National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
A job description of a social worker at low-threshold facility for children and youth
This bachelor's thesis describes the content of work of a social worker in a specific facility NZDM Ostrov Naděje. The work is divided into two chapters. The first chapter deals with a theoretical view of NZDM from a general level. The second chapter compares the theoretical information from the first chapter with the practice in a particular NZDM in the form of an essay. In the end, there is a reflection on whether it is possible for general standards to be applied in practice without much difficulty.
Foster parents exceptations and their fulfilled visions
Drvotová, Alžběta ; Němec, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Štrinclová, Marta (referee)
The diploma thesis " Foster parents expectations and their fulfilled visions " deals with expert training, which is provided by the organization Dobrá rodina, and also determines the quality of services provided when the family accepts the child. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of adoption, its legal basis and expert training. It further defines the differences between biological and adoptive parenting and the specifics of homoparental families. It explains the main concepts associated with adoption, such as child identity, trauma or attachment issues. It specifies a support network for adopters and focuses on two organizations, Dobrá rodina and Středisko náhradní rodinné péče. The practical part is based on semi-structured interviews with parents who have undergone training in the organization Dobrá rodina and currently live with their adopted child/children. The work goal is to find out how the expert training changes their mindset and thinking about foster care, which services are provided to them and what kinds of support they need. Research has shown that proper expert training often changes parents' expectations and their general mindset about foster care. Parents are satisfied with the expert training, especially thanks to their experiential form, highly demanding involvement...
Services provided to costumers in the shop
MICHNOVÁ, Veronika
This thesis is concentrated on how people perceive services provided in shops. It explores customer opinions and their satisfaction with individual services. The bachelor thesis has two parts. The first, theoretical, part describes shops, retail and wholesale, services, services in shops, marketing research, questionnaire survey. In the practical part is the aim of thesis, research question and methodology. Makro Cash & Carry was chosen for the practical part. In the practical part, the reader can learn about the company and about the services provided in Makro Cash & Carry. Information was collected by means of questionnaire survey. The results of the questionnaire survey include information about customer satisfaction with services in Makro Cash and Carry. Finally, there are suggestions for improvement.
Addictological client in group psychotherapy
BÍLÝ, Ondřej
The theoretical bachelor thesis deals primarily with addictological clients in group psychotherapy with an emphasis on aftercare and aftercare from the perspective of a social worker working at the Aftercare centre in Brno. The thesis is divided into seven main chapters dealing with addiction, group psychotherapy, addictology, follow-up care and aftertreatment, Aftercare centre in Brno and reflection. In the last part of the thesis there is a critical evaluation and comparison of the above mentioned theoretical knowledge with the specific practice of the services provided by the Aftercare centre in Brno and own practical experience. The main starting point of this work is the importance of a social worker in a multidisciplinary team and the demands of his/her specialization.
Application of corporate social responsibility in selected retail chains
Štěpánková, Daniela ; Cimler, Petr (advisor) ; Filipová, Alena (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The aim of the thesis is to describe the concept of CSR and to introduce its practical application on example of retail chains. The thesis is devided into three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical part. The second chapter includes activities of retail chains, in particular services provided to customers, projects for charitable purposes and a contribution of chains to environmental protection. The last chapter concerns a questionnaire carried out in connection with CSR. The purpose of this survey was to find out awareness of CSR among people, how important the concept is for them and if it has an influence on a chain selection.
Service management in Air Traffic
My thesis is focused on the comparison of traditional and low-cost air companies and its perspective into the future. The theoretical part is focused on a description and an analysis of air traffic both in the Czech Republic and in the world from the history till the present time. The practical part describes an analysis of services provided at the airport Praha Ruzyně. There is also introduced a company České aerolinie as the biggest air carrier on the Czech market. The attention is also given to a general low-cost model of this type of carrier. According to a current high competitive strength I made a comparison of traditional and low-cost carriers and thanks to a questionnaire inquire I suggested the recommendations contributing to production improvement.
The Senior Life in Rest Home by the Virgin Mary of Frýdek
The project deals with a senior way of life in the residential Rest Home by the Virgin Mary od Frýdek. The first part describes a problem in the area of an aging process and an old age and characterises physical, psychic and social change of seniors. It deals with their needs and a change in a manner of communication. In the second part there is a description of one of the residential home types - Rest Home. Next, it shows a burden on seniors connected with their entrance to this home. A survey of services provided in the Rest Home by the Virgin Mary of Frýdek is presented.

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