National Repository of Grey Literature 80 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Drug problem in Jiřice prison
Kuchařová Roziňáková, Nikola ; Čedík, Miloslav (advisor) ; Novák, Petr (referee)
6 Abstrakt v angličtině The diploma thesis describes the problems in the Jiřice prison. The aim of this thesis is to introduce the readers to the issue of addictive substances in the prison and to introduce them to the issue of addictive substances in Jiřice prison. The first part of the thesis is devoted, with the use of relevant literature, to the description of the prison service of the Czech Republic, where the problems of the prison service, the profiling of prisons, the staffing of prisons, the legislation related to drug issues and the prison system are characterized. Furthermore, this part of the thesis describes the risks of substance consumption in the prisons, risk behaviour associated with substance consumption, what substances are used in prisons and the way of penetration of substances. In addition, the thesis includes a description of substance use prevention and addiction services provided in prison. The second part of the thesis deals with substance use issues in Jiřice Prison. Using the method of secondary data analysis and comparison, the thesis will examine how the substance abuse issues in Jiřice Prison have changed over the last five years. Firstly, each year is described separately and then it is compared how this issues has changed in the last five years. Specifically, the thesis...
The Role and Contribution of Prison Chaplains in the Process of Development and Reintegration of Convicts
Galíková, Gabriela ; Kříž, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kursch, Martin (referee)
The diploma thesis analyses the work and contribution of clergymen in the Prison Service of the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the thesis presents the role of the chaplains in the prison environment, it also deals with its historical development and key moments in history that have influenced the contemporary form of spiritual care of convicts. The theoretical part also presents an enumeration of the possibilities and specifics of development and education of convicts in the prison care system and the system of functioning of the educational and developmental system available to convicts during their sentence. It is within this spectrum of activities and activities that the role of spiritual care is further embedded in the theoretical part. Further, the theory articulates the impact of spiritual care on the lives of convicts and the experience of punishment. The theoretical part concludes with a comparison of the Czech and international context of chaplaincy and clerical activities, as well as post-penitentiary care, in which the thesis presents the specifics and methods of clerical work in the reintegration of convicts back into society. The theoretical part of the thesis forms the basis for the empirical part, which embeds and verifies this enumeration and description in practice. The...
Education possibilities of prisoners in confinement
Kamenčáková, Barbora ; Blažková, Veronika (advisor) ; Hanková, Zdeňka (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the education opportunities for individuals sentenced to imprisonment in the Czech Republic. The thesis is structured into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the thesis briefly introduces the system of penalties in the Czech Republic and the history of imprisonment in our territory. It also deals with the organizational structure of the prison service, types of prisons in the Czech Republic, and programs for dealing with convicts. The last chapter of the theoretical part explains the importance of education for convicts and various forms of education in Czech prisons, including a detailed description of formal and informal education. The practical part of the thesis includes the methodology and analysis of the research investigation. A qualitative approach was chosen for the research, specifically the method of semi-structured interviews. The aim of the thesis is to map and describe the educational process and the education opportunities provided in the prison environment compared to regular civilian schools. Furthermore, through interviews with employees of Všehrdy Prison, the thesis seeks to determine, through answers to four predetermined research questions, all the educational opportunities offered by this prison and characterize the...
Current activities and problems of social work in Czech prisons
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to map in detail the current activities and problems of social work in the Czech prison system that occur during the exercise of this profession. At the same time, it aims to indicate what solutions the interviewed social workers propose to the given problems. Based on the study of theoretical background, two research questions were set. "What are the activities and workload of the social worker during the first contact with the convicted person, during the execution of the sentence and before or after the release of the convicted person from imprisonment? What problems do social workers encounter when performing social work in prisons and what solutions do they propose?" The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part includes a description of the Czech prison system in the twenty-first century, a depiction of social work and the specifics of social work in prisons. The practical part is based on qualitative research and the method of questioning, the technique of semi-structured interview. The total of eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers working in the prison system, who were selected as the research population by the method of purposive sampling. The collected data was processed using open coding technique. The interviews were analyzed, and the interpretation of the obtained data revealed what activities social workers perform during the prisoner's stay in prison and what problems they face during their profession. The contribution of this thesis is a deeper insight into the issues of social work in the prison system. At the same time, the thesis presents the current activities of social workers and the problems that social workers are currently facing.
New possibilities in the field of resocialisation and education of convicts
Bareš, Jindřich ; Veteška, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kříž, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis deals with new possibilities and approaches in the field of education and resocialization of individuals in prison. The process of treatment of prisoners in the prison system is carried out by systematic and professional methods of treatment. At present, according to the current strategic document, the Concept of the Prison System until 2025, the main focus is on education and employment of persons in prison. The issue of resocialisation and further education of convicts is developed within the framework of social andragogy. The theoretical part will analyse the possibilities of using andragogical, social and social andragogical counselling in imprisonment. The sub-objective of the thesis is to characterize the individual stages of the counselling process and to define its contribution to the reintegration of convicts. New methods and their use in the framework of further education and resocialization of convicts will be observed within the research. This is especially the concept of an open prison, which is quite unique in the Czech Republic and is implemented within the Jiřice prison. It is based on trust between convicts and the staff of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic. It is currently considered an effective model of penitentiary care, which includes elements of...
New possibilities in the field of resocialisation and education of convicts
Bareš, Jindřich ; Veteška, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kříž, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis deals with new possibilities and approaches in the field of education and resocialization of individuals in prison. The process of treatment of prisoners in the prison system is carried out by systematic and professional methods of treatment. At present, according to the current strategic document, the Concept of the Prison System until 2025, the main focus is on education and employment of persons in prison. The issue of resocialisation and further education of convicts is developed within the framework of social andragogy. The theoretical part will analyse the possibilities of using andragogical, social and social andragogical counselling in imprisonment. The sub-objective of the thesis is to characterize the individual stages of the counselling process and to define its contribution to the reintegration of convicts. New methods and their use in the framework of further education and resocialization of convicts will be observed within the research. This is especially the concept of an open prison, which is quite unique in the Czech Republic and is implemented within the Jiřice prison. It is based on trust between convicts and the staff of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic. It is currently considered an effective model of penitentiary care, which includes elements of...
Temporary release from prison or provision of escort for urgent family reasons as part of the right to respect for private and family life of detained persons
Drahorád, Jakub ; Řepa, Karel (advisor) ; Suchánek, Radovan (referee)
Temporary release from prison or provision of escort for urgent family reasons as part of the right to respect for private and family life of detained persons The thesis deals with the issue of exercising the right to respect for private and family life by persons deprived of personal liberty due to detention or imprisonment in the form of the possibility to temporarily leave prison space, accompanied by an escort or alone, for serious family reasons. By these the thesis means attending the funeral of a close relative or the possibility to visit them in the hospital while suffering from a life-threatening condition. While in the case of persons remanded in custody, this issue is not regulated in any way by legal or secondary legislation, in the case of persons serving a custodial sentence in prisons with increased security or for life, it is partially explicitly prohibited. In practice, therefore, these persons are barred from exercising their right under Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. In the case of persons in the "regular mode" of serving a prison sentence, the execution of this right is dependent on the discretion of the prison director, who does not have to justify his informal decision to suspend the sentence, which is not...
Imposing Punishments in Czech and Polish Legislations
Pustówka, Urszula ; Vokoun, Rudolf (referee)
Imposing Punishments in Czech and Polish Legislations Abstract The comparison of the legal systems of individual states is an important source of inspiration for the further development of legislation. In my work I compare the legal regulation of punishments in the Czech Republic and in Poland, namely those of them which both Czech and Polish legal systems refer to as punishments. These are Czech fines, community service, imprisonment, and an exceptional sentence together with their Polish equivalents. The aim of the thesis is to find inspiration and stimuli for de lege ferenda considerations for further development of Czech criminal law by comparing Czech and Polish regulation of punishments, as well as the types of punishments most often imposed by courts in both countries. In the first part of the work I deal with the systems of criminal sanctions in both states in order to introduce the context for the subsequently analysed punishments. Furthermore, each part is devoted to one type of punishment and a comparison of its regulation in the Czech Republic and Poland. The second part is devoted to the Czech fine and the Polish sentence of grzywna, the third part to the Czech community service and the Polish sentence of imprisonment, the fourth part is related to the regulation of imprisonment, and the fifth...
Dealing with the guilt of persons serving a sentence.
Doskočilová, Veronika ; Fošum, Jan (advisor) ; Mohelník, Tomáš (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the ethical topic of guilt and its processing in persons serving a sentence. The paper elaborates with the topic of guilt on a practical and theoretical level. The theoretical framework deals with concepts related to guilt (morality, good, evil, conscience, sin), then presents the concept of guilt and the possibilities of its processing. Based on the description of the theory, the theoretical part formulates questions, which are used in the practical part. It describes three case studies of persons serving a sentence. The research is devoted to their individual perception of guilt and subsequently to ways of coping with it. Special attention is paid to Christianity and its influence on the perception of guilt, as two persons believe in God. Research shows that guilt is a fundamental issue for people in prison, whether it is in its negative or positive manifestations. The research confirms the fundamental theoretical starting point that there is a line from the negative effect of guilt to its positive contribution. As all three convicts confirm, guilt is the path to awareness, acceptance, and finally to the correction. Although there are many ways how to deal with guilt, the key is willingness to be opened to cope with guilt. Though there are a number of shortcomings in...

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