Survey of students' knowledge and teachers' attitudes to the topic of terrestrial plants photosynthesis in basic school education
ŠOBR, Zdeněk
This thesis focuses on the pupil's knowledge about photosynthesis, biomass, the teacher's attitude to teaching these issues including the use of digital educational resources. The focal point of this thesis is a questionnaire survey among primary school teachers and students, which examines the level of knowledge and personal attitudes of both groups of respondents to teaching this topic and its digitization. 154 pupils and 10 teachers from 5 different primary schools were involved in the survey. An analysis of a number of textbooks published by Fraus was also included. The results confirmed that misconceptions, which have already been described in the past, remain among the students. These include, for example: "The plant breathes when it is not performing photosynthesis. The main reason why plants perform photosynthesis is oxygen production. The plant breathes carbon dioxide and exhales oxygen." The literature and the results of this study suggest that using modern aids in science classes and in self-study could be a solution to dealing with misconceptions.
Secondary school students' misconceptions about organization and function of human body
In the diploma thesis, misconceptions in the curriculum of human biology in the third and fourth grades of four-year grammar schools were ascertained by means of a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was filled in by 92 pupils who had already gone through the thematic unit of human biology. The questionnaire was focused particularly on the circulatory, excretory and respiratory systems. After evaluating the questionnaire, specific misconceptions were identified, especially in the circulatory system. Based on the identified misconceptions, a methodological material was created, which should help to eliminate them in teaching. In one case, the methodological material was verified in practice at the grammar school and in the other case at the MS Teams through so-called focus groups.
Imagines in your Mind: iconographic and iconologic aspects of some themes of contemporary visual culture
Špidlová, Zdeňka ; Fulková, Marie (advisor) ; Arbanová, Linda (referee)
The final work of the Bachelor degree titled Living in us deals with iconographic and iconological aspects of certain themes of contemporary visual culture. It focuses on Advertising which maps from the point of view of development and its facilities whilst ignoring the effects on the recipient. Terrain research endeavours to reach this via its eventual analysis. The work attempts to answer via questionnaire the question whether the adversing which we are surrounded by is linked to preconceptions of christian culture. The educational file of work is represented by an accompanying installation program of works by Adriena Simotova. The artistically applied theme rellies on the direct coherent phenomenon of 30 Advertising. The result is an advert on Christianity which I created in accordance with the results of the questionairre. These outlined ' today's person's' idea of paradise which became the motive for a completed advertising leaflet.
Preconception of the Syntactic Relations of Coordination, Aposition and Dominance at Elementary School
Mazánková, Anna ; Štěpáník, Stanislav (advisor) ; Hájková, Eva (referee)
The objective of the diploma thesis Preconception of the Syntactic Relations of Coordiantion, Aposition and Dominance at Elementary School is to discover whether pupils in the 5th , 6th and 7th grade of elementary school are able to distinguish syntactic relations. At first, the issue of the preconception is defined in the context of constructivist teaching concept, which works with the preconceptions actively. After that, the concept of syntactic relations is described in linguistic literature and textbooks, Framework Educational Programme, and methodological publications. A research tool which consists of special prepared exercises for the research purpose of this thesis was used to investigate the preconception of syntactic relations. The pupils did these exercises individually. By means of semi-structured dialogues it was investigated, how were the pupils thinking during the work. The dialogues were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The research sample comprised of 35 pupils from the 5th to 7th grade of a Prague elementary school. The research shows that the pupils are able to think about syntactic relations on a pre-conceptual basis spontaneously but the interference of the school teaching shows in the way of their thinking, namely in a formal approach to categorization and primary looking...
The Process of Acquiring the Linguistic Concept of Conjunction by Primary School Pupils
Martáková Styblíková, Jana ; Hájková, Eva (advisor) ; Höflerová, Eva (referee) ; Čechová, Marie (referee)
Title: The Process of Acquiring the Linguistic Concept of Conjunction by Primary School Pupils Author: Mgr. Jana Martáková Styblíková Department: Czech Language Department Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Eva Hájková, CSc. Abstract: The dissertation deals with the issue of acquiring the linguistic concept and the term of the conjunction by primary school pupils of 1st-5th, works with children's preconceptions in the language area and introduces how the pupils of the first grade of the elementary school work with the term conjunction. It maps the cognitive processes of pupils in the context of the acquisition of the conjunction language phenomenon and the important moments in which the primary child preconception changes into the language term in the pupils mind. Introduces with the process of conceptualizing the language reality, in which he detaches from the naive child concept of conjunction to the specific linguistic term of a conjunction as a verbal type. It describes the individual parts of the research, in which the individual thought movements of pupils in the area of linguistic gripping of the term conjunction are gradually transformed. It presents the individual research methods as tools by which we monitor the development of the preconception of the conjunction in the linguistic concept. Managed interviews...
Reflection of the Predicate Preconception in Studying Process in 6th Grade of Elementary School
Skřivánek, Vratislav ; Štěpáník, Stanislav (advisor) ; Hájková, Eva (referee)
The objective of the thesis Reflection of the Predicate Preconception in Studying Process in 6th Grade of Elementary School is to ascertain how the 6th year pupils (aged 12-13 years) think about the predicate. The thesis is grounded in constructivism which actively works with preconcepts, and is related to Czech language teaching. Predicate is described from the linguistic perspective as well as its didactical notion in the Framework Educational Program and in existing textbooks. 37 pupils from 4 schools in Prague completed a series of individual tasks specifically designed for the purpose of this study, and semi-structured interviews with these pupils were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The study shows that the pupils strongly prefer verbal predicate to its verb-noun variety, while they are still capable of suggesting a communication situation for either type of predicate. The study further investigates whether the pupils actively use nouns and adjectives as a non-verb part of a predicate. While adjectives were used frequently, using nouns proved to be challenging. The analysis proves that the pupils do not identify the predicate as a part of sentence important for the meaning of the sentence. The results of the study confirm that pupils consider the meaning of individual words rather than...
Lesson "zero" in textbooks of the French as a foreign language
Kodrasová, Kristýna ; Klinka, Tomáš (advisor) ; Nováková, Sylva (referee)
This thesis deals with the issue of first lessons of teaching French as a foreign language which are important to stimulate children's interest in learning a new language, they are often called "lessons zero". The aim of this thesis is to describe and to compare lessons zero in different French textbooks and then assess them and show the possibilities for the teaching of first lessons. In the first part, the thesis deals with the psychological terms associated with lessons zero: preconception and motivation and their use in the first lessons of language teaching, then the thesis focuses on the lesson zero itself (its characteristics, goals, preparation, problematic points). The practical part is an analysis of ten chosen French textbooks, which are divided according to applied methods, audience age and the country of origin. During the analysis, the thesis works at first with lessons zero in concrete textbook and then it deals in more details with several specific criteria: name, number of pages, content, position of writing, use or non-use of mother language, activities on preconceptions, games, civilizations and visual aspect of lesson zero in chosen textbooks, which then compares. Based on the textbooks analysis of lesson zero in various textbooks that proved that they are heterogeneous in many...
Analysis of Documents on Czech Political System Education
Černý, Jakub ; Mouralová, Magdalena (advisor) ; Veselý, Arnošt (referee)
Analysis of Documents on Czech Political System Education (Bachelor thesis) Author: Jakub Černý Abstract: The bachelor thesis analyzes a Czech educational curriculum and text books on a Czech political system which are intended for secondary schools and grammar schools. The thesis wants to answer questions how these documents inform about the Czech political system and whether these documents keep a constitutional scheme and whether these documents can contribute to making misconceptions of the Czech political system.
Imagines in your Mind: iconographic and iconologic aspects of some themes of contemporary visual culture
Špidlová, Zdeňka ; Fulková, Marie (advisor) ; Arbanová, Linda (referee)
The final work of the Bachelor degree titled Living in us deals with iconographic and iconological aspects of certain themes of contemporary visual culture. It focuses on Advertising which maps from the point of view of development and its facilities whilst ignoring the effects on the recipient. Terrain research endeavours to reach this via its eventual analysis. The work attempts to answer via questionnaire the question whether the adversing which we are surrounded by is linked to preconceptions of christian culture. The educational file of work is represented by an accompanying installation program of works by Adriena Simotova. The artistically applied theme rellies on the direct coherent phenomenon of 30 Advertising. The result is an advert on Christianity which I created in accordance with the results of the questionairre. These outlined ' today's person's' idea of paradise which became the motive for a completed advertising leaflet.
Personal qualification of workers in the social professions
The work concerus personal presumptions of social workers. Theoretical part characterizes the personality generally and the personality of social workers. It explains terms such as prejudice, stereotype, presumption. Then it describes forming of the personality and cooperation between client and the worker. The practical part contains seven dialogues carried out with respondents (female social workers) from different parts of social services. Next it contains responds on research questions which are objectinely compiled in tables.