Rychlebské hory - analýza území s hodnocením dopadu rekreačních a sportovních aktivit na krajinu
Jagošová, Kateřina
This bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis of the Rychleby mountains and the evaluation of the impact of recreational and sports activities on the local landscape. Based on the field and literature research, it analyses and evaluates the impact of the most frequent recreational and sports activities (hiking and mountain biking) on segments of the environment. In response, it proposes a target state and measures to preserve the natural and cultural value of the area and to ensure the long-term sustainability of these activities in the Rychleby mountains.
Rozvoj singltreků a singltrailů v České republice z pohledu zdrojů financování a role obcí
Dudová, Kateřina
The subject of the Bachelor's Thesis "Development of singletracks and singletrails in the Czech Republic from the point of view of financing and the role of municipalities" is the analysis of research into the use of various types of financial resources for the construction of the trail and subsequent operation of the premises. The first part of the work deals with relevant concepts such as tourism, cycling, mountain biking and singletrail. In the second part of the work, the analysis of the issue is based on the results of a questionnaire survey, which was attended by 14 singletrack areas and 6 bike parks. Subsequently, the results of the research are evaluated and the differences between individual Czech areas are processed and compared with singletrails abroad. The results of the research show that the most financially demanding part, which is the establishment of the area itself, was attended to by several entities at the same time in most singletrail areas. In addition to the owner, sponsors and municipalities, regions or the state often contributed. On the contrary, the operation of the areas is most often taken care of by the operator itself, which can be a non-profit organization, a natural person or a municipality.
Mountain biking for school-age children: methods of training riding techniques in terrain
Kotrčová, Kateřina ; Brtník, Tomáš (advisor) ; Šafránek, Jiří (referee)
Title: Mountain biking for school-aged children: methods for training trail riding techniques Aim: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a basic overview of off-road cycling techniques for school-age children and to find out their current attitude towards cycling. Methods: In this thesis, the research method and the questionnaire method were used. The main sources include professional literature, websites of key institutions such as UCI, Czech Cycling Union and others. An anonymous and voluntary questionnaire method was used to collect data. Children in 3. primary school in Chomutov were asked a series of questions. Results: According to the questionnaire that I distributed on 3. primary school in Chomutov I found out that cycling is quite popular among children aged 7-15. Of the 108 pupils surveyed (2nd-9th grade), 75 (69 %) said that they ride a bike. There is an almost equal ratio of girls to boys (37:38). The majority of respondents (75 %) learned to ride a bicycle before the age of 6. However, the frequency of cycling varies, with only 31 % of children reporting that they cycle regularly. The most popular routes are cycle paths and other paved roads (55 %). Interestingly, there is also a relatively high number of children with other hobbies (92 %). Thus, the research shows that cycling...
The Singletrack in the Context of Mountain Biking
Cinkánová, Petra ; Brtník, Tomáš (advisor) ; Šafránek, Jiří (referee)
Title: The Singletrack in the Context of Mountain Biking Objectives: The main goal of the bachelor thesis is systematically to introduce the overview of present knowledge in the cross mountain biking area including the wider contexts. Furthermore through the domestic and foreign literature search to reflect the term singletrack, eventually to create the well-arranged overview of the singletrack regions in Czech Republic and in the world. Last but not least to provide the comprehensive analysis of the biggest area of this type in our territory - Singltrek pod Smrkem. Methods: For the data collection and information acquisition have been used following methods: documentary and comparative observation of the tracked objects (technical parameters), standardized and non-standardized interviews (trail builders, village majors), analysis of information resources (domestic and foreign literature search), marginally comparative methods (CR versus world). The data collection resulted from primary as well as from secondary external and internal resources. Results: The bachelor thesis presented the mountain biking as a full-value and prospected form of cycling, which should be integrated to the model of biking infrastructure subvention in Czech Republic, especially in this nature close alternative to the...
The most common health problems for mountain bikers
Janečková, Petra ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Novotná, Irena (referee)
Title: The most common health problems for mountain bikers. Objectives: Uncover the most common localities of health problems of mountain bikers. Find the differences in selected localities of health problems of men and women. Methods: Data were collected using questionnaires with nine questions. Data was been collected after the race mountain bikes for 50 km. The most important monitored parameters were sex and location difficulties. Results: 57 male and 33 female randomly selected recreational cyclists responded to questionnaire. The most common anatomical sites for overuse injury/complaints reported by the male and female cyclists combined were the neck (22,23 %), followed by back (14,44 %), small of the back (13,33 %) and without difficulty (10,8 %). Significant differences were observed between male and female site selection problems. List of health problems in women: neck, knees, back, smal of the back. List of health problems in men: neck, without difficulty, small of the back, back. Keywords: mountain biking, health problems
Socio-economic benefits of Singltrek pod Smrkem and Rychlebské stezky
Cinkánová, Petra ; Brtník, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bačáková, Radka (referee)
Title: Socio-economic benefits of Singeltrek pod Smrkem and Rychleby trails Objectives: The fundamental goal of the diploma thesis is the global introduction of social- economic benefits in the most extensive singletrack areas in Czech Republic - Singltrek pod Smrkem and Rychleby trails. Furthermore based on the comparative analyse of selected variables, to classify identical and differential characters of both destinations and suggest the resolution of detected deficiencies. Methods: For the data collection and information acquisition for the diploma thesis have been used: documentation as well as comparative observation of watched objects (technical parameters), standardized and unstandardized interviews (trail builders, municipality majors), analyse of information resources (research of domestic and international literature) and especially the methods of comparative analyse (Singltrek pod Smrkem versus Rychleby trails). Data collection resulted from primary as well as secondary external and internal resources. Results: Diploma thesis introduced the area of Singltrek pod Smrkem and Rychleby trails as the socio-economically important new form of terrain-bikes tourist industry. Based on comparative analyse selected variables further classified identical and differential characters of both...
The Singletrack in the Context of Mountain Biking
Cinkánová, Petra ; Brtník, Tomáš (advisor) ; Šafránek, Jiří (referee)
Title: The Singletrack in the Context of Mountain Biking Objectives: The main goal of the bachelor thesis is systematically to introduce the overview of present knowledge in the cross mountain biking area including the wider contexts. Furthermore through the domestic and foreign literature search to reflect the term singletrack, eventually to create the well-arranged overview of the singletrack regions in Czech Republic and in the world. Last but not least to provide the comprehensive analysis of the biggest area of this type in our territory - Singltrek pod Smrkem. Methods: For the data collection and information acquisition have been used following methods: documentary and comparative observation of the tracked objects (technical parameters), standardized and non-standardized interviews (trail builders, village majors), analysis of information resources (domestic and foreign literature search), marginally comparative methods (CR versus world). The data collection resulted from primary as well as from secondary external and internal resources. Results: The bachelor thesis presented the mountain biking as a full-value and prospected form of cycling, which should be integrated to the model of biking infrastructure subvention in Czech Republic, especially in this nature close alternative to the...
Energy expenditure of different size of mountain bike rims
Chotěbor, Tomáš ; Brtník, Tomáš (advisor) ; Baláš, Jiří (referee)
Title: Energy expenditure of different size of mountain bike rims Objectives: The goal of this bachelor thesis is to gather and provide information on different energy expenditure (EE) of the organism when riding mountain bikes with different size of rims, while also considering different terrain. Methods: This thesis contains an experiment based on intra-individual measurements, which involved three participants of a similar age, weight, height and physical fitness. EE rate was determined based on the volume of oxygen consumption (VO2) and the amount of exhaled carbon dioxide (VCO2), i.e. by indirect calorimetry. For the measurement of respiratory gases device, we used Metamax 3B. The testing was performed with two wheel sizes, with diameters of 26 "and 29". The runs were carried out on natural circuit with different types of surface. Research participants completed two laps on both types of wheels. One ride lasted an average of 7:04 minutes. Results: We did not find a significant difference in energy expenditure (EE) when riding a mountain bike with the rims with a diameter of 26" and while riding on rims with a diameter of 29". The results of the experiment showed a slight difference in favour of the wheel diameter 29" however, regarding the standard error of measurement, this difference seems negligible...
Retrospective analysis of results of elite contestant on a mountain bike in the student age.
Pirzkall, Marek ; Suchý, Jiří (advisor) ; Henke, Svatopluk (referee)
Title: Retrospective analysis of results of elite contestant on a mountain bike in the student age. Objectives: The aim was to find out if they were the best racers in elite category of mountain biking successful even in pupil 's categories or moved near the bottom of the timesheets. Methods: For obtain the data we performed a retrospective analysis. For data collection we used the questionnaire method, where we focused on Czech racers who are the leaders in the Olympic disciplines of cross-country, marathon discipline and compared them with the top of the world. Results: A retrospective analysis provide information about the beginnings, progress and results of elite racing competition of mountain bike in junior categories. We found that elite mountain bike racers in the categories of pupils did not achieve such success as it is now in the elite category. Their training corresponded with natural evolution that is way the competitors in the elite category are successful and they are able to continue their careers that serve a good stable performance over a long period of time. Keywords: Cycling, mountain biking, sports training children, sports success, retrospective analysis, the results of the questionnaire
Level of awareness of amateur MTB cyclists about sports nutrition in the South Bohemian region
The bachelor thesis focused on the topic of amateur bikers in the South Bohemian Region and their knowledge of sport nutrition. The goal of the thesis is to describe the level of knowledge of sport nutrition. The theoretical part consists of several chapters. The first chapter introduces the history of mountain biking and the energetic usage of nutrients in this field. The next part describes the essential nutrients needed for the energy replenishment and also the principles of endurance sportsmen nutrition. The practical part introduces the evaluated outcomes of the questionnaires. The questionnaire verifies the biker´s concern with the appropriate diet and theoretical information about the sport nutrition. The conclusion of the thesis summarizes the research results, draws conclusion and discusses the topic.