Dopady surovinových nároků rozvoje elektromobility ve světě
Kriváček, Adam
The bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of the impacts of the raw material requirements of the development of electromobility in the world. The aim of this thesis is to assess the possible environmental and other side effects of the development of electromobility. The thesis includes a literature search on the topic of electromobility and its underlying technical solutions. The methodology includes an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of electromobility as well as its resource intensity. DRC and South America are analysed in terms of environmental and other impacts.
Recovery Of Lithium From Waste Water By Sodium Carbonate
Báňa, Jiří ; Kazda, Tomáš ; Šimek, Antonín ; Čech, Ondřej
Lithium-ion batteries are growing in production, thanks in large part to the rise of electromobility. In the future, every battery for electromobility will have to be recycled at the end of its life with a recycling efficiency of over 70 %. In the case of hydrometallurgical recycling methods and underwater crushing, some lithium is remaining in waste water. Efficient recovery of lithium from wastewater can mitigate the need for lithium mining. In this paper, we focus on the recovery of lithium carbonate from wastewater by thermal precipitation and crystallization of waste lithium using sodium carbonate.
Lithium and its impact on the environment in lithium battery cell failures
Linney, Phillip George ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (referee) ; Komendová, Renata (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the study of the release of alkali metals and selected heavy metals from battery cells into firefighting water. The battery samples were prepared by superheating them with subsequent explosion and then leaching in distilled water. The change in pH and conductivity compared to distilled water was monitored after a specified time. Flame emission spectrometry and ICP-MS were used to measure elemental concentrations. The measured values of metal contents in aqueous extracts of the battery samples burned in air were compared with those of the samples exploded under water. Some differences were found. A concentration sequence was found for the extracts of the air-burned battery samplesLi+ >> K+ > Na+, whereas for the samples of extracts of batteries burnt in water the concentration sequence Li+ >> Na+ > K+ was found. The concentrations of Na+ ions were around 12.7 mg/l for the samples exploded under water and 275 mg/l thereafter. The K+ concentration was around 19 mg/l for both sample types. Lithium ions were determined the most of all elements measured, averaging 1500 mg/l for air-burned samples and 8200 mg/l for underwater exploded samples. Higher concentrations of Fe, Ni, Cu, Mn and Co were found in the ICP-MS measurements depending on the composition of the battery sample.
Effect of temperature on electrochemical parameters of Li-S battery
Bečan, Jan ; Skala, Kateřina (referee) ; Jaššo, Kamil (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the production of lithium-sulfur battery and the effect of changing temperatures on its electrochemical parameters. The theoretical part is focused on primary and secondary batteries and their historical evolution, anode and cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries and next-generation batteries. The practical part is focused on preparing the electrode material for lithium-sulfur battery, completion of electrochemical cell and measuring the values of cycling charge/discharge at different temperatures.
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Controll Electronics for Effective Supplying of Equipment with Li-Ion Accu by Solar Cells
Horký, Luděk ; Dřínovský, Jiří (referee) ; Urbanec, Tomáš (advisor)
This Bachelor`s thesis deals with questions surrounding the collection and harnessing of solar radiation for use as electrical energy. The aim of this project was to build an effective system for charging Li-Ion batteries by means of solar cells. To this end, four different solar panels currently available were chosen for measuring and evaluation. The most suitable of these was chosen and an electronic control system devised for effectively supplying the Li-Ion batteries. It was necessarily to make solution for problems consequent upont this method of charging this type of battery and make practise realizitaion of this electrical scheme by SMT technology.
Preparation and characterisation of ceramic electroactive materials for Na-ion batteries
Vaněk, Martin ; Libich, Jiří (referee) ; Čech, Ondřej (advisor)
Hlavním cílem této práce je charakterizace vzorků titanátů, jako materiálů pro sodíko-iontové (Na-ion) akumulátory. Syntéza některých vzorků je součástí této práce. Charakterizace je zaměřena na elektrochemické vlastnosti, složení a morfologii použitých materiálů. První část se zabývá lithium-iontovými (Li-ion) akumulátory. Byly vybrány, protože jsou ve vědeckých článcích dobře popsány a základní funkční princip je aplikovatelný také na Na-ion akumulátory. Materiály používáné pro katody, anody a elektrolyty následují po krátké části shrnující parametry a konstrukci Li-ion akumulátorů. Následující kapitola je zaměřena na sodíko-iontové akumulátory. Srovnání sodíku a lithia je následováno materiály používanými pro elektrody a elektrolyty (s důrazem na anodové materiály). Třetí část popisuje analytické metody použité pro charakterizaci elektrod a materiálů. Jedná se o elektrochemickou charakterizaci (cyklická voltametrie a galvanostatické cyklování s potenciálovým omezením), morfologii (rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie) a složení (X-ray difrakční spektroskopie). Poslední dvě kapitoly obsahují syntézu a charakterizaci sodného titanátu a charakterizaci dvou vzorků TiO2. Výsledky této práce jsou shrnuty v závěru.
Investigation of intercalation of alkaline metals in electrochromic devices
Kortyš, Petr ; Špičák, Petr (referee) ; Svoboda, Vít (advisor)
This work deals with investigation of intercalation of alkaline metals in electrochromic devices by the help of the quartz crystal microbalance method. The general aim is to investigate the influence of molar mass and resistance on properties of vanadium pentoxide and tungsten trioxide electrochromic films. The main measuring method used for investigating of interacalation of sodium and lithium ions into these films is the cyclic voltammetry. Drawn graphs reveals that sodium and lithium ions shows different qualities during intercalation, particularly in participation of solvent, therefore, in the influence of molar mass and in structural changes in the films.
Materials and Components for Lithium-Ion Power Sources
Jirák, Tibor ; Kadlec, Jaromír (referee) ; Paidar,, Martin (referee) ; Vondrák, Jiří (advisor)
The dissertation thesis deals with electrode materials and components for lithium-ion power sources. The thesis works with two different kinds of materials, concretely nanostructured Li4Ti5O12 with spinel basis and LiCoO2 with layered structure. The electrochemical properties, structure and element analysis and utilization possibilities in electrochemical industry of new technological electrode material Li4Ti5O12 were investigated. The influences of admixtures and electrolytes on characteristics of electrode materials with aforesaid active masses were also examined. Low cost price, environmental safety and obtained results of electrochemical measurements and structure analysis refer to wide possibilities of usage electrode material Li4Ti5O12 in the field of electrochemistry.
XRD characterization of electrodes and electrode materials for electrochemical power sources
Klvač, Ondřej ; Chladil, Ladislav (referee) ; Čech, Ondřej (advisor)
The thesis describes available choices of methods for research of electrochemical power source electrode strcture by x-ray diffraction spectroscopy. At first there is a theoretical computation of difractogram. Then there are discussed possibilities of in-situ and ex-situ techniques as background research. Practical part of thesis compares theoretical assumptions to measurements of lithium and sodium cells, including analyze of crystallographic phases and lattice constants. As a conclusion, there are discussed possibilities of subsequent research.