. Thus, for ascertaining the result, the foreign literature was used, which describes already successful pregnancies after the heart transplants in such women. Pregnancy risks must be divided into risks for a mother and for a fetus. The pregnant woman after the heart transplant is most endangered by hypertension and further to that there is a danger of implant rejection, infection, as well as premature delivery. The fetus is most endangered by infection and premature delivery. A majority of newborns are delivered with a low delivery weight. The abortion rate is relatively low compared to a number of successful deliveries. In the event that a woman desires to get pregnant, she is always informed of the risks associated with the pregnancy after transplant. The risks, which endanger a mother and a fetus, can be decreased to a minimum through a well monitored pregnancy. The thesis can be used for increasing awareness of women, who want to get pregnant after heart transplant.

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