The Preconcept of Subordinate Attributive Clause in Primary School Pupils
Černá, Daniela ; Wildová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Doležalová, Eliška (referee)
The diploma thesis focuses on the preconcept of subordinate attributive clauses of primary school pupils. The aim of the work is to analyze and interpret the preconcept of subordinate attributive clauses of pupils of the 4th to 8th grade of primary school. The theoretical part first presents constructivism, which emphasizes the pupil's active participation in the learning process and the use of the pupil's preconceptions in the construction of new knowledge. Furthermore, the work deals with the linguistic concept of the attribute, its sentence formulation as well as the didactic approach to the attribute and attributive subordinate clause. The empirical part represents conducted research, which had the form of semi-structured interviews with 4th to 8th grade pupils on exercises designed specifically for the purpose of this study. The section first deals with the methodology and objectives, then presents a description of the process and an analysis of the results. The research proves that pupils have a preconcept of the subordinate attributive clause. However, they can only apply it in certain situations. The research also suggests that a majority of pupils perceive the attribute and the subordinate attributive clause as equivalent. The research also indicates attention to the interference of school...
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Children's understanding of social stratification on secondary school
Forštová, Iveta ; Dvořáková, Michaela (advisor) ; Tichá, Milena (referee)
The thesis is focused on research for children's understanding of social stratification on secondary school. The aim is the diagnoses of children's understanding on the topic of social stratification - finding the reflection of class inequalities, interpretation of the causes of social stratification, own evaluation of the society and ideas of social mobility. In the first part was defined the theoretical base of the thesis - the concept of social stratification and basic scientific theories of social stratification, constructivism, children's understanding of the world. Also were presented foreign and home research for understanding of social stratification. In the second part were defined methodological basis of the thesis and were presented the results of a qualitative research for children's understanding using the method of the depth semi-structured interview. The research results suggested that students understand the topic of social stratification and reflect it in a different way. KEYWORDS: constructivism, preconcept, children's understanding, social stratification, qualitative research, semi-structured interview
Method of Integration of Valency Syntax into the Czech Language Teaching within Lower Secondary Education
Žiláková, Renata ; Machová, Svatava (advisor) ; Janovec, Ladislav (referee) ; Čechová, Marie (referee)
The dissertation called the Method of Integration of Valency Syntax into the Czech Language Teaching within Lower Secondary Education deals with the issue of valency syntax in relation to syntax teaching within lower secondary education. The main goal of the dissertation is to describe, specify and define the principles, which serve as the basis for the integration of the valency theory into the Czech language teaching within lower secondary education with regard to pupils' concepts of the structure of a Czech sentence. In its three main parts, the dissertation informs the reader about the development of the perception of the valency syntax as a scientific discipline in the Czech and foreign environment, as the didactic transformation of the curriculum must be always based on scientific theories and comply with them; the second part of the thesis analyses the didactically transformed curriculum of valency syntax in teaching materials intended for lower secondary education. On the basis of a practical quality research, the third part defines pupils' preconcepts related to the formal and semantic structure of a sentence. Among other things, the submitted dissertation points out to the necessity of monitoring the pupils' preconcepts in the Czech language teaching in order to ensure that the teaching is not...
Comparison of EUR and 5E, the instructional models
Oktábcová, Jitka ; Voda, Jan (advisor) ; Pěnička, Jaroslav (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the comparison of two schemes for students learning. Those are a three-phase E-R-R model, the parts of which are called Evocation, Realization of Meaning, Reflection. The second model is five-phase learning model 5Es, with the following parts: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate. Comparison of the models was done by the method of action research at the Magic Hill Elementary School in Říčany during a complex student practicum in 2017. The research lasted for two weeks and involved two fourth grade classes. In total, 31 pupils participated in the research. The research was conducted alternately in both classes. On one topic, two lessons were always prepared, each of which was based on one of the comparative pedagogical models. Each day, one subject was taught in both classes, with class 4.A being done with E-U-R and class 4.B with 5E. Lectured subjects were Czech language and mathematics. The research has shown that the compared pedagogical models are very similar, although they differ in their structure and particularly in the number of phases. The E-R-R model is better suited to shorter learning units, while model 5E requires longer units for its efficiency. Both models can be modified according to the needs of the teacher, pupil, subject, etc., whereas...
Primary school students' preconceptions of church and their influencing through experience
Velebilová, Tereza ; Stará, Jana (advisor) ; Uhlířová, Jana (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with primary school student's preconceptions of church influenced by experience. The theoretical part summarizes the findings connected to the issues of children's preconceptions and their importance in the process of learning. It describes recommended techniques of working with children's preconceptions and it informs about factors which influence children's understandings. The following chapter concentrates on the definition of outreach and its value in children's lives. Furthermore, the thesis shows the connection of the term church with the Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education, especially in the section of spiritual and social studies. The next chapter focuses on social studies in general and also on cultural universals as a possible resolution of the issues in social studies. The empirical part describes lectures in a church for primary school students which develop children's understandings of the term church. The diploma thesis suggests an improved design as an innovation of the lectures. Children's preconceptions of church are researched through individual interviews with pupils. The aim of the diploma thesis is to find out what the primary school students' preconceptions influenced by the lectures in the church are like. The results of the...
Fear in The Space
Savincová, Karolína ; Pfeiffer, Jan (advisor) ; Gajdošíková, Pavla (referee)
The thesis deals with the concept of fear in space. Through a/r/tographic research, the author examines the concept and changes in its perception during the process of creating an artistic and pedagogical work. In the first part, the author documents theoretical and methodological framework of the research, designs the research proposal and defines terms related to it. In the second part, the author presents her own way of grasping the concept in the space and introduces the concepts that related with this topic. She researches the concept through the reflection of her own work, both artistic and then pedagogical. As part of her artistic work, the author acquaints the reader with the origin of the artwork and follow-up reflection, from which comes the creation of visual task. In the third part, she analyses the primary documents using three-phase coding and then creates concept maps from the obtained codes, which are used to visualize the display of research results. Interprets the data obtained from the research. In the fourth part, the author summarizes the results of research, answers research questions and evaluates the achievement of the research goal. From the results of the analysis of available documents and by comparing conceptual maps, she finds out whether the understanding of the...
Preconception of the Syntactic Relations of Coordination, Aposition and Dominance at Elementary School
Mazánková, Anna ; Štěpáník, Stanislav (advisor) ; Hájková, Eva (referee)
The objective of the diploma thesis Preconception of the Syntactic Relations of Coordiantion, Aposition and Dominance at Elementary School is to discover whether pupils in the 5th , 6th and 7th grade of elementary school are able to distinguish syntactic relations. At first, the issue of the preconception is defined in the context of constructivist teaching concept, which works with the preconceptions actively. After that, the concept of syntactic relations is described in linguistic literature and textbooks, Framework Educational Programme, and methodological publications. A research tool which consists of special prepared exercises for the research purpose of this thesis was used to investigate the preconception of syntactic relations. The pupils did these exercises individually. By means of semi-structured dialogues it was investigated, how were the pupils thinking during the work. The dialogues were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The research sample comprised of 35 pupils from the 5th to 7th grade of a Prague elementary school. The research shows that the pupils are able to think about syntactic relations on a pre-conceptual basis spontaneously but the interference of the school teaching shows in the way of their thinking, namely in a formal approach to categorization and primary looking...
The Process of Acquiring the Linguistic Concept of Conjunction by Primary School Pupils
Martáková Styblíková, Jana ; Hájková, Eva (advisor) ; Höflerová, Eva (referee) ; Čechová, Marie (referee)
Title: The Process of Acquiring the Linguistic Concept of Conjunction by Primary School Pupils Author: Mgr. Jana Martáková Styblíková Department: Czech Language Department Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Eva Hájková, CSc. Abstract: The dissertation deals with the issue of acquiring the linguistic concept and the term of the conjunction by primary school pupils of 1st-5th, works with children's preconceptions in the language area and introduces how the pupils of the first grade of the elementary school work with the term conjunction. It maps the cognitive processes of pupils in the context of the acquisition of the conjunction language phenomenon and the important moments in which the primary child preconception changes into the language term in the pupils mind. Introduces with the process of conceptualizing the language reality, in which he detaches from the naive child concept of conjunction to the specific linguistic term of a conjunction as a verbal type. It describes the individual parts of the research, in which the individual thought movements of pupils in the area of linguistic gripping of the term conjunction are gradually transformed. It presents the individual research methods as tools by which we monitor the development of the preconception of the conjunction in the linguistic concept. Managed interviews...
Reflection of the Predicate Preconception in Studying Process in 6th Grade of Elementary School
Skřivánek, Vratislav ; Štěpáník, Stanislav (advisor) ; Hájková, Eva (referee)
The objective of the thesis Reflection of the Predicate Preconception in Studying Process in 6th Grade of Elementary School is to ascertain how the 6th year pupils (aged 12-13 years) think about the predicate. The thesis is grounded in constructivism which actively works with preconcepts, and is related to Czech language teaching. Predicate is described from the linguistic perspective as well as its didactical notion in the Framework Educational Program and in existing textbooks. 37 pupils from 4 schools in Prague completed a series of individual tasks specifically designed for the purpose of this study, and semi-structured interviews with these pupils were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The study shows that the pupils strongly prefer verbal predicate to its verb-noun variety, while they are still capable of suggesting a communication situation for either type of predicate. The study further investigates whether the pupils actively use nouns and adjectives as a non-verb part of a predicate. While adjectives were used frequently, using nouns proved to be challenging. The analysis proves that the pupils do not identify the predicate as a part of sentence important for the meaning of the sentence. The results of the study confirm that pupils consider the meaning of individual words rather than...