Způsoby desinfekce násadových vajec slepic ve vybraném chovu
Střeštíková, Yvona
The expected diplomatic work was evaluated against the disinfection of eggs in a selected breeding in grandparents ROSS 308. This farm is the only species in the Czech Republic. Its construction was carried out by Sušárna Pohořelice and the open-ing took place in 2010. In this work are reduced all kinds of disinfectants on the farm, which is located in the village Trboušany. Further work is expected between hatching eggs from laying nests and eggs from litter. They describe the result of the disinfection efficiency and the differences in risk depending on the hatchability. It has been found that ozone misinformation is not possible with respect to bacterial bacteria such as vapors, formaldehyde, but for hatchability to avoid being affected, and conversely there is no ozone. Whether the eggs were from litter or from laying nests did not play a significant role in the effectiveness of the disinfection or the subsequent hatchability. Within the issue, the method of regular collection and good quality of bedding was essential.
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Surface ozone influence on native vegetation: results based on ozone visible symptoms and stomatal flux
Matoušková, Leona ; Hůnová, Iva (advisor) ; Albrechtová, Jana (referee) ; Hovorka, Jan (referee)
Regarding the vegetation, the most affected areas by high levels of surface ozone (O3) are the mountain ridges. Our study has been carried out in the Jizerske hory Mts. High O3 levels together with the convenient environmental conditions for stomatal conductance could be a threat for the health of recovering ecosystems in this area. The aims of this study was both to assess the influence of O3 on vegetation in the Czech mountains and to provide recommendations and outlooks for possible future using of relatively new methods (visible symptoms and stomatal O3 flux modelling) used for O3 impact assessment on native vegetation in the field; that means physiologically relevant methods for the determination of O3 influence. During 2006 and 2007, O3-like visible symptoms were assessed on the leaves of seven species at four sites. Symptoms on only two species (Fagus sylvatica L. and Rubus idaeus L.) have been determined as O3-induced. To our knowledge, it is the first study in the Czech Republic in which the O3-like symptoms on native plants have been verified by the Ozone Validation Centre for Central Europe. Our results based on O3-induced symptoms indicate that ambient O3 is likely to have a much lower impact than expected, considering the measured O3 concentrations (measured with passive samplers) and...
Design of nozzle for ozone admission
Krajcar, Ivo ; Hudec, Martin (referee) ; Rudolf, Pavel (advisor)
The thesis consists of three main parts. The first part contains a research focused on cavitation and fractal geometry. Furthermore it researches disinfection, mainly disinfection using UV radiation and ozone. It is concluded by mentioning advanced oxidising processes used for dangerous pollutant elimination and pointing out of positives and negatives of the individual technologies. The main goal of the fractal geometry research was to briefly explain what a fractal is and how to create different types and degrees of fractals. The second part of the thesis contains a simplified description of the design of a fractal orifice with air suction. This orifice is compared to a simple orifice with a circular opening in the last part of the thesis. Both orifices have the same cross section flow area. This part also describes a simple UV reactor design process. The third part of the thesis describes the experimental measurements of both of the orifices. The data gained from the measurements show that the fractal orifice has a better mixing influence than the circular one and also that the fractal orifice has a wider operational range than the circular one.
Inkjet prints ageing by ozone and light
Pasečná, Klára ; Jančovičová, Viera (referee) ; Veselý, Michal (advisor)
This thesis is focused on the effect of ozone on ink-jet prints. The knowledge about print technologies, materials for ink-jet printing, influence of environmental factors on the prints degradation and the methods of print lifetime estimation are discussed in the theoretical part of the thesis. Test-charts of 108 samples of C, M, Y primary colours and their overprints were prepared. I used two types of papers designed for ink-jet printing. These samples were exposed the effect of ozone in various concentrations to perform an accelerated aging experiment. Optical density values, La*b* coordinates, colour difference values were calculated from the measured spectral data. Changes of colours of the ink due to ozone exposure were determined and discussed. The validity of the reciprocal law due to ozone exposure was studied, too. The reciprocal behaviour was not confirmed for both types of the studied papers.
The application of chlorine for public swimming pool water disinfection
Wagnerová, Andrea ; Svoboda, František (referee) ; Biela, Renata (advisor)
The bachelor thesis focuses on issues surrounding disinfectants of swimming pool water. The dissertation examines various chlorine based disinfectants as well as chlorine free disinfectants. Part of the thesis compares advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities of securing hygienic swimming pool water. Several complexes of public swimming pools in Brno and its neighbourhood were visited in order to examine the methods of disinfection, which are currently used at those swimming pools. Disinfectants based on chlorine are currently used the most for swimming pool water.
Barrier properties of varnishes for protection of photographs
Lokotschová, Radka ; Čeppan, Michal (referee) ; Veselý, Michal (advisor)
In this diploma thesis the basic principles of inkjet print, ink composition, print media and degradation mechanisms of ink dyes are summarized. The thesis deals with study of varnish barrier properties in coloured inkjet prints. Permeability of water vapour and oxygen (parts of atmosphere) depending on different coatings are tested there. In addition the influence of ozone on degradation of dyes was studied, while ozone was permeating through barrier varnish layer of inkjet print. Ozone plays an important role in degradation processes of the inkjet prints and it also causes a gas-fading. Concentrations of acting ozone were established by iodometric titration. Simultaneously kinetics of degradation of Orange 7 was studied on indicator papers.
Generation of ozone by photochemical processes in CO2
Kucserová, Aneta ; Salyk, Ota (referee) ; Mazánková, Věra (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the measurement of ozone concentration, which was produced by dielectric barrier discharge, corona discharge and UV lamp. The concentration of ozone in the air was also measured. The theoretical part deals with the basic properties of ozone, its use and determination of concentration by various methods. In the experimental part, ozone generation is described by the above-mentioned discharges.
Assemblage and testing of the device for water ozonizing and its application for silicon wafer cleaning
Ředina, Dalibor ; Mikulík, Petr (referee) ; Voborný, Stanislav (advisor)
Deionised-ozonated water, so-called DIO3 appears to be an ideal alternative for usage in semiconductor industry. The utilisation of DIO3 for removal of photoresist from silicon wafers is faster, cheaper, and more environmental-friendly compared to classical technology based on mixture of sulphuric acid with hydrogen peroxide, so-called SPM. The diploma thesis deals firstly with research into ozone and ozonated water and their possible applications. Next sections describe two prototypes of generators for DIO3, that were assembled in CSVG a.s. Testing of parameters for generators on dissolved-ozone concentration is also a part of this thesis. Moreover, thesis involves tests, that were carrier out in ON Semiconductor in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. These tests compare efficiency of cleaning by classical technology based on SPM and DIO3 approach.
Survey of kinetics of spontaneous ozone decay in water
Fendrych, Adam ; Mergl, Václav (referee) ; Mega, Jaroslav (advisor)
In the general part of this diploma thesis are presented technical information collected on the issue of spontaneous decay of ozone in water solution and problems with analytical monitoring of these processes. Particular attention is paid to influence of pH value, bicarbonate and peroxide concentration on ozone decay kinetics. Experimental part is focused on the use of spectrophotometry in the study of chemical reactions associated with the spontaneous decay of ozone in distilled and tap water depending on pH and temperature after saturating of water by ozone prepared from air and pure oxygen. Direct photometry in UV range of spectrum (at 260 nm) was used to monitoring of ozone decomposition kinetics.