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Vzdělávání mladých lékařů fakultních nemocnic a možnosti jeho financování
Kovařčíková, Jitka
Diploma thesis deals with the development of human resources at university hospitals. Specifically, the thesis focuses on the development of young physicians, participating in specialized training, but outside the medical field. The introduction describes the terms related to human resources development in the health sector. Diploma thesis introduces the current system of education of young physicians and the terms of specialized education of young physicians. In the second part of thesis is a quantitative survey conducted at University hospital Olomouc, in order to identify the needs of young physicians in the field of human resources development. In the end of the work are chosen fields of complementary education for young physicians. Also are recommended training providers in chosen fields. On the basis of the activities associated with the planning and implementation of complementary education program for young physicians, it is designed and developed a budget.
Nursing care of a patient after pulmonary lobectomy in an intensive care bed
VAŇKOVÁ, Veronika
This bachelor's thesis focuses on nursing care for patienst after pulmonary lobectomy in the intensive care unit. Pulmonary lobectomy is a surgical procedure involving the removal of a lung lobe, most commonly due to lung cancer. The aim of this thesis was to identify the specific aspects of care for patients after pulmonary lobectomy, emphasize the importance of care for chest drains provided by educated nurses, and explore the significance of rehabilitation during recovery. The research was conducted using qualitative methods through interviews in the departments of cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery, and vascular surgery. The research sample consisted of seven patients hospitalized in these departments and four doctors. The results of the research indicated that nurses responsible for the care of chest drains are well-trained, which contributes to a low incidence of complications associated with these drains. It was also found that early rehabilitation is crucial for successful recovery, as delayed rehabilitation can lead to numerous complications that limit patients' everyday activities. The study also examined the specifics of care for patients after pulmonary lobectomy, which in many aspects do not differ from care after other thoracic surgeries. The findings of this work confirm that patients after pulmonary lobectomy receive quality care from professionally trained staff. These insights can be used to educate new nurses and inform patients who are undergoing this procedure.
Obstetric violance in Czechia and Slovakia - collection of interviews
Kuzmíková, Kristína ; Osvaldová, Barbora (advisor) ; Macková, Veronika (referee)
Practical bachelor's thesis Behind the doors of maternity wards - collection of interviews about obstetric violence in Slovakia and the Czech Republic approaches obsteric violence from different perspectives. The theoretical part firstly briefly introduces the concept of obstetric violence. It deals with its definition, possible causes, and at the same time describes how the problem is perceived in society, specifically, why it is relatively accepted by public. Later, in the theoretical part, I work with the interview as a journalistic genre. In the chapters, I define interview, I present different types of interviews, I deal with the process of creating an interview from research to authorization, and I also briefly summarize its history. At the same time, in these chapters I also present my own method and how I proceeded ehile writing the interviews for the practical part. The practical part is a collection of seven journalistic interviews, which, thanks to diverse set of sources, present obstetric violence in a wider context and offer different views on the topic.
Web-Based Information System for Support Casualty-Wards
Koreň, Miroslav ; Mazal, Zdeněk (referee) ; Jurka, Pavel (advisor)
Aim of this Bachelor's Thesis "Web ambulatory care information system" is to gain information about ambulatory systems and comprehend their principles. On this knowledge base build up own ambulatory system and assume results. Created application involves basic functionality provided by obvious ambulatory systems and is opened for future update. System is conceived as web application. It was built up with the usage of facilities for development web information systems in Java language, specifically by using JSF (Java Server Faces), JSP (Java Server Pages) and Servlets.
VIZIO - dental system automation
Gábriš, Michal ; Šír, Michal (referee) ; Bradáč, Zdeněk (advisor)
This Diploma thesis deals with creation and realisation of extensions for medical dental unit Vizio. Specifically, it deals with electrotechnical solution and software for capacitive keyboard and with proposal of principle of control and regulation of speed for integrated brushless motor. The Diploma thesis contains both the description of used hardware components, and software solution implemented in assembly language. This device is already in commercial use.
Design of dental chair
Marková, Gabriela ; Buganská, Tamara (referee) ; Křenek, Ladislav (advisor)
This thesis is deals with design of dental chair which is integrated into dental unit. Whole concept of the proposal is in conformity with compulsory requirements for equipment of dental unit. Whole proposal meets technical, ergonomic and hygienic requirements, which are especially in health service very high. The main point of design proposal is elaboration of whole shape arrangement and determination of colour scheme. These characteristics have high influence for patient psychic. Comfortable sitting of patient and his rest help to doctors with treatment. Computer visualization and model in scale factor 1:3 is included.
Approach towards women in birthing and postnatal care
Černá, Johanka ; Kotherová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Hasmanová Marhánková, Jaroslava (referee)
This thesis focuses on the approach of obstetric and postnatal care providers towards women in the Czech Republic. To identify what experiences the mothers deemed essential and to explore the impact of physicians' approach towards them, qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews was conducted. Those interviews were later analyzed using mainly the sociological framework originating from Talcott Parson's role-based theory of the doctor-patient relationship, namely the paternalistic and partnership models of the doctor-patient relationship and the concept of person-oriented care. The main findings of the research are that interviewed women who experienced rather paternalistic model tend to imply overall dissatisfaction with the obstetric and postnatal care, meanwhile those women who experienced rather partnership model described their experiences as rather pleasant and stated they would choose the same hospital for labor again. The research identified six key topics, that interviewed women referred to as crucial for them in care providers' approach. These topics are routine, privacy, information, physical integrity, method of communication, and degree of empathy. Aside from the main findings, the research has also discovered that the paternalistic and partnership approaches can create...
The role of nurse from physician perspective in pharmaceutical care
Poláková, Lucie ; Hocková, Jana (advisor) ; Švárová, Beáta (referee)
Introduction to the problem: Pharmacotherapy is a very complex and specific topic. Many of healthcare professionals, including nurses, are involved in pharmacotherapy management. Although this field is ensured by various legal standards, some competences of nurses are not clearly defined. The primary aim of this research was to analyse the current role of the nurse in pharmacotherapy out of a physician's perspective. Methodology: The data as a part of the multicentric project was collected in the form of semi- structured in-depth interviews with selected physicians also called key-informants. The obtained data were analysed by open coding followed by categorisation. Finally, SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis was used to assess the opportunities and threats, which are related to determination of the ideal role of the nurse in drug administration. Results: Current practice shows that nurses are performing activities beyond their competences. Therefore, I consider legislative changes in this area appropriate. At many departments is not cooperation with the clinical pharmacist well established, moreover in some cases doctors are not interested in it. In contrast, the literature also the workplaces, where the clinical pharmacist is part of the team reports many benefits....
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