The Whispering Graveyard: The Place of Cultural Representations
The submitted thesis traces the development of the cemetery from antiquity to the 20th century. It maps the dynamic relationship between humans and cemeteries through selected cultural-artistic representations. The work further examines the changes in cemeteries' locations as well as their roles in society. The thesis primarily focuses on the artistic and literary depictions of cemeteries. It also deals with the borderline artistic form of cemetery kitsch.
Artificial Intelligence Poetry
Jurečka, Otakar ; Zmrzlá, Petra (referee) ; Kotásek, Miroslav (advisor)
Tato bakalářská práce podává přehled o programech, které jsou určeny k psaní básnických textů. Obsahuje informace o tom, jak se s jednotlivými představenými aplikacemi pracuje, a jejich schopnosti jsou demonstrovány jejich zkušebním použitím. Tyto vygenerované texty jsou analyzovány. Je také vysvětleno fungování těchto počítačových programů. Dále je také zmíněna historie umělé inteligence, její prvotní myšlenka i její novější technologický vývoj.
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Linsident or The anatomy of a poser
Sližová, Eva ; Fic,, Igor (referee) ; Ruller, Tomáš (advisor)
My bachelor project, Linsident, is a long-term act of imagination and self reflection through the media of free-verse poetry. In the end I was able to separete literary, metal (therapeutic) and strictly personal aspect of the work. As a result there is a radically, with perspective, edited poetry and its performative presentation.
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Remains of Internal Emigration
Sližová, Eva ; Polívková, Kamila (referee) ; Klímová, Barbora (advisor)
This diploma project has been gradually composed from performative applications of fragments of my poetry collection which is being written. It deals with the presentation possibilities of literary poetry by its author. Simultaneously it reflects the particulars of my poetry practise that is, amongst other things, strongly inspired by Vladimír Holan's inner emigration. Since I’m working with open material I’m not binding myself to a concrete goal/purpose.
Anne Sexton and her transformations of fairy tales
Sázavská, Markéta ; Kučera, Miloš (advisor) ; Viktorová, Ida (referee)
This thesis deals with the life and work of the American poet Anne Sexton. The focus is mainly on her collection Transformations, which comprises poems that retell fairy tales originally collected by the German brothers Grimm. The first part of the thesis deals with the theoretical approaches of psychobiography and the psychology of art literature, which are employed in the analysis. The theoretical section of the work also includes a biography of Anne Sexton and a brief overview of her life's work, with a specific focus on the Transformations collection. A dedicated chapter is also devoted to the exploration of confessional poetry, as the literary genre to which Anne Sexton's work belongs. The practical part of the work consists of an analysis and interpretation of selected poems from the Transformations collection, namely the poems The Golden Key and Briar Rose. The thesis further deals with Anne Sexton's relationship with her father, and the final chapter reflects on the feminist aspects within the poet's work.
Development of motives in Jan Skacel's poetry
Dvořáková, Kateřina ; Neumann, Lukáš (advisor) ; Smrčka, Jiří (referee)
Main goal of this thesis is determining and comparing repeating motives which appear throuhgout the poets work. This paper aims to first evaluate a dominance of certain motives above the others and then to determine in which collection is their influence greater and how this dominance changes accordingly from the earliest to the latest works. Simultaneously these motives will be compared with key motives in Skácels poems for kids and - supposing there are similar motives - then if their function and meaning differs. The attention of investigating those motives will also be oriented towards collections, which were published parallelly at the same time, as the assumption is, that there will be many more similar features and since they were probably created simultaneously, it will be easier to find differences in authors work that are adressed to both groups of readers. One of the goals of this paper i salso to sumarize the most important milestones of authors life. By dilligent analysis of individual collection were established groups of dominant motives and a comparison between the colleciont for adult and children readers was made. It was also found out that collection published parallelly were not created simultaneously and therefore they do not carry similar features. From accessible informations...
Past, Present and Future of Poetry Slam
Šilhavá, Anna ; Kopáč, Radim (advisor) ; Neumann, Lukáš (referee)
The aim of the master thesis The Past, Present and Future of Poetry Slam is to describe the history and origin of this performative genre and characterize its poetics, describe the course and rules of competitions and introduce the Czech slam scene. In the practical part, the aim is to prove the didactic potential of poetry slam as a motivation for self-creation of poetry among teenagers. The research will be conducted in the form of interviews with selected respondents.