The Change of Management System in Small Company
Slavíková, Marie ; Plhoňová, Věra (referee) ; Koráb, Vojtěch (advisor)
This thesis deals with basic concepts of corporate governance and management functions. It focuses on an analysis of a specific company, through which it is possible to identify deficiencies that occur within the firm. These weaknesses then affect the design of a new strategy and proposal for management functions. The changes are later implemented through Lewin's Change Management Model to which an implementation schedule is formed.
Change of management system in small company
Škvařilová, Hana ; Šašek, Martin (referee) ; Koráb, Vojtěch (advisor)
The main aim of Diploma Thesis is management system analysis and sugestion of chosen company, according to a management functions. Strategic analysis is a part of company analysis. It includes the proposals and recommendations of management system which gives a support for a company position at the market and helps to improve company economic result.
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Management in preprimary education
Kunická, Václava ; Šafránková, Jana Marie (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Miroslava (referee)
For diploma thesis I chose the topic of management of educational institutions. The aim of the thesis is an analysis of managerial activities director nursery school focusing on personnel management. We focused on the issue of the relationship performs headmaster all managerial activities, what time frame they have to pay, how well it is able to fulfill. Individual chapters are based on the general theory of management, managerial functions, personnel, operations and human resources management. The practical part of the evaluation research. Method for obtaining data was used, primarily, time snapshot of all activities director kindergarten and secondarily, identification questionnaire. Based on the research model was created activities director kindergarten with basic timing in the form of a monthly interval. In the end we will find the time spent evaluating director of the kindergarten and recommendations, which should streamline the functioning of the school.
The management specifics of school with more grades in one class
Matýsková, Denisa ; Tureckiová, Michaela (advisor) ; Veteška, Jaroslav (referee)
This diploma thesis is aimed primarily at the analysis and specification of the management specifics at schools with more grades in one class. Due to the proportionally lower number of those type of schools in the school system, these specifics have a general tendency to be neglected or at least only peripherally mentioned in literature, even though its management undoubtly differs from the one applied at fully organized primary schools. The theoretical part specifies the term school with more grades in one class and pursue to describe its specific features and particularities. A description of the general school management follows, aiming at its most important spheres. In this thesis, school management is being described primarily from the point of view of a headteacher. The research part of this thesis is realized through the method of questionnaire survey aimed at fully-organized schools headteachers and at schools with more grades in one class headteachers in Středočeský region, in order to discover their management specifics. This thesis is not framed as a qualitative comparison of those two school types. The specifies of fully-organized schools management are being elicited only as a default source of inrormation, from which the specifcs of school with more grades in one class management are...
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Management in preprimary education
Kunická, Václava ; Šafránková, Jana Marie (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Miroslava (referee)
For diploma thesis I chose the topic of management of educational institutions. The aim of the thesis is an analysis of managerial activities director nursery school focusing on personnel management. We focused on the issue of the relationship performs headmaster all managerial activities, what time frame they have to pay, how well it is able to fulfill. Individual chapters are based on the general theory of management, managerial functions, personnel, operations and human resources management. The practical part of the evaluation research. Method for obtaining data was used, primarily, time snapshot of all activities director kindergarten and secondarily, identification questionnaire. Based on the research model was created activities director kindergarten with basic timing in the form of a monthly interval. In the end we will find the time spent evaluating director of the kindergarten and recommendations, which should streamline the functioning of the school.
Management activities of charge nurse in the intensive care unit
Nováková, Alena ; Marková, Eva (advisor) ; Lišková, Iveta (referee)
This thesis focuses on the work of charge nurses in intensive care units (ICUs) as first-line managers. The practical part of the thesis aims at assessing the experience with nursing management in day-to-day routine, especially with the management of change introduction, conflict resolution and motivation of employees. It further compares different charge nurses' career beginnings. The second part of the research deals with personal typology of charge nurses. Twenty six ICU charge nurses were included into the study. The results indicate that charge nurses are not being specifically prepared for their job and that they particularly lack any special education in management. They usually solve conflicts either by compromise or via a directive. Most charge nurses intend to introduce changes into daily practice and they perceive changes as positive. Conversely, they describe the attitude of their subordinates towards changes as negative. Charge nurses generally know the motivators of their employees; however, they excessively and inappropriately use praising as motivation tool. Although not standardized and not used generally, a formal evaluation of employees is considered by charge nurses as a possible way to improve motivation. Allover, the study shows the need for a more thorough management training...
Managerial competence teacher - controlled
Kunická, Václava ; Voda, Jan (advisor) ; Trunda, Jiří (referee)
Final thesis deals with one of the managerial competencies of teachers-checking. The essence of control is a critical evaluation of reality with respect to the intended target. The work is based both on theoretical knowledge gained by studying professional literature, both from some of the experience gained from their own practice, as well as the knowledge that I gained studying school management and in particular the analysis of the information obtained through use of interview techniques, interview related to the findings, in which a variety of professional contexts performing teachers nursery and primary school management activities and monitoring what is normally subject to their control.
The Change of Management System in Small Company
Slavíková, Marie ; Plhoňová, Věra (referee) ; Koráb, Vojtěch (advisor)
This thesis deals with basic concepts of corporate governance and management functions. It focuses on an analysis of a specific company, through which it is possible to identify deficiencies that occur within the firm. These weaknesses then affect the design of a new strategy and proposal for management functions. The changes are later implemented through Lewin's Change Management Model to which an implementation schedule is formed.