Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands (BDČZ). Poster for a seminar on digital resources and services in the social sciences and humanities, Prague, 24. 9. 2015.
Hanelová, Věra ; Horčáková, Václava ; Rexová, Kristina
The Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands is a large infrastructure dedicated to creating, \nprocessing and evaluation of a comprehensive bibliographic database of literature related to the Czech \nStudies. It is a continuation of the project of field (historical) bibliography which has been running in \nthe Czech Lands since 1905. Nowadays, modern methods have been applied to our day-to-day activi-\nties. The bibliography remains an essential information source for historical sciences and their related \nfields (archeology, ethnology, law science, literary studies, conservation, historical geography and car-\ntography, historical onomastics and toponomastics, historical demography etc.).
Fulltext: content.csg - PDF Plný tet: BDCZ-plakat-cesky - PDF
Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands (BDČZ). Poster on Seminář o digitálních zdrojích a službách ve společenských a humanitních vědách, Prague, 24. 9. 2015.
Hanelová, Věra ; Horčáková, Václava ; Rexová, Kristina
The Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands is a large infrastructure dedicated to creating, \nprocessing and evaluation of a comprehensive bibliographic database of literature related to the Czech \nStudies. It is a continuation of the project of field (historical) bibliography which has been running in \nthe Czech Lands since 1905. Nowadays, modern methods have been applied to our day-to-day activi-\nties. The bibliography remains an essential information source for historical sciences and their related \nfields (archeology, ethnology, law science, literary studies, conservation, historical geography and car-\ntography, historical onomastics and toponomastics, historical demography etc.).
Fulltext: content.csg - PDF Plný tet: BDCZ-plakat-angl - PDF
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