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Přístup členské země Evropské unie k rizikovým skupinám na trhu práce v době pandemie koronaviru Covid-19: případová studie České republiky
Stehlíková, Klára
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to identify risk groups on the labor market with the intention of revealing which of them have been affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. It focuses on the description of employment policy implemented towards the most vulnerable participants in the labor market through the European Union and the Czech Republic, which arose under the influence of an unprecedented pandemic shock that affected not only the entire economy, but also the most vulnerable people on the labor market. The thesis first focuses on the theoretical anchoring of the issue of risk groups and then uses the analysis of secondary data, thanks to which it identifies employment programs implemented by the European Union and the Czech Republic, as well as the spectrum of people affected at risk.
Vzdělané nezaměstnané ženy nad 50 let
Juříčková, Klára
The thesis deals with the unemployment women over 50 years with secondary and higher education in South Moravian Region. The aim of thesis was to explore the current situation and propose possible solutions. The theoretical part provides an overview associated with this issue. The practical part focuses on the direct identification of the causes of unemployment target groups through a questionnaire survey and possible solutions to their situation.
Analýza nezaměstnanosti ve Zlínském kraji
Veverková, Denisa
VEVERKOVÁ, Denisa. The Analysis of Unemployment in Zlín's region. Brno, 2013. Bachelor thesis. Mendel University in Brno. Supervisor prof. Ing. Iva Živělová, CSc. This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of unemployment in Zlín's region. This thesis consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part primarily deals with the definition of individual terms related to unemployment. It defines types, regulations and the employment policy. The practical part deals with the definition of Zlín's region and its districts. It is followed by the analysis of unemployment of Zlín's region, as well as comparison of individual districts of the region and the Zlín's region with the Czech Republic.
Modelování nezaměstnanosti v zemích V4
Novotný, Ondřej
This bachelor's thesis deals with the problems of unemployment in the countries of the Visegrad Group. The main aim of this work is to investigate the development of unemployment and employment policy expenditures with potential impacts that these expenditures on unemployment may have. The theoretical part deals with the various types of unemployment, its potential impacts and are also introduced measures, whose aim is to limit the rise of unemployment. The practical part describes the development of two basic macroeconomic indicators of each of the countries of the Visegrad Group, it is effect a forecast of the future development of unemployment for the three monitored groups and then it is monitored the development of the expenditures of individual countries on employment policy.
Atraktivita zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením
Pernicová, Lucie
The Bachelor thesis deals with the attractiveness of people with disabilities in the labour market. The theoretical part explains the basic concepts, based on domestic legislation and from available literature on discrimination against people with disabilities. The practical part comprises of an experiment which verifies the attractiveness of disabled job-seekers in the labour market. In this part, we sent out to the various companies the CVs of three men and a questionnaire about the attitude of these companies towards people with disabilities. Subsequently, the results of individual surveys are compared.
Faktory ovlivňující míru nezaměstnanosti ve Francii
Hruškovská, Magdaléna
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to identify factors affecting unemployment rate in France. Finding and description of such factors are based on theoretical and empirical studies dealing with influences in general and in relation to individual world economies as well, including the French one. For better understanding of the factors, the French labour market is also characterized by long-term trends. In order to fulfill the given objective, a multidimensional regression model was used. The results indicate that the unemployment rate and the long-term unemployment rate are influenced by the amount of minimum wage, trade union density, active labour market policy, gross domestic product growth and the output gap. Their impact on the unemployment rate is then compared to the results of empirical studies and theories. In conclusion, the issue is expanded by a brief insight into France's regional unemployment disparities, and recommendations for bearers of economic policy are proposed, according to the results of the entire work.
Vybrané aspekty trhu práce v okresech Brno-venkov a Hodonín
Gottwaldová, Táňa
The bachelor's thesis focuses on aspects of the labor market, such as employment and unemployment, supply and demand of the labor market, as well as on the advantages and disadvantages of the labor market in the districts of Hodonín and Brno – venkov. The main objective of the work is the analysis and interpretation of the development of the labor market in the districts of Brno – venkov and Hodonín. The analysis carried out revealed that the biggest problem on the labor market in the Hodonín district was the high rate of unemployment, and in the Brno – venkov the young age of the unemployed. Part of the work is to propose options for improving the state of the labor market in the monitored districts, i.e. improving mobility on the labor market, by financial support for companies or by reducing the administrative burden and thus the company's costs, for the district of Brno – venkov, increasing the number of attractive positions for young citizens and the overall attractiveness of the region.
Efektivita aktivní politiky zaměstnanosti v regionu Znojemsko
Hladíková, Ivona
The bachelor thesis discusses the effectiveness of active labour market policy and its instruments used in the labour market, particularly in South Moravia and the Znojmo region. The first theoretical part of the thesis defines unemployment, active labour market policies its development and legislation. Later the thesis focuses on the problems of the tracked region, labour market and unemployment as well as active labour market policy in the region, its structure and financing. At the same time there are compared the indicators of South Moravia and Znojmo region. The final part defines recommendations that could lead to a better position of active labour market policy in the region and its effectiveness.
Analýza nezaměstnanosti ve vybraném regionu
Hejkalová, Martina
This thesis deals with the problems of unemployment in the district of Žďár nad Sázavou. The aim is to analyse unemployment in this district using data from the Labour office in Žďár nad Sázavou and data from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The analysis concerns the specific position of high-risk groups in the labour market during the period 2009-2014. The task was also to propose possible measures and recommendations to reduce the unemployment rate in the district. In the first part of the work is defined unemployment, including all related terms. There are also theoretically described the tools which are used by the Labour offices to reduce unemployment and also the definition of high-risk groups in the labour market. This thesis should be especially a contribution for Žďár nad Sázavou district, some of the recommendations and suggestions contained in this work could then be implemented in practice.

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