Evaluation of environmental load by polybrominated diphenyl ethers
Roček, Richard ; Stoupalová, Michaela (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
The target of my diploma thesis is evaluation of soil load by polybrominated diphenylethers. This is the soils, which were affected by fire and comparsion with load by soils, which were not affected by fire. In teoretical part available informations about BDE from various sources are processed. Target of practical part is find the optimal method for determination BDE, verification of her yield a determination of reals samples with using this method. In the end this thesis contains measured results, its interpetation in tables, graphes and evaluation of load by individual congeners. Key is comparsion load of soils, which were affected and which were not affected by fire. BDE are released during the fire and we can decide that soils which were caused by fire should be contaminated more, than soils, which were not caused by fire.
Question of new halogen containing compounds in environment
Roček, Richard ; Mravcová, Ludmila (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
The target of my bachelor´s thesis is fabrication of literary recherche on theme brominated flame retardants. Into this group belong primarily polybrominated diphenyl ethers and compound hexabromocyclododecane. These compounds belong to perzistent organic polutants, whose production grew to the late time. Nowadays there are occur in almost all part sof environment. For their determination is using liquid and gas chromatography methods connected with mass spectrometry detection.
Evaluation of environmental load by polybrominated diphenyl ethers
Roček, Richard ; Stoupalová, Michaela (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
The target of my diploma thesis is evaluation of soil load by polybrominated diphenylethers. This is the soils, which were affected by fire and comparsion with load by soils, which were not affected by fire. In teoretical part available informations about BDE from various sources are processed. Target of practical part is find the optimal method for determination BDE, verification of her yield a determination of reals samples with using this method. In the end this thesis contains measured results, its interpetation in tables, graphes and evaluation of load by individual congeners. Key is comparsion load of soils, which were affected and which were not affected by fire. BDE are released during the fire and we can decide that soils which were caused by fire should be contaminated more, than soils, which were not caused by fire.
Question of new halogen containing compounds in environment
Roček, Richard ; Mravcová, Ludmila (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
The target of my bachelor´s thesis is fabrication of literary recherche on theme brominated flame retardants. Into this group belong primarily polybrominated diphenyl ethers and compound hexabromocyclododecane. These compounds belong to perzistent organic polutants, whose production grew to the late time. Nowadays there are occur in almost all part sof environment. For their determination is using liquid and gas chromatography methods connected with mass spectrometry detection.