Mikrokontroléry řídicích systémů mobilních prostředků
Kratochvíl, Lukáš
This bachelor thesis deals with a comprehensive overview of microcontrollers used in mobile vehicles control systems. The first part of the work is focused on the general issues of microprocessors and microcontrollers. It describes their individual parts, which they need for their function. The next part of the work is devoted to the description of the used architectures. Due to the growing representation of electronic systems and the increasing complexity of software, the AUTOSAR system is also mentioned in the work. An essential part of the work is an overview and description of attributes and peripherals that the microcontroller needs to function properly. The safety standard that electronic systems and components must meet is also briefly described. The final part of the work is devoted to the development trends of microcontrollers, because the automotive and agricultural environment is very dynamic and is constantly evolving.
Multi-channel potentiostat
Mozola, Rastislav ; Bidlo, Michal (referee) ; Šimek, Václav (advisor)
Predložená práca skúma možnosti využitia analógových integrovaných obvodov pre potreby viackanálového potenciostatu. Navrhované riešenie pozostáva z implementácie viackanálového potenciostatu a progresívnej webovej aplikácie(PWA), ktorá dané zariadenie ovláda prostredníctvom Bluetooth Low Energy protokolu. Tento viackanálový potenciostat poskytuje nákladovo efektívny spôsob pre vykonávania viacero experimentov súčasne s vlastným rozvrhom pre každý experiment. Zariadenie sa môže používať ako doplnok k profesionálnym potenciostatom, na paralelné vykonávanie už odladených experimentov, čo umožňuje rýchlejší výskum a kratší diagnostický čas.
MIDI to DMX signal converter for synchronizing stage lighting with live music
Hajdúch, Patrik ; Záviška, Pavel (referee) ; Sikora, Marek (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on designing a device for converting MIDI signals to DMX signals. The converter runs on the ATmega328P microprocessor with the Arduino bootloader and is capable of converting Note On, Note Off, and Control Change messages into changes in the DMX output signal. For the conversion, a map consisting of three profiles is used, which is editable using a desktop app and saved on an external EEPROM. This allows the converter to be used universally with many different DMX systems. The device is housed in an enclosure with dimensions that allow it to be stored within a single rack unit. The converter allows for fully automatic control of stage lighting and other stage equipment in synchronization with music and creating complex scenes using the widely used MIDI protocol.
Wireless data logger for environmental monitoring - server-side
Bártek, Jiří ; Kolářová, Jana (referee) ; Sekora, Jiří (advisor)
This work describes the design and implementation of the server-side component, which is part of a comprehensive task for measuring temperature in medical storage spaces and sending the measured temperature at specified time intervals. The created device will receive the measured data and subsequently send it to an e-mail address. The introductory part deals with the legislation related to the storage of medicines and further provides the reader with theoretical information about the used devices and protocols. The next section of the work introduces the implementation of the device and software solution. The outcome of the work is a device capable of communicating with another microcontroller and sending the received data to a selected e-mail address for subsequent archiving.
Dashboard for Smart Home Status Focused on Low Consumption Installations
Fišer, Tomáš ; Hynek, Jiří (referee) ; John, Petr (advisor)
In the rapidly evolving concept of IoT, or a network consisting of physical devices with electronic and software capabilities to interconnect and collaborate to perform autonomous actions without human intervention, dashboards are an important element for users, providing data visualizations and controls over data. This work deals with the creation of a dashboard that has as main goals low energy consumption compared to traditional solutions, simple control interface and clear data visualization. It tries to meet the parameter of low power consumption by using energy efficient computing hardware, ESP32 microcontroller and by using E-ink display panel which again has low power consumption. The resulting dashboard should be able to run on batteries for long periods of time without the need to replace or recharge the batteries.
Design of a rotary pendulum with a flexible joint
Palát, Ondřej ; Formánek, Martin (referee) ; Dobossy, Barnabás (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis is focused on design of laboratory equipment with flexible joint. It describes construction, control electronics design, microcontroller programming and mathematical modelling describing flexible joint dynamics. Model parameters were estimated based on measurements. First part also describes market survey and brief description of algorithms used for numeric parameter estimation.
Laboratory microcontroller system - FEKTis
Motyčka, Martin ; Macho, Tomáš (referee) ; Bradáč, Zdeněk (advisor)
The aim of this work is to create a teaching laboratory system that will be used for teaching the subject MPC-POR and it will include a microcontroller module ATmega 328p xplained mini. This system is also intended to use the peripherals from the previous system with the I51 microcontroller. The individual components used as well as the individual peripherals are also described. The physical design of the laboratory system and the demonstration software are discussed. The finished system is tested and the results of the work are evaluated.
Optimization of the digitron testing process
Stuchlík, Lukáš ; Valach, Soběslav (referee) ; Honec, Peter (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the optimization of a nixie aging machine in order to increase its reliability. In the introductory part of the thesis, an analysis of the current state of the machine is made, describing its unreliable operation and related problems in the production process. Based on this analysis, specific modifications in both hardware and software areas have been proposed. The main changes were the change of topology for current control and the addition of necessary components or complete circuits. These modifications were then implemented, which included the fabrication and testing of new printed circuit boards (PCBs) and the implementation of new firmware. In conclusion, it is confirmed that the modified machine exhibits reliable operation for the purposes of actual aging, but further requires minor modifications.
Determining Stress Level from Heart Rate Monitoring
Hodulík, Hynek ; Strnadel, Josef (referee) ; Bidlo, Michal (advisor)
This thesis outlines the development of a prototype wearable embedded device intended for stress detection via physiological measurements utilizing an EKG sensor. Communication for the device is facilitated through Bluetooth LE. Accompanying the device is an algorithm designed to estimate stress levels locally based on collected heart rate variability data. Following a comparison of various methods, a multilayer perceptron was selected for stress detection. The proposed solution demonstrates an 85% accuracy rate in stress detection on WESAD dataset.
Controlling LEGO Technic Active Elements from EV3
Blaško, Daniel ; Polčák, Libor (referee) ; Hranický, Radek (advisor)
LEGO Mindstorms je populárna rada programovateľných kociek s rozsiahlou sadou funkcií, ktorá už 25 rokov pomáha učiť deti základy robotiky a počítačových vied, a ktorá sa teší širokej komunitnej podpore. Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je vytvoriť hardvérové a softvérové riešenia, ktoré zlepšia kompatibilitu medzi kockou Mindstorms EV3 a ostatnými motorizovanými LEGO súčiastkami, s primárnym zameraním sa na produktovú radu Power Functions. V rámci tejto práce boli v rôznych iteráciách vytvorené radiče, ktoré rozširujú možnosti kocky EV3 ovládať motory, s použitím vlastných návrhov dizajnov plošných spojov a 3D tlačených puzdier. Okrem nich boli vyvinuté softvérové kódovacie bloky, ktoré umožňujú kocke komunikovať s týmito radičmi a ďalšími UART zariadeniami.