National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Utilization and comparing the new filter materials for removing iron and manganese
Lukeš, Jan ; Benešová, Libuše (advisor) ; Pivokonský, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the removal of iron and manganese in water treatment. The main goal is to determine applicability and suitability of commercially available filter materials for the process for removing iron and manganese from water. The issue of iron and manganese removal water treatment was investigated on the basis of a literature review that summarizes the possible methods of removing iron and manganese from water. Subsequently, four industrially produced filter materials were selected and tested in laboratory. Condition for selection was that the materials did not require regeneration. This work has shown that the use of industrially produced filter materials is advantageous in appropriately defined operating conditions. Removing iron and manganese with these materials may be a suitable alternative to the methods used today. Their advantage lies in the long life cycle without requiring dosage of oxidizing agent. The other advantage is the possibility to remove the seasonally occurring increased concentration of iron and manganese. Their use is likely to be suitable for automatic operation of the drinking water treatment plant.
Utilization and comparing the new filter materials for removing iron and manganese
Lukeš, Jan ; Benešová, Libuše (advisor) ; Pivokonský, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the removal of iron and manganese in water treatment. The main goal is to determine applicability and suitability of commercially available filter materials for the process for removing iron and manganese from water. The issue of iron and manganese removal water treatment was investigated on the basis of a literature review that summarizes the possible methods of removing iron and manganese from water. Subsequently, four industrially produced filter materials were selected and tested in laboratory. Condition for selection was that the materials did not require regeneration. This work has shown that the use of industrially produced filter materials is advantageous in appropriately defined operating conditions. Removing iron and manganese with these materials may be a suitable alternative to the methods used today. Their advantage lies in the long life cycle without requiring dosage of oxidizing agent. The other advantage is the possibility to remove the seasonally occurring increased concentration of iron and manganese. Their use is likely to be suitable for automatic operation of the drinking water treatment plant.

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