Ověření vlastností nátěrových hmot v rohových spojích okenních rámů
Hadačová, Jana
The thesis focuses on a verification of coating quality in the area of construction joints of a window frame and a casement. Individual samples of eight windows were long term exposed to laboratory conditions that simulate extreme weather conditions during all climatic periods. The main aim of the partial examinations is to obtain information on the quality of different coatings, especially on their adhesion, elasticity, and resistance to temperature changes. The practical part of the thesis is dealing with assessing and documentation of sample states, especially their corner joints, at the beginning of the experiment, as well as during and after the testing. All changes are thoroughly recorded as evidenced by the detailed visual documentation. In the final part, the tests are evaluated with emphasis on frequent defects that occur in practice. The issue of window surface finishes is still an ongoing topic, many problems often occurring in few months after placing windows into the building must be dealt with.
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Posuzování vad zabudovaných oken z hlediska reklamačních řízení
Prokeš, Miroslav
Bachelor's thesis deals with complaints of windows from the view of most frequented defects. In the theoretical part is described problem of surfacing, glazing of windows, connecting joints and there are also the most frequented issues of the windows, ventilation systems and at the end of the theoretical part there is complaint procedure and window guarantee. The practial part contains the frequency of the most frequented defects and complaints, which are solved by testing room of joinery products and the frequency of recorded complaints of an unnamed company in the production of wooden windows.
Caspar David Friedrich, The motif of figure at the window, its genesis and evolution.
Hájková, Zita ; Konečný, Lubomír (advisor) ; Prahl, Roman (referee)
The thesis deals with the life and work of Caspar David Friedrich (1774 - 1840) who is considered one of the most important painters and drawers of the German romanticism. His main contribution for painting was the creation of pictures with subjective, later also politically motivated symbolism. The themes of his works in particular included the nature where persons often stand and watch the landscape in distance. The first chapter provides information on the personality and work of the painter who created a new style of landscaping. In nature he discovered the spiritual element that he connected with the picture. The work then describes the influences of the romantic literary movement and religion on his work. The second chapter presents a female figure turned with her back to the viewer in a painting called Woman by the Window from 1822. Various interpretations of art historians connected especially with romanticising visions of individuality and infinity are presented. The origin and development of the female figure turned with her back to the viewer in painting from prehistoric times up to the 20th century is also outlined. The phenomenon of a window in art is explained in the third chapter. A window in interior and a view from a window is also demonstrated as a mean of expression of an artist....
New building family house in Třebíč
Berková, Martina ; Ing.Radek Sedlák (referee) ; Benešová, Romana (advisor)
The subject of this Bachelor Thesis is a newly constructed family house located in Třebíč. The house was built using Porotherm brick – type blocks and Miako hollow ceiling bricks. The roof is of an gable design. The house has two overground floors – the second floor takes of a livable attic. The land is flat. All construction was done according to valid CSN code.
Family house
Leupold, Karel ; Manová, Ludmila (referee) ; Maceková, Věra (advisor)
Bachelor´s thesis solve design of the Family house in city Telč. It is a two-storey house with a partial basement, the roof is pitched with a slope of 35°. The house is designed of brick POROTHERM. The building is set on a land slightly sloping. The object is designed by valid standard.
Family house
Pánek, Martin ; Klimeš,, Vladimír (referee) ; Klimešová, Jarmila (advisor)
The main concern of this thesis is to design three storey family house. The house is divided into the main living area to the garage and basement areas and a part of an establishment. There is 2 floors in the house and there is partially a basement. The house has a flat roof.
The Family house
Blinková, Jana ; Berka, Pavel (referee) ; Donaťáková, Dagmar (advisor)
The solution of bachelor´s thesis is family house in Janová. The building has two floors. It is designed of ceramic system POROTHERM. The house is covered with a saddle roof. The house is designed for four people.
Family House
Uhrová, Anna ; Horáčková, Michaela (referee) ; Klimešová, Jarmila (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with design of family house on real estate in Říčany u Brna. The house without cellar has one floor and residential attic. The load-bearing structure consists mainly of Porotherm ceramic system, the house is covered with a gable roof.