Faktory ovlivňující délku březosti Starokladrubského koně
Malinská, Martina
Bachelor thesis is concentrated on analysis of factors affecting gestation length in Old Kladruber horses. Gestation length was considerably influenced by the month of conception, weight of mares and weight of foals. Gestation length was also affected by alive and dead foals. The year of conception and sex of foals did not affect gestation length. The sex of foals did not influence the weight of foals. In conclusion, gestation length in mares is affected by a number of factors. The knowledge of these factors is very important for correct determination of parturition date.
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Vnější faktory působící na reprodukční užitkovost prasnic
Kaplanová, Petra
This bachelor thesis covers external factors affecting reproductive performance of sows. Firstly there are described their reproductive properties: fertility and milkiness. Then follows with a description of maternal breeds. Main part focuses on analysis of most important external factors affecting reproduction. First, in nutrition the importance of amino acids, lipids, vitamins, mineral substances, particular fodders, that are used in feed mixtures, and no less important need for water are mentioned. Thesis also describes the effect of the housing system and treatment of sows on their performance. The last chapter is focused on clout of microclimate in stables, here the temperature, humidity, light radiation, air flow rate, stable gases and noise.
Význam vitaminu E ve výživě a zdraví přežvýkavců
Vozihnojová, Dominika
Vozihnojová, D. The importance of vitamin E in the nutrition and health of ruminants. Bachleor thesis. Brno, 2021. The aim of this thesis is to make a comprehersive overview of the importance of vitamin E in the nutrition and health of ruminants based on sudy of the literature. The first part of the work provides a basic description of vitamins and their importance in the health of ruminants. The next part of the work is focused on the vitamin E exclusively. It describes its importance in the nutrition and metabolism of ruminants, a list of diseases caused by hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis E and how they manifest themselves. The sources of vitamin E, the requirments for vitamin E and the possibilities of vitamin E supplementation are also described. It is an essential nutrient in nutrition which influences a number of processes in the body – the most important are its antioxidant effects.
Vyhodnocení vlivu plemeníka na úroveň reprodukce v chovu holštýnského plemene skotu
Talácko, Pavel
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of sires on the breeding of cows and heifers. The evaluation was focused mainly on the insemination interval, SP, insemination index and births after used bulls in reproduction. Fathers of dairy cows and heifers were also evaluated. Furthermore, the work included the evaluation of the same reproductive indicators at cows in dependence on daily milking at pregnancy, quality class of cows and lactation sequence. The data, that were subject to evaluation, they were two years old. From the final results were evident that the SP and insemination interval for breeding cows that were classify in the synchronization protocols were higher in almost dairy cows than in dairy cows that were classify in the natural estrous group cows. The effect of the sire on the length on the service period was also demonstrated. The best SP and insemination index values were recorded by the cows with the highest daily milking on the day of pregnancy, in natural estrous and in synchronization estrous. No significant differences were found in the course of births. As far as the insemination index, it is apparent that the cows involved in synchronization estrous had a lower insemination index than cows with natural estrous. The lowest insemination index was recorded at heifers. The average age of heifers at the first carving (when adding the length of pregnancy) was at the upper limit, rather above at the limit, compared to the 2018 averages (25.5 months).
Zhodnocení kvality ejakulátu vybraných plemen psů
Hronková, Petra
The theoretical part of the thesis on "Evaluation of semen quality selected breeds of dogs", provides a brief summary of available information obtained from literature dealing with dogs reproduction, anatomy male genital tract of the dog and basic laboratory techniques of animal semen analyzes. Practical work was focused on evaluating quantitative and qualitative parameters of ejaculate different breeds of dogs from the kennel Bohemia Alké. Was investigated primarily affect the order of collection, ages, body frame, time of day and length of the sampling collection itself on ejaculate volume, activity concentration, total sperm count and percentage of occurrence patomorfologických defects. Subscriptions ejaculate, macroscopic and microscopic evaluation was conducted in field conditions in the home where the dogs lived. To evaluate the percentage of damaged sperm pathomorphological were made morphological coatings, which were transported to the laboratory department reproduction of farm animals and the Institute of Animal Breeding, Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno.
Chov koz zaměřený na produkci jatečných zvířat
Kovářová, Markéta
The bachelor thesis focuses on goat breeding and production of slaughter animals. The paper gives the characteristics of chosen meat and combined goat breeds which are kept both in the Czech Republic and throughout the world and are suitable for slaughter purposes. The next objective was to describe technological systems used in meat goat breeding. The paper discusses various types of housing and necessary requirements that have to be fulfilled. It describes proper herd management, which includes criteria for choosing breeding animals and goat reproduction. Although the mostly used technique is natural breeding, the thesis also describes insemination. Rut detection and pregnancy diagnosis are very important as well. Pregnancy resulting in birth is a very significant period in goat breeding. The thesis therefore provides a detailed description of birth and after birth treatment. The overview of goat reproduction techniques ends with kid rearing and fattening. The next part of the thesis deals with meat production and slaughter value, and describes composition and quality of goat and kid meat. Finally, the thesis concludes with an overview of the main issues the author of the paper intends to cover in the diploma thesis.
Zhodnocení reprodukce a mateřského chování ovcí kombinovaného plemene
Byrtusová, Lenka
In diploma thesis we focus on evaluating reproduction and maternal behavior in a selected combined breed of sheep. In the first part we characterized several selected breeds of sheep, falling into the combined performance. Subsequently, we focused on describing reproduction and maternal behavior in sheep. In the second part of this work, we evaluate ongoing births, its difficulty, the need for the breeder´s assistance and the subsequent postpartum care of the ewe. In the next part we deal with the analysis the individual families in the monitored phase of the combined breed of sheep during the next period. In the given section, we also observe the influence of the ewe father on her maternal behavior.