Metodika výběru vhodného účetního programu pro firemní užití
Divišová, Ivana
The bachelor thesis aids at creating a methodology of accounting software selec-tion for use in company. We mention important criteria according to which com-panies select accounting software. Based on these criteria, we suggest a methodology; also software support is provided for this methodology. Then, we show a test of the software support in a particular company, with a suggestion of an optimal accounting software for the company.
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Motivácia zamestnancov v podniku Schwer Fittings, s.r.o., Martin
Badová, Andrea
Badová, A., Employee motivation in the company Schwer Fittings, s.r.o., Martin. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2013. This bachelor thesis is focused on employee motivation in Schwer Fittings, s.r.o., Martin. Main goal of this thesis is to evaluate current state of motivation system in this company and to suggest recommendations that can contribute to increase in employee motivation and to overall satisfaction. The theoretical part is based on literature mentioned in my work. In this part are also described some basic terms related to motivation. Company motivation system was analysed by a survey. I'm going to evaluate current state of motivation system in Schwer Fittings on the basis of this survey and reveal weaknesses and then propose possible recommendations.
Návrh podnikatelského plánu pro založení soukromé mateřské školky
Černíková, Adéla
Černíková, A., Proposal of business plan for the establishment of private nursery school. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2016. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to elaborate proposal of business plan for the establishment of private nursery school and assess the feasibility of the invest-ment. The thesis consists of two parts. In literature search there are characterized the basic concepts related with business and there is a recommended structure of the business plan. In my own part of the thesis there are applied findings from the literature search and described in detail each parts of the business plan. At the end there is an assessment of the investment.
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Podnikatelský záměr pro servisní centrum
Kloudová, Ludmila
Kloudová, L., Business plan for repair center. Bachelor thesis: Mendel Univer-sity in Brno, 2014. The theme of this bachelor thesis is creating of business plan for service center of repairing of motherboards for notebooks and tablets. The Bachelor thesis is devided into two parts. First is literaly review, which is compiled with the help of proffesional literature. This part comprises typology of the business, defini-tion of the business and description of which parts is business plan supposed to be consisted. Second part describes business plan for service centre. This con-sists description of the business, marketing plan, financial plan and evaluation of the investment.