National Repository of Grey Literature 29 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Auction Portal with Non-banking Loans in The Czech Republic
Hadač, Marek ; Pochyla, Martin (referee) ; Heralecký, Tomáš (advisor)
This thesis delas with the business plan of the internet auction portal with non banking loans. The main aim of the thesis is on the base of financial plan and financial alalysis design functional system which would be realizable in practise. In theoretical part I deal with internet auctions and also legislation of consumers contracts and loans. In practical part comparing the loan market and proposal of business solution.
Usury and Lesion in Business Law Realtions
Šejko, Jaroslav ; Černá, Stanislava (advisor) ; Pelikán, Robert (referee)
Usury and Lesion in Business Law Realtions Abstract The main objective of the thesis is to investigate the issue of usury and lesion in business law realtions and to analyse the possibilities that entrepreneurs have to protect themselves from these undesirable phenomena by means of legal institutes of private law. Particular emphasis is placed on the relationship between the general private law remedies, which serve to correct the substantive incorrectness of legal actions, and the special provisions that exclude protection of entrepreneurs against usury and lesion. In the course of the thesis we will focus on the evaluation and analysis of these institutes and their possible impact on business entities in business dealings, including a comparison with foreign legislation (mainly German and Austrian) and practical recommendations. In its examination, the thesis is progressively divided into several subparts, with the first topic addressed being the protection of the weaker party, the definition of the situation and the reasons for the protection of the weaker party, including the ideological background. The emphasis in this chapter is on the entrepreneur as the weaker party and the possible abuse of the stronger position. In the second and third parts, I focus on the definition of the concepts of usury and...
Usury as the ethical question in the social work
The thesis deals with the manifestations of usury in our society and outlines possible solutions from the perspective of social work. The phenomenon of usury is set in the historical-philosophical context, from which the moral and legal rejection of usury practices grows, and subsequently the current forms of usury are defined. Over-indebtedness is connected with usury as its consequence and cause, so the thesis brings a closer look at the issue of debts and debt. Possible solutions to over-indebtedness are outlined, the work emphasizes debt counseling, which identifies the approaches, methods and procedures used by social workers.
Civil law usury
Makovec, Jakub ; Šustek, Petr (advisor) ; Hendrychová, Michaela (referee)
Civil law usury Abstract While discussing the issue of civil law usury, this thesis has three main goals in principle. The first one is exploring and describing usury from non-legal standpoints, the second one involves assessing usury from legal standpoints and the final one comprises comparing the Czech regulation of usury with foreign approaches, presenting proposals aiming to enhance the definition of usury and evaluating the quality of its definition. The thesis is thus divided into three parts accordingly. The first part focuses on the origin of usury itself, while particularly exploring key historical periods and philosophical approaches. It also mentions the influence of religion, which used to influence the everyday life of individuals and usury was no exception. This part is complemented with a brief look at the usury regime in the three previous civil codes from the past century, which predate the current regime with their effect. The formulation of the theoretical part then follows, it comprises an interpretation of the current usury regime contained in the present Civil Code. In that, I first explore the basis of the law of obligations, then move to the concept of laesio enormis and finally analyse the key provisions of usury itself. Here, I describe its components using case law and other...
Over-indebtedness in the Czech Republic: Problem Analysis and Policy Alternatives
Řezáčová, Lucie ; Veselý, Arnošt (advisor) ; Čabanová, Bohumila (referee)
The thesis "Over-Indebtedness in the Czech Republic: Problem Analysis and Policy Alternatives" deals with the issue of over-indebtedness of households with regards to consumer loans, specifically in the Czech Republic. Over-indebtedness is currently a very real and serious issue. The author attempts to tackle what is a relatively complex issue. The objective of the thesis is to demonstrate that over-indebtedness is a significant problem and analyse the myriad factors that contribute to it. Finally, possible solutions to the problem are explored. The author exhibits a variety of data to measure over-indebtedness in addition to determining the various causes, namely individual economic factors, such as sudden unemployment, and financial imprudence, which can be attributed to individual psychology or low financial literacy. Additionally, the unfair and even loan-sharking practices adopted by some loan providers and brokers along with the problematic process of debt enforcement, which contribute to over-indebtedness are described in detail. Based on the identified drivers, the thesis proposes specific tools to address the problem, with particular emphasis on regulating providers, and analyses their advantages and disadvantages. Further to the regulatory instruments, the thesis also stresses the need to...
Islamic Interest-free Banking
Vopálková, Eva ; Kropáček, Luboš (advisor) ; Gebelt, Jiří (referee)
This diploma thesis attempts to explain the background of the origin of Islamic interest-free banking, where the first part of the thesis is devoted to the attitudes of ancient jurisdictions towards interest in the Old Testament and the Christian middle ages. It also tries to explain the basic principles of Islamic banking's functioning, the specific products it offers, and to show its position and practices in selected Muslim and European countries.
Usury in democratic society. Ethical-historical and civic-legal view in the context of the Czech Republic
Bednář, Jaroslav ; Mašek, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Sládek, Karel (referee)
This written work deals with the meaning of the terms usury and interest over the course of time from the anthropological-historical point of view given by the philosophical and theological authorities and painters of the time. The work reflects the socio-ethical interpretation of moral dilemmas associated with usury in today's civic-economic practice, especially in the context of the Czech Republic. In the introductory section, the concept of usury is defined. On the basis of legal science, the principles governing the legal area in the decision-making and the definition of usurer behaviour in criminal and private law relations are highlighted. For the proper understanding of the issue are illuminated the meanings of terms such as debt, bond, compound and simple interest, annual average cost rate. The second part of the work is devoted to usury in selected biblical passages of the Old and New Testament. In the context of the comparison, a modest comparative insight into Islam is given in relation to usury (ribá), and some morally controversial banking transactions under sharia Islamic law are introduced. In the third section, an extensive historical and legal part the development of credit issues, usury from the perspective of selected philosophers and church authorities are described. Specific...
Theological treatise by Master Jacobellus de Stříbro "De ususra iudeorum et christianorum" and his reflection of the position of Jews in society
Gažíková Fečová, Rostislava ; Vymětalová Hrabáková, Eva (advisor)
1 Summary Diploma thesis "The theological treatise by Master Jacobellus de Misa ‚De usura iudeorum et christianorum' and his reflection of the position of Jews in society" is about the one from the writings of m. Jakoubek of Stříbro. Treatise "Contra usuram" ("Against usury") was written about in the year 1415, and has not yet been translated into Czech. For the use of this theses, I translated the Latin text of Appendix into Czech. The first chapter of advocates selected topic in historical context, that is, the crisis of the turn of the 14. and 15. century, when the high middle ages already continuously paced to the modern era. Our history has been called Czech Hussite reformation and revolution. In the second chapter is introduced by m. Jacob of Mies as a friend, collaborator and successor in the work of m. Jan Hus at the Prague University. Together with m. Nicholas from Dresden initiated the adoption of recovery sub utraque speciae and became a leading theologian utraquists.The subject of the third chapter is the concept of usury, according to the Scriptures, the church fathers and teachers, and the medieval doctrine of the usury and its effects. Usury was all the ecclesiastical authorities, widely dismissed as immoral, forbidden Letters social phenomenon. The fifth chapter deals with the dramatic...

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