National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Solution alternatives of lifting platform
Hájek, Ondřej ; Malach, František (referee) ; Malášek, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the possibility of mechanical design platform lifts. Proposal lifting platform with mechanical and hydraulic drive with a capacity of 3500 kg and lift 600 mm. The work is mainly focused on design and strength calculation mechanism and structure. Proposal hydraulic circuits and the development drawings for both types of drive.
Positioning board for a pallet
Zábojník, Petr ; Malášek, Jiří (referee) ; Kašpárek, Jaroslav (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the design of static placement table for lifting loaded EUR palettes. Load capacity of the manipulator should be at least 1500 kg and lift height from the zero position at least 700 mm. Furthermore it should be possible to switch between electrical and hydraulic drive. This thesis consists of two parts, technical report and drawing documentation.
Steam Turbine for Compressor Drive
Čoupek, Filip ; Fiedler, Jan (referee) ; Kracík, Petr (advisor)
The aim of the master's thesis is the design of a condensing steam turbine to drive a compressor with specified parameters. Firstly, the thermodynamic calculation of the flow channels is made, which are verified by strength control to meet the API 612 standard. Following, the calculation for the axial and radial bearings, on which the turbine is mounted, is described and the operating characteristic is developed. Finally, a construction drawing of the longitudinal section of the steam turbine is attached.
Alternatives of lifting platform
Machala, Petr ; Pokorný, Přemysl (referee) ; Malášek, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the construction design of a platform lift with a mechanical drive, load capacity up to 3 000 kg and maximum height in folded state 250mm. In this work a suitable variant of stroke mechanism and analysis of the use of selected options of mechanical drives is selected. In the next part the appropriate calculation of the mechanisms regarding the chosen dimensions and loads is elaborated. In the end the technical possibilities of both variants are evaluated and compared. The output of this work is the assembly drawings of the platform lifts for both types of drive.
Steam Turbine for Compressor Drive
Čoupek, Filip ; Fiedler, Jan (referee) ; Kracík, Petr (advisor)
The aim of the master's thesis is the design of a condensing steam turbine to drive a compressor with specified parameters. Firstly, the thermodynamic calculation of the flow channels is made, which are verified by strength control to meet the API 612 standard. Following, the calculation for the axial and radial bearings, on which the turbine is mounted, is described and the operating characteristic is developed. Finally, a construction drawing of the longitudinal section of the steam turbine is attached.
Positioning board for a pallet
Zábojník, Petr ; Malášek, Jiří (referee) ; Kašpárek, Jaroslav (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the design of static placement table for lifting loaded EUR palettes. Load capacity of the manipulator should be at least 1500 kg and lift height from the zero position at least 700 mm. Furthermore it should be possible to switch between electrical and hydraulic drive. This thesis consists of two parts, technical report and drawing documentation.
Alternatives of lifting platform
Machala, Petr ; Pokorný, Přemysl (referee) ; Malášek, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the construction design of a platform lift with a mechanical drive, load capacity up to 3 000 kg and maximum height in folded state 250mm. In this work a suitable variant of stroke mechanism and analysis of the use of selected options of mechanical drives is selected. In the next part the appropriate calculation of the mechanisms regarding the chosen dimensions and loads is elaborated. In the end the technical possibilities of both variants are evaluated and compared. The output of this work is the assembly drawings of the platform lifts for both types of drive.
Solution alternatives of lifting platform
Hájek, Ondřej ; Malach, František (referee) ; Malášek, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the possibility of mechanical design platform lifts. Proposal lifting platform with mechanical and hydraulic drive with a capacity of 3500 kg and lift 600 mm. The work is mainly focused on design and strength calculation mechanism and structure. Proposal hydraulic circuits and the development drawings for both types of drive.

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