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Faktory pôsobiace na straty prasiatok v užitkovom chove
Mišenková, Veronika
The aim of this diploma thesis was to perform an analysis of selected reproductive parameters of sows and factors that affect the loss of piglets until weaning. Data were evaluated from the number of 1540 piglets born in 119 litters of three genotypes, namely BU, LA and BUxLA, over a time horizon of one year. The sows in the monitored breeding achieved on average the following parameters: 12.4 pcs / litter of all born, 12.2 pcs / litter of live births, 11.5 pcs / litter of weaned, stillborn 0.66 pcs / litter and dead piglets to weaning 0.88 pcs / litter. The best values were reached by sows of genotype BUxLA. Losses reached a total level of 11.95 % of the total number of born piglets. They include stillborn piglets 5.13%, died piglets before the 5th day after birth 1.82%, farrowed piglets 4.03% and piglets with IUGR manifestations 0.97% of the number of total born piglets. The influence of the sow genotype on the height of weaning losses was not statistically demonstrable (p> 0.05), but large litters increase the risk of death of weaned piglets. The best prevention against losses is proper breeding management, zoohygiene and breeding environment that meets the requirements of sows and piglets.
Vnější faktory působící na reprodukční užitkovost prasnic
Kaplanová, Petra
This bachelor thesis covers external factors affecting reproductive performance of sows. Firstly there are described their reproductive properties: fertility and milkiness. Then follows with a description of maternal breeds. Main part focuses on analysis of most important external factors affecting reproduction. First, in nutrition the importance of amino acids, lipids, vitamins, mineral substances, particular fodders, that are used in feed mixtures, and no less important need for water are mentioned. Thesis also describes the effect of the housing system and treatment of sows on their performance. The last chapter is focused on clout of microclimate in stables, here the temperature, humidity, light radiation, air flow rate, stable gases and noise.
Vyhodnocení užitkovosti ve vybraném chovu prasat
Hradilík, Hugo
The aim of this thesis was the evaluation of reproductive and production characteristics in selected pig farm. The work used operational data from the breeding, which belongs in the category of production farms. Reproductive performance was evaluated in a set of 45 sows. Among the indicators monitored were the total number of piglets, the number of piglets born alive, the number of weaned piglets and the length of the rebreeding interval. These characteristics were evaluated according to the parity and length of pregnancy. The average number of all born piglets was 15.23 ± 3.34 pcs/litter, the average number of piglets born alive was 14.18 ± 3.15 pcs/litter, and the average number of weaned piglets was 12.18 ± 1.75 pcs/litter. The average number of litters per sow was 2.42 ± 0.24 litter per year. Production properties were evaluated in piglets in the maternity, pre-fattening and fattening in 2017–2019. In suckling piglets and pre-fattening, the average weight of piglets (birth weight and the weight at transfer) was evaluated, the average daily gain and losses, including their causes, were evaluated. The monitored indicators were evaluated by years and by seasons. The average daily gain at farrowing house was 0.247 ± 0.015 kg/KD and 0.442 ± 0.035 kg/KD in pre-fattening. Losses before weaning were 11.25 ± 2.20 % and losses in pre-fattening were 1,38 ± 0,83 %. The average daily gain, losses of pigs and feed conversion ratio by years and seasons were monitored in fattening. The average daily gain was 0,922 ± 0,065 kg/KD, the average feed consumption per 1 kg of gain was 3,12 ± 0,20 kg/kg of the bodyweight and losses were 1,56 ± 0,92 %. In addition, the classification of slaughter pigs in the SEUROP system, the average slaughter weight and the percentage of meatiness were monitored. These indicators were evaluated by year. Most pigs were classified in class E, the average slaughter weight was 116,78 ± 4,31 kg and the average meatiness 59,07 ± 1,20 %.
Vliv modernizace ustájení na užitkové parametry prasat
Gabrišková, Martina
The aim of the diploma thesis was to evaluate the reproductive parameters of sows housed in the original technology (farm A) and sows housed in the newly reconstructed technology (farm B).The following indicators were evaluated within the reproductive performance of sows: number of all born piglets/litter, number of live born piglets/litter, number of stillborn piglets/litters, percentage of stillborn piglets (%), number of weaned piglets/litters, losses of weaned piglets from live births/litter, losses of piglets until weaning from live births (%) and length of period between two parturitions (days). Data were evaluated using QCExpert program (t-test, ANOVA method). Total 300 animals (150 sows from farm A and 150 sows from farm B) were involved in the experiment. Comparing the technology of farm A and farm B, the highest number of all born piglets was found in sows housed in technology B, as well as in the number of live born piglets and weaned piglets. The number of stillborn piglets was statistically significantly lower in sows kept in technology A. Losses of weaned piglets from live-born piglets did not differ statistically significantly in individual technologies. The average length of the interval between parturitions in sows housed in technology A was 162.68 ± 22.40 days, in sows housed in technology B 177.50 ± 31.71 days, a statistically significant difference was found for this parameter.

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