National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Brno lives on Veveří
Frimmel, Martin ; Joja, Milan (referee) ; Františák, Luboš (advisor)
The aim of this work is to find an urban solution of the existing periphery in the middle of the city. The problem is solved by a comprehensive composition of buildings and their mixed function. This system of European streets has been proven for centuries, so an effort was made to incorporate it into a modern city.
Brno lives on Veveří
Frimmel, Martin ; Joja, Milan (referee) ; Františák, Luboš (advisor)
The aim of this work is to find an urban solution of the existing periphery in the middle of the city. The problem is solved by a comprehensive composition of buildings and their mixed function. This system of European streets has been proven for centuries, so an effort was made to incorporate it into a modern city.

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