National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Design of Consumption Management of Material Elements for Production Processes with a Focus on Waste Management of the Production Line
Dušek, Jakub ; Tesař, Rostislav (referee) ; Jurová, Marie (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the waste management of the production line and the proposal of measures to ensure the reduction of waste in the production process. It also deals with the streamlining of production data reporting, using information and automation technologies with the use of lean manufacturing principles.
Design of Consumption Management of Material Elements for Production Processes with a Focus on Waste Management of the Production Line
Dušek, Jakub ; Tesař, Rostislav (referee) ; Jurová, Marie (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the waste management of the production line and the proposal of measures to ensure the reduction of waste in the production process. It also deals with the streamlining of production data reporting, using information and automation technologies with the use of lean manufacturing principles.

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