History of the Slavonic Monastery during the Hussite and Utraquist Period
Pohunek, Michal ; Kubín, Petr (advisor) ; Just, Jiří (referee) ; Halama, Ota (referee)
Michal POHUNEK, History of the Slavonic Monastery during the Hussite and Utraquist Period. Praha 2022. Doctoral dissertation. Abstract History of the Slavonic Monastery during the Hussite and Utraquist Period is a systematic and critical dissertation on the history of the Slavonic Monastery in the New Town of Prague and its monastic community in the period 1419-1471. For a deeper understanding of the events of the period, the research also considers the context of the events which occurred before and after this period and examines the relationship between the monastic tradition of the Order of Saint Benedict and the reforming spirit of the Hussite movement in fifteenth century Bohemia. The study examines the character of the mass liturgy performed at the monastery at the time and discusses the local monastic community's loyalty to monastic ideals and its relationship to radical movements in the fifteenth century. The community's relationship to the monastery's immediate surroundings is also discussed, and a general historical overview of the period is given, including a chapter on the movements and fate of the famous Reims Gospel.
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History of the Monastery Kladruby
Brasová, Alena Petra ; Veverková, Kamila (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
This master thesis deals with the history of Kladruby's monastery, about it's establishment and development during centuries. Further, it deals with the change of lifestyle in the monastery, as well as outside of it. This thesis highlights the outstanding architectural beauty of the Baroque Gothic style of Czech architects Jan Blažej Santini Aichel and Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer.
History of the Monastery Kladruby
Lexová, Alena ; Veverková, Kamila (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
The significant, cultural heritage, Kladruby's monastery lies n Tachovon in the Western part of the Czech republic. It lies between Pilsen and Tachov, specifically, Thirty kilometres west from Pilsen and five kilometres south from Stříbro. The history of the township and monastery is closely bound. The middle ages brought prosperity and rise to both of them.To this rise of Kladruby contributed it's great place by the Norimberská stezka and the discovery of silver ore nearby. Thanks to this, in 1230, it was raised by Václav I. to township. With this Kladruby gained the rights of a town ( e.g. The right to organize markets,the right to perform Criminal Law and the right to brew) as one of the first seven town in the Czech republic. Because of the wealth from silver mining, a mining settlement Stříbro was establishes, in the late twelfth century. The Benedictine monastery was established, by Vladislav I. of Přemyslid dynasty, in 1115. He himself is buried there as one of few Czech princes, who are not buried in Prague. Between the 12. And 13. Century, the monastery became one of the most important church centres of the whole kingdom. During the tragedy of Jan Nepomucký, the monastery has a major role. Václav IV considered, establishing a bishopric in Kladruby, to circumscribe the power of Prague...
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A military camp in the Hussite age
Feyfrlíková, Monika ; Zilynská, Blanka (advisor) ; Biederman, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to map everyday life in a military camp in the area of Bohemia during the period of Hussite wars, particularly in camps of an Utraquist as well as a Catholic army. It will concentrate mainly on various aspects of its everyday routine, such as supply, accommodation, camp fortification, a structure of command and camp management, but also on camp equipment. It will be founded on written and visual sources, as well as on normative and narrative (historiographical) records. The thesis will also introduce individual military orders. In more detail, it will be concerned with armour, clothing, and personal equipment of people dwelling in a military camp. Apart from this, it will focus on the issue of women and children (especially on their role and position) in a military camp. Furthermore, the thesis will differentiate between the form and the operation of a military camp led by a Catholic army from the form and the operation of a military camp led by an Utraquist army; and it will describe various types of these camps. Key Words: hussite, Bohemia, supply, fortification, clothing, camp, the Middle Ages.
Reformation. Conditions of its rise and common features of reformations' growth.
Kašlík, Daniel ; Veverková, Kamila (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
The thesis traces the beginnings of these reformation movements: Waldensians, Hussites, Unity of Brethren, Lutherans and Anabaptists. It also deals with the situation in Roman Catholic church since all the movements spring out of it. Furthermore the author is answering the question whether these movements have a common denominator, that links them together. If the answer is yes the author also covers what preconditions are necessary for the reformation to occur. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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