National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Analysis of the impacts of DS element failures on reliability indicators
Vachutka, Ondřej ; Hanuš, Radek (referee) ; Ptáček, Michal (advisor)
Bachelor's thesis deals with the impacts of distribution network element failures on reliability indicators. Therefore it makes basic description of the reliability, the reliability indicators or the regulation of continuity in distribution of electric power. It also presents main results of the identification and evaluation of individual 22 kV elements failures in distribution network of PREdistribuce, a. s. between 2011 to 2016.
Analysis of the impacts of DS element failures on reliability indicators
Vachutka, Ondřej ; Hanuš, Radek (referee) ; Ptáček, Michal (advisor)
Bachelor's thesis deals with the impacts of distribution network element failures on reliability indicators. Therefore it makes basic description of the reliability, the reliability indicators or the regulation of continuity in distribution of electric power. It also presents main results of the identification and evaluation of individual 22 kV elements failures in distribution network of PREdistribuce, a. s. between 2011 to 2016.

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