National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Marketing Strategy for Company Chaudry&Goraya s.r.o.
Sedláková, Jitka ; Bárta, Martin (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
Diploma thesis is focused on the range of problems relating to marketing strategy. Theoretical part is dedicated ensuring termination and methods of marketing and marketing strategy. In the next part of the thesis is analyze current status of company Chaudry&Goraya s. r. o. Diploma thesis also deals with proposal of marketing strategy. Thesis contains suggestions for the improvement current situation.
Marketing Strategy for Company Chaudry&Goraya s.r.o.
Sedláková, Jitka ; Bárta, Martin (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
Diploma thesis is focused on the range of problems relating to marketing strategy. Theoretical part is dedicated ensuring termination and methods of marketing and marketing strategy. In the next part of the thesis is analyze current status of company Chaudry&Goraya s. r. o. Diploma thesis also deals with proposal of marketing strategy. Thesis contains suggestions for the improvement current situation.

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