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Marketingová komunikace společnosti Apia
Šušková, Barbara
The objective of the thesis is to submit marketing communication in company Apia. The emphasis is on online marketing which will be the main content of the thesis along with the specification of the company objectives and proposal of the strategies and changes for their fulfillment.
The marketing plan of fitness center Expreska Jiřího z Poděbrad.
Štěchová, Kristýna ; Voráček, Josef (advisor) ; Štědroň, Bohumír (referee)
Title: The marketing plan of fitness center Expreska Jiřího z Poděbrad. Objectives: The main aim of the dimploma thesis is to construct a marketing plan for fitness center Expreska Jiřího z Poděbrad for the year 2017. The proposed marketing strategy, including the implementation plan will be directed to achieve marketing and business goals of the organization. Methods: For analysis of the microenvironment is used Porter matrix. Analysis of macroenvironment is done with the help of PEST analysis. For the analysis of competition is used marketing mix. The criteria of marketing mix are score and they are assigned to the appropriate weight. Already mentioned methods will form the basis for the creation of a SWOT analysis. Within Ansoff matrix is determined by the marketing strategy, which is supported by the research of customer satisfaction. Results: The result of this work is complete marketing plan of Expreska Jiřího z Poděbrad for the year 2017, which includes the necessary requirements and can serve as a tool for achieving the goals of the organization. Keywords: Marketing plan, Marketing mix, SWOT analysis, Marketing research, Marketing goals, Marketing strategy, Expreska JZP
Proposal of Marketing Strategy for Travel Agency
Lašáková, Petra ; Hladíková, Kateřina (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
I prepared the dissertation to make marketing strategy for travel agency. This strategy is focused to confirm the market position on the travel market, obtain the new clients and keep the current and also increase turnover. It has to may result from the marketing strategy which customers are the most important for the agency to make right advertising plan. It has to be known the ways how to attain the target.
Increasing Competitivenes of Company by Suggestions of Changes in Marketing Strategy
Mácová, Romana ; Cikánek, Lukáš (referee) ; Zich, Robert (advisor)
The aim of this master thesis is an analysis of choosen company and its competitiors, from which will be created proposals for changes in the primary marketing strategy, to increas their competitiveness which will lead to a strenghtening its positron in the market. The theoretical part of this work contains survey and elaboration of the appropriate materials and theory which are needed for successful realization of the chosen objectives. The practical part is dealing with the analysis of current marketing promotion and formulation of proposals for its efectiveness.
Proposal of Marketing Strategy of Firm Plastika a.s.
Helíšková, Šárka ; Vrzalová, Monika (referee) ; Vrzalová, Monika (referee) ; Zich, Robert (advisor)
The topic of this thesis is to increase the competitive position of the firm Plastika a.s. with the help of creation a new marketing strategy for the next period of time. The analysis of the present marketing strategy is the base for it. The first part of this work is based on the theory. The second part introduces the company Plastika a.s.. There is carried out the analysis of the current situation which focuses on its present marketing strategy. The third suggestion part formulates the suggestion of the new marketing strategy for the next period of time which will lead to the improvement of the competitive position of the firm Plastika on the market.
Marketing strategy of company (for concrete company, organisation)
Haška, Ivo ; Petřík, Martin (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
This diploma thesis has analysed current marketing strategy of the company Linde Material Handling ČR. Based on this analysis is formulated proper recommendations. All recommendations steps would have positive impact on improvements of the company competitiveness and the market position.
Business Plan
Zelenková, Eva ; Svorová, Hana (referee) ; Sládková, Jitka (advisor)
This work deal with the process of relax centre business plan and its establishment. Relax centre should provide quality services. The processed proposals of financing and market aspects are the aim of this bachelor thesis.
Marketing Strategy Proposal
Hladík, Tomáš ; Lašáková, Petra (referee) ; Chalupský, Vladimír (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the marketing strategy of ROS.BR s.r.o. The work is divided into three units. The first theoretical part describes general problems of marketing strategy development, market development characteristics, segmentation and marketing situational analysis. The second analytical part deals with the analysis of the internal factors of the company, the general and the business environment, the interpretation of the conclusion from the questionnaire survey and the analysis of the web marketing tools. In the third final part is elaborated a proposal of marketing strategy, individual goals and paths to achieve the stated goals.

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