Impact of elevated carbon dioxide concentration and nitrogen fertilization on protein content of glutenin fraction in winter wheat
Veselá, Markéta ; Vespalcová, Milena (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis studies the impact of elevated carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere and nitrogen nutrition on protein kontent in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) var. Bohemia. Glutenin proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE method and protein quantification was performed by computer densitometry. It was proved that the nitrogen fertilization has a great influence on the amount of glutenin proteins, which increased in all samples. Effect of elevated CO2 concentrationis not nearly as significant, however certain differences can be seen. Samples of wheat grown under conditions of reduced UV radiation, and samples of wheat grown under natural conditions did not show great differences in the content of glutenins.
Influence of early and late drought on grain proteins content and composition in early and late variety of wheat
Vojteková, Vanesa ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
In this bachelor thesis, the influence of early and late drought on grain protein content and composition in an early and late variety of winter wheat was studied. The varieties used were Avenue and Tobacco.One part of the plants was cultured under the conditions of early drought (bloom season), another part was grown under the conditions of late drought (grain filling season), the last part was grown under the conditions of natural irrigation. Half of the plants were fertilized using nitrogen fertilizer (200 kg N/ha), the second half of plants were without nitrogen fertilizer (0 kg N/ha). Wet gluten, crude protein content, gliadin and glutenin content were determined from flour samples. Results were evaluated by analysis of variance. Drought resistance depends on the genotype. Tobak genotype is more tolerant to climatic conditions, but the drought had a more significant effect on gliadin and glutenin ratio than on the Avenue genotype. Late drought increased wet gluten content in both genotypes and both types of fertilization. On the other hand, the early drought did not affect wet gluten content. Early drought decreased gliadin content, with the exception of Avenue genotype without fertilization. Early drought also increased glutenin content. Late drought increased glutenin content only in the unfertilized variant. Early drought increased glutenin content which leads to decreased gliadin content, especially for nitrogen fertilization. Late drought caused a decrease of gliadin and glutenin ratio, except for Tobak genotype with fertilization. Late drought increased crude protein content, except for Tobak genotype without fertilization. Early drought decreased crude protein content, especially for the unfertilized variant.
Influence of increased carbon dioxide concentration on grain protein composition in early and late wheat variety
Smrčková, Kamila ; Vítová, Eva (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the effect of increased CO2 concentration (700 ppm) on the content and composition of wheat grain proteins in early (Avenue) and late (Tobak) wheat varieties. Three methods were used to determine the proteins in wheat grain: the Kjeldahl determination of crude protein content, the determination of wet gluten, and finally the gravimetric determination of gliadins and glutenins after extraction. A different response of the varieties to the increased CO2 concentration was found. The early Avenue variety was much more sensitive to the effects of increased CO2 concentrations. The gliadin content decreased, while the glutenin content increased with increasing CO2 concentration. The total gluten protein content increased in elevated CO2 concentration, independently of nitrogen fertilization. Its content correlates in our work with the content of wet gluten.
Impact of elevated carbon dioxide concentration and nitrogen nutrition on protein content of glutenin and gliadin fraction in winter wheat
Chadimová, Klára ; Vítová, Eva (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
The present study investigates effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, different nitrogen fertilization levels, drought and UV radiation on protein content of wheat gluten fractions glutenins and gliadins. Winter wheat cultivar Bohemia was grown under ambient CO2 concentration (AC; 400 mol CO2.mol-1) and elevated CO2 concentration (EC; 700 mol CO2.mol-1). Half of the samples was fertilized with 200 kg N.ha-1 (N+) and the other part stayed unfertilized (N–). Other environmental factors were UV radiation exclusion (UV–, UV+) and drought (DRY, WET). Gliadins were separated by A-PAGE, glutenins by SDS-PAGE. Proteins were quantified by computer densitometry. Nitrogen fertilization caused an significat increase of gliadins and glutenins. While some gliadins subfractions were significantly lowered by drought, HMW glutenin subunits showed significant increase. UV radiation exclusion resulted in significant decrease of some gliadin subfractions and glutenin subunits. CO2 enrichment caused significant increase of glutenin subfractions HMW 1 and 2, while gliadin subfractions -5 1 and 1 were significantly decreased by elevated CO2 concentration.
Impact of nitrogen fertilization and drought on gliadins content in winter wheat
Odstrčilová, Eva ; Obruča, Stanislav (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
In this diploma thesis the impacts of both nitrogen fertilization and drought on the content of proteins of the gliadin fraction in case of a winter wheat variety Tiguan were observed. Selected samples were cultivated at two locations in a total duration of two years. Two different conditions were selected: one without the nitrogen fertilization (0 kg N/ ha) and the other with the nitrogen fertilization in 140 kg N/ ha concentration. Second observed factor was the drought which was ensured by roofs above the crops and their cultivation in common climatic environment. Gliadin fraction was separated by the A-PAGE method and the protein quantification carried out by a computer densitometry. Such nitrogen fertilization caused a significant increase of gliadins, especially -1,2 and -5 fractions. Stress induced by the drought caused an increase of gliadin content compared to the control sample, particularly in case of - and - fractions. The most important factor influencing the gliadin content in grains was therefore the nitrogen fertilization in a dry environment. The observed increase of gliadin content was lower in case of the sample which was fertilized in a humid environment than in case of the sample which was fertilized in the dry one.
The effect of temperature and drought on the glutenin proteins content in two genotypes of wheat
Vybíral, Lukáš ; Vespalcová, Milena (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the influence of water and temperature deficiency on protein content of gliadin fraction and on glutenin/gliadin ratio in two wheat varieties. The varieties selected for the experiment are called Pannonia and RGT Reform. Samples were cultivated at three different temperatures, 26 °C, 32 °C and 38 ° C, and irrigation was checked at the time of flowering. For wet-grown samples, the soil had a moisture content greater than 70 %, and drought-grown specimens grew on soil with a moisture content not exceeding 30 %. After harvest, the grains were ground into flour and glutenins and gliadins were extracted from the individual samples. SDS-PAGE was used for separation and protein quantification was performed by computer densitometry. A significant effect of the variety on individual gluten proteins was found. In the Pannonia variety, it has been found that the interaction of higher temperature and drought has no major effect on glutenin content and glutenin/gliadin ratio. The RGT variety was significantly affected by these conditions, resulting in a decrease in glutenin content and a significant change in ratio. In both varieties, the glutenin content was higher when cultivated at higher humidity but only at two higher cultivation temperatures.
Analysis of glutenin fraction in winter wheat cultivated in ambient and elevated carbon dioxide concentrations
Čileková, Marta ; Vránová, Dana (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
Increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere has influence on plant’s photosynthesis and its metabolits. This bachelor thesis is focused on analysis of glutenin fraction in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) var. Bohemia grown in ambient (AC) and elevated (EC; 700 mol.mol-1) carbon dioxide concentrations. Plants were cultivated in conditions with nitrogen fertilization (N+; 200 kg.ha-1) and without fertilization (N), in presence of UV-B radiation (UV+) and absence of UV-B radiation (UV), at drought (DRY) and with ambient irrigation (WET). Grain was harvested at 2014. The glutenin proteins were extracted from flour by isopropanol and DTT then separated by SDSPAGE and quantified by computer densitometry. Elevated carbon dioxide concentration decreased glutenin concentration in variant UV+ otherwise differences between AC and EC variants were nonsignificant. The nitrogen fertilization markedly increased glutenin content. Higher concentrations of glutenins were found in variants UV– WET and UV+ DRY. The highest concentrations of glutenins were found in conditions with presence of UV radiation, drought and nitrogen fertilization.
Impact of temperature and drought on gliadins and glutenins contents in four varieties of wheat
Tomasz, Teresa ; Vítová, Eva (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with an influence of high temperature and water shortage on the protein content of gliadin and glutenin fractions in four varieties of winter wheat: Bohemia, Tobak, Pannonia and var. Syria with designation S46 (IG142780). The crop was grown at 26, 29, 32, 35, 38 and 41 °C during anthesis under control irrigation treatment (with soil moisture higher than 70 %) or under drought stress (with soil moisture lower than 30 %). To separate gliadins, the A-PAGE method was used, and glutenins were separated by SDS-PAGE method. Proteins were quantified by computer densitometry. Significant influence of genotype on the gluten proteins was found. Variety Pannonia has high content of -, 5-gliadins, LMW and HMW glutenins, but low content of other gliadin fractions. It was the opposite in the other varieties. Due to temperature, as well as drought, there was an increase in the content of all gluten fractions, especially of HMW glutenins, 1,2-gliadins and total gliadins. The largest increase in the gluten fractions due to drought was observed in Syria variety. In other varieties simultaneous exposure to drought and heat caused decrease in gliadin content, but increase in glutenin content. Drought at high temperatures reduced gliadin-to-glutenin ratio, mostly in Bohemia variety. This ratio has increased due to the temperature, especially in Tobak variety. For Syria variety, no effect of stress conditions was found on gliadin-to-glutenin ratio.
Influence of early and late drought on grain proteins content and composition in early and late variety of wheat
Vojteková, Vanesa ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
In this bachelor thesis, the influence of early and late drought on grain protein content and composition in an early and late variety of winter wheat was studied. The varieties used were Avenue and Tobacco.One part of the plants was cultured under the conditions of early drought (bloom season), another part was grown under the conditions of late drought (grain filling season), the last part was grown under the conditions of natural irrigation. Half of the plants were fertilized using nitrogen fertilizer (200 kg N/ha), the second half of plants were without nitrogen fertilizer (0 kg N/ha). Wet gluten, crude protein content, gliadin and glutenin content were determined from flour samples. Results were evaluated by analysis of variance. Drought resistance depends on the genotype. Tobak genotype is more tolerant to climatic conditions, but the drought had a more significant effect on gliadin and glutenin ratio than on the Avenue genotype. Late drought increased wet gluten content in both genotypes and both types of fertilization. On the other hand, the early drought did not affect wet gluten content. Early drought decreased gliadin content, with the exception of Avenue genotype without fertilization. Early drought also increased glutenin content. Late drought increased glutenin content only in the unfertilized variant. Early drought increased glutenin content which leads to decreased gliadin content, especially for nitrogen fertilization. Late drought caused a decrease of gliadin and glutenin ratio, except for Tobak genotype with fertilization. Late drought increased crude protein content, except for Tobak genotype without fertilization. Early drought decreased crude protein content, especially for the unfertilized variant.
Influence of increased carbon dioxide concentration on grain protein composition in early and late wheat variety
Smrčková, Kamila ; Vítová, Eva (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the effect of increased CO2 concentration (700 ppm) on the content and composition of wheat grain proteins in early (Avenue) and late (Tobak) wheat varieties. Three methods were used to determine the proteins in wheat grain: the Kjeldahl determination of crude protein content, the determination of wet gluten, and finally the gravimetric determination of gliadins and glutenins after extraction. A different response of the varieties to the increased CO2 concentration was found. The early Avenue variety was much more sensitive to the effects of increased CO2 concentrations. The gliadin content decreased, while the glutenin content increased with increasing CO2 concentration. The total gluten protein content increased in elevated CO2 concentration, independently of nitrogen fertilization. Its content correlates in our work with the content of wet gluten.