The Value The Instrukction A and Instrukction B
Kalkus, Jan ; Kalvoda, Petr (referee) ; Fišer, Zdeněk (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with the implementing regulations for land registry and tracing their relevance to the current cadastre of real estate. The first part will focus on the historical development of mapping the territory of the Czechoslovak Republic and the development of rules for mapping, which took place in our country. The second part describes the relevant provisions of Instruction A and Instuction B that are relevant to current practice. The third part will deal with the comparison of limits specified in the instructions and with current limit deviations used to work in cadastre of real estate.
Complements parcels "ZE" to "ISKN"
Bláhová, Marie ; Beran, Vít (referee) ; Fišer, Zdeněk (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis deals with different ways of filing plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system. First there is information on the origin and evolution of cadastre of real estates. The next part deals with bulk filing of plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system, i.e. different types of renewal of cadastral documents and maps and filing plots of simplified land inventory separately or in group to ISKN. The conclusion of the thesis gives assessment of each method.
The Value The Instrukction A and Instrukction B
Kalkus, Jan ; Kalvoda, Petr (referee) ; Fišer, Zdeněk (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with the implementing regulations for land registry and tracing their relevance to the current cadastre of real estate. The first part will focus on the historical development of mapping the territory of the Czechoslovak Republic and the development of rules for mapping, which took place in our country. The second part describes the relevant provisions of Instruction A and Instuction B that are relevant to current practice. The third part will deal with the comparison of limits specified in the instructions and with current limit deviations used to work in cadastre of real estate.
Complements parcels "ZE" to "ISKN"
Bláhová, Marie ; Beran, Vít (referee) ; Fišer, Zdeněk (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis deals with different ways of filing plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system. First there is information on the origin and evolution of cadastre of real estates. The next part deals with bulk filing of plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system, i.e. different types of renewal of cadastral documents and maps and filing plots of simplified land inventory separately or in group to ISKN. The conclusion of the thesis gives assessment of each method.