Demonstration Examples for Pynq Z2 System on Chip Platfrom
Polášek, Patrik ; Mrázek, Vojtěch (referee) ; Kekely, Lukáš (advisor)
The thesis deals with the Pynq Z2 with SoC containing FPGA programmable logic connected to ARM processor. The main goal is to create a set of sample applications that use the peripherals available on the development board and perform critical computations on the FPGA. These applications take the form of a template dividing the functionality into a part communicating with the peripherals and another part implementing the actual computation algorithm. Specific algorithms were chosen from the areas of text search (Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm), image filtering (image color change and smoothing convolution mask), audio signal filtering (low pass), and internet packet classification (decision tree). The algorithms can be replaced with custom ones, while the surrounding interface for communication with the periphery is preserved. In addition to the implementation itself, an interactive Jupyter Notebook document is provided for each application with accompanying material to facilitate understanding of the subject matter.
Imaging Reflectometry Measuring Thin Films Optical Properties
Běhounek, Tomáš ; Spousta, Jiří (referee) ; Zicha,, Josef (referee) ; Kotačka, Libor (referee) ; Druckmüller, Miloslav (advisor)
V této práci je prezentována inovativní metoda zvaná \textit{Zobrazovací Reflektometrie}, která je založena na principu spektroskopické reflektometrie a je určena pro vyhodnocování optických vlastností tenkých vrstev .\ Spektrum odrazivosti je získáno z map intenzit zaznamenaných CCD kamerou. Každý záznam odpovídá předem nastavené vlnové délce a spektrum odrazivosti může být určeno ve zvoleném bodu nebo ve vybrané oblasti.\ Teoretický model odrazivosti se fituje na naměřená data pomocí Levenberg~-~Marquardtova algoritmu, jehož výsledky jsou optické vlastnosti vrstvy, jejich přesnost, a určení spolehlivosti dosažených výsledků pomocí analýzy citlivosti změn počátečních nastavení optimalizačního algoritmu.
Securing Sensors - How to Provent Falsification
Bernard, Hynek ; Nosko, Svetozár (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
This thesis is focused on securing digital imaging sensors in cameras and videocameras. Main direction of thesis is study of currently used security procedures and identification of camera sensor based on captured images, tangibly extraction and comparing aproxximated sensor pattern noise with noise residue of given photo. Experiments with real sensors and evaluation of most efficient approach with visions of next research of used methods are part of this thesis.
Digital filters for image processing
Všetička, Václav ; Říha, Kamil (referee) ; Číka, Petr (advisor)
This work is dedicated to methods for editing the digital image. When you need an suitable algorithm to highlight the desired information from the image, or conversely, suppress disturbing elements in the picture. This work describes a few most basic image editing filters to use common in technical and medical practice. The result of this work are implementing some filters into Java.
Towards the Automatic Design of Image Filters Based on Cartesian Genetic Programming
Kečkéš, Miroslav ; Uher, Václav (referee) ; Karásek, Jan (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is using cartesian genetic programming on design image filters and creating basic structure for implement diferent type of problems. Genetic programming is rapidly growing method, which often using for solve dificult problems. This thesis analyze basic principle, way of application and implementing this method to design filters. Result of this thesis is program realize design filters define by specific parameters, overview of implementig method and achieve summary from this sphere.
Porting and Optimization Algorithms for Detecting Finger Veins on DSP Blackfin
Trhoň, Adam ; Drahanský, Martin (referee) ; Marvan, Aleš (advisor)
This thesis discuss optimizations of algorithms for finger vein map extraction from finger image taken in NIR spectrum. The algorithm is also ported on development kit with DSP Blackfin. For optimization the median filtering was mainly considered (resulting in histogram-based median filter) and the amount of memory used during extraction (resulting in semi-parallel pipeline of image filters). Simple hardware abstraction layer is also implemented.
Demonstration Examples for Pynq Z2 System on Chip Platfrom
Polášek, Patrik ; Mrázek, Vojtěch (referee) ; Kekely, Lukáš (advisor)
The thesis deals with the Pynq Z2 with SoC containing FPGA programmable logic connected to ARM processor. The main goal is to create a set of sample applications that use the peripherals available on the development board and perform critical computations on the FPGA. These applications take the form of a template dividing the functionality into a part communicating with the peripherals and another part implementing the actual computation algorithm. Specific algorithms were chosen from the areas of text search (Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm), image filtering (image color change and smoothing convolution mask), audio signal filtering (low pass), and internet packet classification (decision tree). The algorithms can be replaced with custom ones, while the surrounding interface for communication with the periphery is preserved. In addition to the implementation itself, an interactive Jupyter Notebook document is provided for each application with accompanying material to facilitate understanding of the subject matter.
Securing Sensors - How to Provent Falsification
Bernard, Hynek ; Nosko, Svetozár (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
This thesis is focused on securing digital imaging sensors in cameras and videocameras. Main direction of thesis is study of currently used security procedures and identification of camera sensor based on captured images, tangibly extraction and comparing aproxximated sensor pattern noise with noise residue of given photo. Experiments with real sensors and evaluation of most efficient approach with visions of next research of used methods are part of this thesis.
Digital filters for image processing
Všetička, Václav ; Říha, Kamil (referee) ; Číka, Petr (advisor)
This work is dedicated to methods for editing the digital image. When you need an suitable algorithm to highlight the desired information from the image, or conversely, suppress disturbing elements in the picture. This work describes a few most basic image editing filters to use common in technical and medical practice. The result of this work are implementing some filters into Java.
Porting and Optimization Algorithms for Detecting Finger Veins on DSP Blackfin
Trhoň, Adam ; Drahanský, Martin (referee) ; Marvan, Aleš (advisor)
This thesis discuss optimizations of algorithms for finger vein map extraction from finger image taken in NIR spectrum. The algorithm is also ported on development kit with DSP Blackfin. For optimization the median filtering was mainly considered (resulting in histogram-based median filter) and the amount of memory used during extraction (resulting in semi-parallel pipeline of image filters). Simple hardware abstraction layer is also implemented.