National Repository of Grey Literature 40 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Migrace živočichů a fragmentace krajiny: případová studie na území Brno-město
Janštová, Lucie
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out to what extent landscape fragmentation is occurring in the Žebětín area, what impact it has on wildlife and how often there is a conflict with wildlife. A sub-objective of this thesis is to find out, on the basis of a questionnaire survey aimed at the inhabitants of Žebětín, whether they have already encountered this issue and whether they knew how to proceed in the event of an accident. The thesis concludes by recommending measures that would include the placement of "beware of animals" signs on the roadside, or the placement of reflectors to warn animals against entering the roadway.
Design of a Crash-Test Dummy
Sedláčková, Martina ; Coufal, Tomáš (referee) ; Bilík, Martin (advisor)
The main objective of this thesis is construction of crash test dummy for vehicle-pedestrian crash tests. There is review of nowadays used crash test dummies types in the introduction of this thesis. This is followed by part describing construction itself. Chapter about construction begins by characterizing of used materials features in relation with real human body physiology. Main part of chapter is describing construction of crash test dummy’s skeleton and its individual components including 3D modelling and strength analysis. Thesis is finished by cost assessment.
Human Factor in Aviation
Vaňourek, Jiří ; Chlebek, Jiří (referee) ; Šplíchal, Miroslav (advisor)
Diploma work includes summary of aeroplanes accidents, incurred by human factor malfunction in general aviation and in ultralight aeroplanes category on Czech Republic territory since year 2000. It analyses accidents enclosures with a view to discover similarities near particular accidents. From ascertained lockworks ared proposal created for possibly steps, how prevent rise of these accidents. Part of this work are also attachments (formularies, etc.).
Design method for estimation of unit value of extrication works after an accident using selected special technologies for removing the traffic obstacle on a motorway
Lebeda, Ondřej ; Bradáč, Albert (referee) ; Libertín, Josef (advisor)
This thesis is a minor part of the overall project on the establishment of a general methodology of calculation of the cost of rescuing a lorry. It deals with legislation related to goods vehicle extrication, analysis of costs and costs as a result of exhausts for selected special equipment after an accident. The work is a guide for experts from the Institute of forensic engineering, on the basis of who can more easily establish a procedure and the unit price recovery work after the accident. Then speeds up determining the prices for example during the court proceedings and the payment of the profits of a business.
Evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of aircraft automatic systems
Vrána, Michal ; Koštial, Rostislav (referee) ; Horpatzká, Michaela (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with civil airplane automatic systems. The first part analyses historical development of flight control systems and automatic system together with philosophy, which is implemented in modern airliners. In the next part, we evaluate advantages and disadvantages together with list and description of modern avionic systems, which participate on automatic flight. In the last part, selected airplane incidents and accidents are analysed, focusing on influence of automation with incidental human factor.
Význam a organizování služby pátrání a záchrany v civilním letectví
Albastová, Slavěna ; Balážová, Renáta (referee) ; Chlebek, Jiří (advisor)
A comprehensive survey including concise attributes of methods and procedures being used during search and rescue operations on the territory of the Czech republic are the main purpose of this bachelor thesis. The search and rescue operations create one part of commitments resulting from the membership of the Czech republic in the ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization. This thesis is regarded as a study guide for future professional pilots obliged to get through their examination of ÚCL (Úřad civilního letectví).
Automatic detector of vehicle road accicents
Žurek, Jan ; Morský, Ondřej (referee) ; Dostál, Otto (advisor)
This master‘s thesis treat of car safety. It includes an introduction into already existing active and passive safety systems and briefly describes their basic principles. It also includes a description of basic principles of car electronic systems. It will acquaint us also with elementary calculations in the area of car crashing into a solid obstacle. On base of this information was developed and consequently realized development module of an automatic car accident alarm that transfers information using SMS messages to a cell phone. The message contains date, time and GPS coordinates of the accident and acceleration sensor readings in three axes.
The Influence of Modern Passive Safety Features in the Protection of a Vehicle's Occupants
Vostrejž, Jan ; Tylšar, Vladimír (referee) ; Semela, Marek (advisor)
Thesis in the field of passive safety problems, traffic accidents and health outcomes of participants in road traffic accidents is aimed, inter alia, to create an overview of modern passive safety elements especially cars. The work deals with elements of the passive safety system and the impact on the crew vehicle. It describes the principle of operation, especially airbags, safety belts, belt pretensioner and it includes solution of limiters tensioning force in the safety belt and other elements that have the task of reducing the consequences of a traffic accident. The use of modern elements of passive safety provides increased protection for the crew and eliminates the formation injuries crew. The technical issue is therefore closely related to the healthcare industry and in particular the Court of medicine in the field of personal injury in relation to the types and characters of incidents, or by applying of the safety elements. There are also shown the actual road accidents in which were killed or injured members of crew with an analysis of the mechanism of injury with the use or non-use of safety elements.
Design method for estimation of unit value of extrication works after an accident using selected special technologies for removing the traffic obstacle on a motorway
Lebeda, Ondřej ; Bradáč, Albert (referee) ; Libertín, Josef (advisor)
Abstract (example) This thesis is a minor part of the overall project on the establishment of a general methodology of calculation of the cost of rescuing a lorry. It deals with legislation related to goods vehicle extrication, analysis of costs and costs as a result of exhausts for selected special equipment after an accident. The work is a guide for experts from the Institute of forensic engineering, on the basis of who can more easily establish a procedure and the unit price recovery work after the accident. Then speeds up determining the prices for example during the court proceedings and the payment of the profits of a business.
The human factor in piloting small aircraft
Straňák, Filip ; Šplíchal, Miroslav (referee) ; Chlebek, Jiří (advisor)
The focus of this diploma thesis is on human as increasing factor in source of aviation events and effect of digital avionic systems on safety. Theoretical part discusses human factor and in detail describes human factor analysis HFACS and HRA. Further are discussed pros and cons of rise of digital instruments. Second part of thesis is focused on analysis of aviation events in Czech republic in category general aviation of maximum takeoff weight 2250kg in years 2004-2014 and analysis of accidents comparing aeroplanes with analog and digital instruments. Thesis also includes short analysis of video record using both types of instruments with focus on distribution of attention.

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