Dendrochronologické datování a stavebněhistorické hodnocení krovu kostela sv. Jana Křtitele v Hlučíně
Rataj, Tomáš
The aim of this thesis was to conduct a survey and documentation of construction and the historical development of Object church. John the Baptist in Hlučín, district Opava. The available resources and literature to chart the history of truss structure and determine its typology. Anatomically determine tree species in different parts of the roof structure of the church and using dendrochronological analysis to determine the age of the samples. The work deals with a methodical procedure from dendrochronological sampling, treatment and subsequent measurement until after dating results with comparison using statistical methods within specified Czech and Moravian standard chronologies of tree species. The work is complemented by the resources available on the historical development of building construction. As a result, based on microscopic slides of the samples was identified fir wood. There have been a historical summary of the aspects related to the construction and definition of the age of the individual parts of the roof structure. The truss nave was dated to 1890, the age of the truss presbytery was designed in 1732. Truss above the nave was defined as longitudinally coupled rafter construction Hambálková, stagnant faeces. Historical evaluation of extended documentation package, which is now the object of the church we can leave to future generations. Dating age truss church confirmed the historical development of the subject and contributed to the overall mapping of the now almost restored monument.
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Kvetinová výzdoba sakrálnych objektov
Martinková, Klaudia
The aim of teh work was to create literary review of the history of sacral architecture and creation of floral decorations in them with help of the literary review. Based on the fidings, create floristic decorations in the model building, corresponding to the Catholic holiday. Point out the versatility of floristic art. In the chapter material and methodologywas sold the dilema of choosing suitable methods of arangement. In the results, it was possible to point out the suitability of these works for the church.
Průzkum a dokumentace dřevěného kostela Povýšení sv. Kříže v Bystřici
Lasota, Jan
The bachelor‘s thesis deals with documentation and construction research of the church of the Ascension of St. Cross in Bystřice nad Olší. The thesis includes the focus of the entire construction and the preparation of sufficient project documentation. Construction technical research focuses on the damage of all building elements, especially on their extent and causes of damage. It includes an evaluation of the current state of the building and a proposal for subsequent repairs. The work will contain the overall photo documentation of the listed building.
Dendrochronologické datování a stavebně historické hodnocení krovu sv. Valentína v Bravanticích
Bužek, Stanislav
The aim of this bachelor thesis was, by using the dendrochronological analysis, to date the wood truss roof structure of the main nave and presbytery of the church of St. Valentine in the village Bravantice, township Nový Jičín. This seminar thesis describes a standard procedure from dendrochronological sampling anatomical identification, their modifications, measuring up to the actual dating. The truss above the nave is from the year 1662-1663; roof over the presbytery is younger, the final year of the 1834-1835. On the whole truss structure of the church was used fir wood. Dates detected dendrochronological analyses were compared with historical data derived from the available historical sources and Internet resources. The construction and historical development of the monument remained only a very small number of literary sources. The results of the analysis Dendrochronological truss structure gave us the exact date of construction, and partially uncover and add still unclear historical and architectural development of the church.
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Wooden churches from Subcarpathian Ruthenia in CzechoslovakiaChurch of St. Paraskeva in Blansko and the Church of St. Archangel Michael in Prague
Shyshova, Yuliana ; Ottová, Michaela (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to work on the issue of wooden churches from the 16th- 18th centuries from Subcarpathian Rus, which were moved to the territory of the Czechoslovak Republic in the interwar period. The thesis was narrowed down in view of the amount of archival material and the findings that emerged from it. The thesis discusses the Church of St. Paraskeva in Blansko and the Church of St. Archangel Michael in Prague. The thesis will provide comprehensive information about the churches, including their architectural history and furnishings, as well as their current condition. Additionally, an attempt at reconstructing the iconostasis in the Church of St. Paraskeva in Blansko will be made. The thesis will focus on the political and religious situation in Subcarpathian Rus and the cultural-historical context of the time, as a result of which these churches came into the possession of the Czechoslovak state. Thorough attention will be given not only to the currently used Church of St. Paraskeva in Blansko but also to the Church of St. Archangel Michael, which was affected by a fire on the premises of the cultural monument Letohrádek Kinských in Prague in 2020.
Architectural study of the sacred building and the Salesian community center in Brno - Líšeň
Zinnatshina, Diana ; Marek, Jiří (referee) ; Šindlar, Jiljí (advisor)
The task of the diploma thesis is the design of the sacral building of Salesians and community center in Brno – Líšeň. The founder of the Salesian order is the Italian priest John Bosco. The Salesian style stands on three pillars: reason, religion and kindness. It is a style of educational work, based on a preventive system and constant assistance. The Salesian congregation and subsequently the entire complex of the center in the urban district Brno-Líšeň received help from the foundation fund for youth, which he started in 1998 its construction. The proposed facility should cover the remaining needs of visitors and should be accessible to the general public. As a result, an architectural design was created, which includes an object of church with a parish section and a community center. The sacral object consists of a dominant glass cube standing on a one-storey long base and a community centre building with parish housing. At the centre of the composition is a parish garden with a steel bell tower. The whole complex consists of two masses connected by a steel colonnade. The first main mass includes a church with a back yard. The second mass of the complex is the community centre with the main coworking space and the parish priest's accommodation.
Church in the housing estate
de Brito, Dagmar ; Todorov, Petr (referee) ; Štěpán, Marek (advisor)
The proposed church is set in a terraced terrain north-south slope and its configuration is handled in accordance with the existing communication structure. At the same time the church does not block an open view of the distant horizon. The object is designed intentionally as horizontal as opposed to verticality of very high residential buildings surrounding the site. Next to the church building rises a path, whose trajectory was previously naturally done by people who have used the path as a shortcut across the hill. The building is trying to hold a dialogue with this path, thus the building can be entered from the path. The lining of the path also creates the desired public spaces. The main space of the church is hidden in the heart of the building, as the soul is hidden inside the body of man. Sacred space is clearly defined by a cylindrical tube, around which the other floors are placed. The tube that is also holding a ramp penetrates through the entire building, thus giving a ubiquitous presence of the temple on each floor via perforated round holes. The ascending ramp also serves as the way of the Cross starting on the ground floor of the presbytery and finishing as the last 14th stopping at the very top of the at the upper entrance. The church is accessible in two ways - with the upper entrance with a ramp going down, or directly from the bottom floor main entrance. Both options offer different spatial perceptions. The access from the ground level starts at the entrance with a direct view to the sacrificial table and suddenly opens up at into the sacred space. At the upper entrance the sacral space opens up slowly as the visitor ascends the spiral ramp that gradually opens up into three choirs at various heights and with different uses - gradually from above - choir, organ, believers. Organist for the choir has its own auxiliary staircase. The space the church offers many different spatial shapes, corners and connections. Different heights provide different perception - from intimate prayer alone to experience the Great Assembly.
Static provision of baroque church
Kadlec, Jaroslav ; Šiška, Radek (referee) ; Strnad, Jiří (advisor)
The master´s thesis solves a static provision of the Baroque church of Saint James in Městečko Trnávka. The church was built in 1752 in Baroque style on the place of the original Romanesque church. It is a single-nave building with dimensions of about 46 × 20 m. The nave is followed by a massive square tower with a height of about 34 m. The reason for the restoration of the church are cracks in the external masonry and arch due to small space stiffness. The building will be reinforced by horizontal and transverse prestressing. They are designed prestressing tendons, called monostrands, using method of alternative cable channels. It will help to avoid other derformations and it will increase a stiffness of the structure.