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Vytvoření 3D modelu jeskyně Koňská jáma z dat pozemního laserového skenování pro potřeby CHKO Moravský kras
Gaja, Martin
The thesis discusses the use of relatively new technologies laser scanning for speleology surveying. The impulse for the creation of this work are simple, in many cases inaccurate surveyings the caves, which are, since inception for a long time, used up to now. The work describes the process of data acquisition by terrestrial laser scanning, then their processing and outputs that can be present or work with them. It is also evaluated the appropriateness of using this method in speleosurveying and compared with the currently used methods.
Metric survey documentation of the part of the main palace of Veveří Castle
Biriukov, Ilia ; Volařík, Tomáš (referee) ; Machotka, Radovan (advisor)
The main aim of the master's thesis is to create documentation for the southern part of the 3rd floor of the palace with a pointed tower in the Veveří Castle complex, based on laser scanning and measurements using the Faro Focus 3D device, and to create a 3D model of the area of interest. This documentation includes floor plans, sections, and elevations of the building's facades, and it is an integral component for the future reconstruction. To achieve this aim, the master's thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes the measured object and the measurement methods used. The practical part includes an analysis of the acquired data and detailed descriptions of the data processing steps in various software programs such as SW Groma, Trimble Real Works. It presents methods for creating 2D drawing documentation and 3D wireframe model supplemented with surfaces using Autodesk AutoCAD and Trimble Business Center software. All of these steps are aimed at obtaining high-quality documentation that will serve as a basis for the reconstruction of the building.
Creation of building documentation of historical building
Justová, Kateřina ; Kratochvíl, Richard (referee) ; Vystavěl, Ondřej (advisor)
This diploma thesis focuses on 3D spatial data acquisition and processing and subsequent making of the construction documentation of the part of the historical building of the rectory in the village of Újezd u Černé Hory. Outputs are based on a point cloud, data acquisition was mainly done by laser scanning. The main outputs of the thesis include BIM (Building Information Modeling) model modelled in Revit software and construction drawings generated from the model. The outputs of this thesis represent the actual state of building as of July 2023.
Information modelling of the evangelic church in Růžďka
Hanáková, Alžběta ; Vystavěl, Ondřej (referee) ; Kuruc, Michal (advisor)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to make a construction documentation of the building of the Evangelical Church in Růžďka from year 1865. The geodetic survey of the building was carried out by GNSS technology using RTK method, terrestrial measurement and laser scanning technology. Based on the output from the 3D laser scanning i.e. point cloud, a 3D information model of the church building was created in the software Autodesk Revit 2024, from which the construction documentations were produced.
The possibilities of publishing a information model in a video game environment
Nosálková, Karolína ; Pilný, Ondřej (referee) ; Kuruc, Michal (advisor)
This thesis deals with the creation and visualization of a 3D information model of the historic building of the Evangelical church in the village of Růžďka using information modeling based on a cloud of points taken with a laser scanner. The goal of the work is to create an information model of the object in LOD300, including detailed processing of selected elements in the Archicad program. The final result is a model in a virtual environment, a custom 3D model visualized in the Twinmotion software and an evaluation of the accuracy of the model lengths and point clouds.
Construction documentation using information modelling
Kudláček, Lukáš ; Škrla, Petr (referee) ; Kuruc, Michal (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with the creation of As-Built documentation by generating individual drawings from the digital model of the object of interest, which was created on the basis of a point cloud. The first part describes the preparatory work and the theoretical introduction. The second part of the work deals with the measurement of control points in the field. The third part is dedicated to office work, which includes the processing of measured data, digital model creation, generation of project documentation drawings and their modification into the final form, and last but not least also visualization of the model of the object of interest. The digital model was created in OpenBuildings Designer CONNECT Edition. Visualization took place in the LumenRT extension and the MicroStation CONNECT Edition program was used to edit the drawings of the project documentation. Based on the digital model of the object of interest, a 1:50 scale model was subsequently created using 3D printing technology.
Documentation of optical network route using low-cost lidar equipment
Březina, Jan ; Vondrák, Jiří (referee) ; Machotka, Radovan (advisor)
This work aimed to test the potential benefits of handheld lidar for optical network route documentation. For this purpose, a lidar embedded in an Apple iPhone 14 Pro mobile phone was used. The work provides insight into the issues of both the data acquisition by this device and the subsequent processing and evaluation of the route, including the surrounding topography. All the procedures have been documented and their findings written into the text to facilitate familiarity with the equipment used. Problems encountered during scanning and data processing were outlined. Also, comparisons were made with currently used methods. The evaluation of the accuracy of the measured data was carried out by independent measurement of the features using the GNSS method. Based on the acquired data, documentation of a part of the newly surveyed route was made at the selected location according to the guidelines of the optical network administrator. The outputs of this thesis can be used to discuss the possible use of the tested scanner today as well as in the future.
Metric survey documentation of the ground floor of the south-eastern part of the Veveří Castle main palace
Pospíšil, Ondřej ; Kuruc, Michal (referee) ; Machotka, Radovan (advisor)
The master´s thesis is focused on the surveying documentation of the ground floor of the souteastern part of the Palace with the sword tower at Veveří Castle. The work was carried out during the academic year 2023/2024 at the Institute of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology. The aim of the thesis is to create detailed documentation of the part of the palace using laser scanning, which, allows for the acquisition of precise data on the geometry and structure of the object. The resulting documentation includes architectural drawings that reflect the geometric accuracy of the object and comply with the regulations for the surveying of heritage objetcs and the drawing of architectural object.
The creation of construction drawing documentation of a terraced house in Mutěnice
Pittauerová, Petra ; Kratochvíl, Richard (referee) ; Kuruc, Michal (advisor)
The aim of this master's thesis is to create construction drawing documentation for the main part of a terraced house in Mutěnice based on a BIM model and to create a thematic map in the vicinity of this family house. To create the required attachments, on-site measurements were conducted using geodetic surveying techniques, including GNSS technology, tachymetry, and laser scanning. The key focus of the thesis is to describe the on-site and office work that was essential for creating the necessary outputs. The main output of the thesis is the construction drawing documentation of the main part of the family house at scales of 1:50 (floor plans, sections) and 1:100 (elevations). The thematic map is made at a scale of 1:250 in the coordinate system S-JTSK and the altitude systém Bpv. Due to the owner's privacy protection, the created BIM model is not included in the thesis attachments and will be provided solely to the owner of the family house. The outputs of this thesis represent the actual state as of August 2022 and will serve as a basis for the planned reconstruction.
Determining floor flatness using laser scanning
Matušková, Klára ; Kalvodová, Petra (referee) ; Kalvoda, Petr (advisor)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to determine the flatness of the floor using two methods, levelling and laser scanning, their subsequent comparison and evaluation of differences between them. The thesis deals mainly with laser scanning and namely the used scanner and the software for point cloud processing. Furthermore, there is a compilation of existing technical standards dealing with this topic.

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