National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Combined aluminium-silicon based sol-gel binding system for refractory
Taraba, Vojtěch ; Koplík, Jan (referee) ; Švec, Jiří (advisor)
The following piece of work deals with the use of a combined aluminium-silicon based sol-gel binding system for refractory. The effect of different gelling agents on the gelation process was observed and rheometric measurements were performed for MgO. After optimizating the drying process, the resulting gel was characterized by thermal analyses, based on which the firing temperatures were selected. Qualitative analysis of the gels fired to the selected temperatures was performed using FTIR. Using XRD, the semi-quantitative phase composition of the samples was monitored as a function of firing temperature. The topography of the test bodies prepared based on results of the previous analyses was later observed using a scanning electron microscope.
Alumina based refractories for noncement application
Böhm, Petr ; Dlabajová, Lucie (referee) ; Švec, Jiří (advisor)
The thesis deals with the possibility of bonding the ceramic mixture by a sol-gel method, Colloidal alumina was used as the sol and the gelation was performed by changing the ionic strength or pH. The influence of different gelling agents (NaCl, NH4Cl, NH3, MgO a CO(NH)) on the gellation time and on the course of the gelation was compared. The aim of the work is the preparation of refractory monolith with the highest packing desity possible, which was solved by modeling the granulometric curve of the solid part of the ceramic mixture based on alumina. The thesis also describes the behavior of prepared gels during thermal processing of ceramics. Subsequently the resulting structure of prepared ceramic bodies was monitored.
Combined aluminium-silicon based sol-gel binding system for refractory
Taraba, Vojtěch ; Koplík, Jan (referee) ; Švec, Jiří (advisor)
The following piece of work deals with the use of a combined aluminium-silicon based sol-gel binding system for refractory. The effect of different gelling agents on the gelation process was observed and rheometric measurements were performed for MgO. After optimizating the drying process, the resulting gel was characterized by thermal analyses, based on which the firing temperatures were selected. Qualitative analysis of the gels fired to the selected temperatures was performed using FTIR. Using XRD, the semi-quantitative phase composition of the samples was monitored as a function of firing temperature. The topography of the test bodies prepared based on results of the previous analyses was later observed using a scanning electron microscope.
Alumina based refractories for noncement application
Böhm, Petr ; Dlabajová, Lucie (referee) ; Švec, Jiří (advisor)
The thesis deals with the possibility of bonding the ceramic mixture by a sol-gel method, Colloidal alumina was used as the sol and the gelation was performed by changing the ionic strength or pH. The influence of different gelling agents (NaCl, NH4Cl, NH3, MgO a CO(NH)) on the gellation time and on the course of the gelation was compared. The aim of the work is the preparation of refractory monolith with the highest packing desity possible, which was solved by modeling the granulometric curve of the solid part of the ceramic mixture based on alumina. The thesis also describes the behavior of prepared gels during thermal processing of ceramics. Subsequently the resulting structure of prepared ceramic bodies was monitored.

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