Design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion
Gärtner, Jan ; Kalous, Jaroslav (referee) ; Singule, Vladislav (advisor)
This thesis deals with design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. In the first part of the work is shown describe types of linear motors. Further is a part of analysis of concrete linear drives from patents database. In the next part of this work is straight design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. The conception in-clude geometric model created with software Solidworks, calculation of forces with software Ansys and dynamic models of mechanical and electrical part of drive with software Mat-lab/Simulink. And is a mentions possibility of controls of this drive too.
Design of Universal Equipment for Tire Cutting
Kohoutek, Petr ; Veselý, Oldřich (referee) ; Prokeš, František (advisor)
The main content of of this thesis is a construction design and analysis of a machine for cutting tires. The resulting solution emerges from the design options and the option that meets the best selection criteria is chosen. Then the thesis stops for a while at the choice of cutting technology and tries to exemine its suitability for cutting tires. In its other part there is an attempt to clarify the relevant parts of the machine, where the benefits of three-dimensional views is used. Basic design and check calculations are done in the selected machine parts.
Modelling of linear power drive with DC motor for control purposes
Vrbka, Michal ; Březina, Lukáš (referee) ; Houška, Pavel (advisor)
In my diploma thesis, I developed the model of a linear actuator for the control purposes. The first part summarizes the literature research of currently available linear actuator systems. The work further describes some of the capabilities of the simulation environment Matlab which was used for the creation of the computer model of linear actuators. In the last part, this theoretical model is compared with already available physical model of the system.
Design of three axis manipulator
Srněnský, Jan ; Tůma, Jiří (referee) ; Holub, Michal (advisor)
The purpose of this thesis is to calculate drives of three axis manipulator. The aim is to create 3D model of machine, to analyze model and to use data for calculation. The aim is also to create blueprints of machine and calculation sheet. The thesis consists of four parts. Theoretical part, where principals of dental x-ray are described, kinematics explanation, description of part used to assembly machine and calculation part.
Optimization of the direct feed drive by the vibration damper
Hradil, Jan ; Neugebauer, Reimund (referee) ; Koch, Thomas (referee) ; Blecha, Petr (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací třech metod omezení rezonancí kritických frekvencí a popisem jejich vlivu na rychlostní smyčku řízení lineárního motoru. K tlumení kmitání pokusného standu byl použit jak elektromagnetický hltič vibrací, tak i pružné uložení sekundárního dílu lineárního pohonu. Obě metody byly doplněny aktivováním Cauerova filtru v řízení motoru. Systematicky byla analyzována a vybrána měřící technika pro zjištění těchto frekvencí. Dále jsou v této práci popsány modely mechanické struktury a řízení pokusného standu. Jejich porovnání a modifikace byly prováděny v software Matlab®/Simulink®, stejně jako zpracování naměřených dat.
Optimization of the direct feed drive by the vibration damper
Hradil, Jan ; Neugebauer, Reimund (referee) ; Koch, Thomas (referee) ; Blecha, Petr (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací třech metod omezení rezonancí kritických frekvencí a popisem jejich vlivu na rychlostní smyčku řízení lineárního motoru. K tlumení kmitání pokusného standu byl použit jak elektromagnetický hltič vibrací, tak i pružné uložení sekundárního dílu lineárního pohonu. Obě metody byly doplněny aktivováním Cauerova filtru v řízení motoru. Systematicky byla analyzována a vybrána měřící technika pro zjištění těchto frekvencí. Dále jsou v této práci popsány modely mechanické struktury a řízení pokusného standu. Jejich porovnání a modifikace byly prováděny v software Matlab®/Simulink®, stejně jako zpracování naměřených dat.
Design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion
Gärtner, Jan ; Kalous, Jaroslav (referee) ; Singule, Vladislav (advisor)
This thesis deals with design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. In the first part of the work is shown describe types of linear motors. Further is a part of analysis of concrete linear drives from patents database. In the next part of this work is straight design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. The conception in-clude geometric model created with software Solidworks, calculation of forces with software Ansys and dynamic models of mechanical and electrical part of drive with software Mat-lab/Simulink. And is a mentions possibility of controls of this drive too.
Design of Universal Equipment for Tire Cutting
Kohoutek, Petr ; Veselý, Oldřich (referee) ; Prokeš, František (advisor)
The main content of of this thesis is a construction design and analysis of a machine for cutting tires. The resulting solution emerges from the design options and the option that meets the best selection criteria is chosen. Then the thesis stops for a while at the choice of cutting technology and tries to exemine its suitability for cutting tires. In its other part there is an attempt to clarify the relevant parts of the machine, where the benefits of three-dimensional views is used. Basic design and check calculations are done in the selected machine parts.
Modelling of linear power drive with DC motor for control purposes
Vrbka, Michal ; Březina, Lukáš (referee) ; Houška, Pavel (advisor)
In my diploma thesis, I developed the model of a linear actuator for the control purposes. The first part summarizes the literature research of currently available linear actuator systems. The work further describes some of the capabilities of the simulation environment Matlab which was used for the creation of the computer model of linear actuators. In the last part, this theoretical model is compared with already available physical model of the system.
Design of three axis manipulator
Srněnský, Jan ; Tůma, Jiří (referee) ; Holub, Michal (advisor)
The purpose of this thesis is to calculate drives of three axis manipulator. The aim is to create 3D model of machine, to analyze model and to use data for calculation. The aim is also to create blueprints of machine and calculation sheet. The thesis consists of four parts. Theoretical part, where principals of dental x-ray are described, kinematics explanation, description of part used to assembly machine and calculation part.