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Professional liability insurance in the Czech Republic
Slanařová, Lenka ; Ducháčková, Eva (advisor) ; Galuška, Jiří (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with professional liability insurance in the Czech Republic. The first chapter focuses on a general description of the insurance and its construction, the basic classification of legal liability and explanation of the types of insurance. The following chapter closely examines the status of professional associations and analyzes the framework agreement concluded by the selected associations. Another part is focused on the professional liability insurance of insurance intermediaries and independent loss adjusters. The last chapter describes the progression and current situation of professional liability insurance, focuses on the current possibilities of arranging insurance and presents selected insurance products.
Professional liability insurance
Hřeben, Tomáš ; Křížek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Zetek, Pavel (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with issues of professional liability insurance in Czech Republic with a deeper focus on attorneys at law and private doctors -- providers of non-state health care facilities. The thesis concentrates on the actual possibilities of negotiation of professional liability insurance on the czech insurance market, it compares the differences between individual offers of professional liability insurance and the collective contracts negotiated by the professional chambers. After a brief basic characteristics of the general liability insurance comes a chapter devoted to the general introduction of the matter of liability and damages legislation. Next chapters closely deal with the particular specifics of professional liability - first generally then with a focus on the insurance product designated to attorneys at law and eventually with focus on professional liability insurance optimalized for the needs of the private doctors.
Professional liability insurance
Ostrihonová, Petra ; Ducháčková, Eva (advisor) ; Daňhel, Jaroslav (referee)
Final thesis is devoted to the topic of professional liability insurance. It indicates the characteristics of professional liability insurance and its structure. It examines the status of professional chambers and associations in the construction of insurance. The thesis describes the current insurance market in the Czech Republic. It presents selected products and it compares the offers of insurance companies on the sample of insurers.

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