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The Performance Evaluation of the Company using Balanced Scorecard
Somrová, Adéla ; Matýsek, Zbyněk (referee) ; Bartoš, Vojtěch (advisor)
The diploma thesis focuses on assessing the performance of the company SAKO Brno, a.s. using the Balanced Scorecard model. The theoretical background introduces necessary topics in the field of business performance, including approaches to performance measurement. The analytical part of the thesis includes the presentation of the analyzed company and the analysis of the current state of SAKO Brno, a.s. through selected analyses. The final part, based on the findings from the analytical section, deals with proposing the implementation of the BSC model into the company, along with the benefits and analysis of possible risks.
Economic and Financial Evaluation of the Company Using the Balanced Scorecard Method
Bach, Matěj ; Pavláková Dočekalová, Marie (referee) ; Hornungová, Jana (advisor)
The master’s thesis is devoted to the evaluation of the performance of Kayaku Safety Systems Europe a.s. using the Balanced Scorecard model. The thesis is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter is a theoretical and defines basic concepts. Using theoretical knowledge, the analytical part deals with financial and strategic analysis of the selected company. The last chapter of the master’s thesis is focused on a proposal for the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard model in the company, which will lead to an increase in its performance.
Application of Fuzzy Logic for Evaluating Investments in Stock Markets
Mišičák, Filip ; Janková, Zuzana (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
The theme of this thesis is the application of fuzzy logic decision support in stock markets.. It theoretically describes the principles of fuzzy logic and selected tools used for trading on stock markets. In the practical part of the work, this information is applied to develop two models for evaluating ETFs using fuzzy logic. Both models, one in MATLAB and the other in Excel, are based on the same fund criteria, yet each model processes and evaluates these inputs using different methods. The results from these models then serve to support decisionmaking for investors.
Improving Business Performance
Maňáková, Klára ; Oulehla, Jiří (referee) ; Luňáček, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with evaluation of the financial performance of Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s. from 2019 to 2022. The thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, theoretical foundations are defined. The second chapter characterizes researched subject and evaluates the financial performance of the company using tools of financial analysis based on the findings from the theoretical part. The third chapter submits proposal aimed at improving the financial performance of the company in the following years.
Testing the response of operating systems to different IPv6 flows
Ruiner, Michal ; Polák, Ladislav (referee) ; Jeřábek, Jan (advisor)
The aim of the thesis is to create an array of virtual machines and research their response to the IPv6 protocol. Another significant part is to utilize the provided tool for generating and sniffing IPv6 traffic and verify its correct functionality. For such purpose, the GNS3 open-source software is selected. A~reader is familiarized with the concepts of virtualization, GNS3 functionality and various methods of software testing together with the implemented practical models. The IPv6 protocol is introduced in detail as well as the packet format, address types and several IPv6 protocols useful for the thesis. The practical part is discussed in the Numerical results chapter. The topology is established and connectivity verified using IPv4. Configuration of static IPv6 addresses is performed on the devices as well as configuration of router to distribute particular prefixes. 5 testing scenarios are proposed that increase the input load to the tool in sense of higher number of addresses for the 3 different modes - passive, active and aggressive. 3 scripts were developed. Performance testing script measures utilization of computational resources. The other 2 scripts perform packet capturing and further analysis to compare the results of proposed scripts with provided tool. The comparison is done utilizing passive and aggressive modes. Active mode is used to observe the response of various operating systems to different IPv6 flows. Specifically, multiple Windows 10 builds, Linux distributions, Windows XP, 7, 11, macOS and Android.
Economic and Financial Evaluation of the Company Using the Balanced Scorecard Method
Cabejšková, Tereza ; Zinecker, Marek (referee) ; Kocmanová, Alena (advisor)
The thesis deals with the performance of a selected company using the Balanced Scorecard method. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The theoretical background used for the subsequent elaboration of the topic on the selected company is contained in the first part. Furthermore, an analysis of the selected company is developed through strategic and financial analysis. In the final part of the thesis, a proposal for the implementation of the BSC method in the selected company is developed. Within this proposal, the company's assumptions, the timeline, the actual strategic objectives or the strategic map are characterized. Furthermore, the benefits as well as the risks of the mentioned implementation are outlined.
A Company Performance Evaluation Using the EFQM Excellence Model
Zourek, Vojtěch ; Pyrochta, Václav (referee) ; Kocmanová, Alena (advisor)
The master´s thesis is focused on the performance evaluation for the MIKROP ČEBÍN a.s. company using the EFQM Excellence Model. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the definition of performance and the ways in which it can be measured and evaluated. The current situation of the company is characterized in the analytical part. The evaluation is performed according to the START Model questionnaire, which is derived from the EFQM Model of Excellence. The final part contains measures leading to increase the company's performance.
Company Performance Measurement
Schulzová, Milada ; Kadlec, Tomáš (referee) ; Bartoš, Vojtěch (advisor)
This master thesis is focused on performance evaluation of company AGRI CS a.s., namely the evaluation of financial and business performance using benchmarking. The theoretical part deals with some approaches and methods suitable for the company performance evaluation with an emphasis on benchmarking. The main part however is in-depth case study on business performances of selected company. The core part is financial performance benchmarking based on public data from financial annual accounts. For this purpose I use database Amadeus. I analyzed most of the performance indicators for an average of industry branch as well as for 14 most intense competitors. Final remarks of the thesis discuss the main findings and conclusions of the whole performance analysis. On top of that I present possible recommendations for the selected company in order to enhance or even eliminate identified weaknesses.
Performance Assessment of the Selected Company according to Model Start Plus and Proposals for the Improvement
Moučková, Renata ; Špinar, Ivan (referee) ; Veselý, Josef (advisor)
The diploma thesis describes the performance evaluation of the organization according to model Start plus. The first part of the thesis is focused on the theoretical description of methods, which are used to evaluate performance of the organization. The second part of thesis describes analysis of the organization evaluation using multi-criteria model Start plus. Base on the findings, each criteria is rated and then strengths and areas for possible improvement are identified.
The Performance Evaluation of the Company using Balanced Scorecard
Kobelka, Michal ; Jakub, Jiří (referee) ; Bartoš, Vojtěch (advisor)
The master´s thesis evaluates the performance of a chosen company by using the financial and strategic analysis and based on these analyzes proposes the implementation of Balanced Scorecard into this company. The aim of this implementation is to set strategic goals and measures that will help to increase the performance of this chosen company.

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