National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Evaluation of postural stability
Šalamoun, Jan ; Janoušek, Oto (referee) ; Koťová, Markéta (advisor)
The topic of this bachelor’s thesis is Evaluation of postural stability. Measuring is provided by balance board Nintendo Wii Balance Board and force platform produced by Zebris. In the first part are explained basic terms and parameters which are necessary for evaluation of postural stability. Next part includes design of a suitable protocol for evaluation of postural stability by balance board and force platform. According to the protocol i received data from sufficient number of volunteers. In next part i create aplication in Matlab which can load and evaluate data obtained from probands. In the end i compare devices and evaluate obtained results.
Golf swing in subjects with amputation of lower extremity
Richtrová, Michaela ; Otáhal, Jakub (advisor) ; Šifta, Petr (referee)
Author: Bc. Michaela Richtrová Tittle: Golf swing in subjects with amputation of lower extremity Objectives: The study aims at evaluation of the technique of golf swing used by patients with a different type and level of lower extremity amputation as compared to able-bodied golfers. Another objective is determination of the relation between individual phases of the golf swing and weight transfer, using different golf clubs, as compared to able-bodied golfers. Method: By its topic the work is a pilot study. The research has been divided into three descriptive case studies. The experimental group included two amateur golfers and one professional golfer. The control group was represented by an able-bodied golfer. Evaluation of kinematic parameters (trajectory of shoulders, hips, knee joints) was based on the Qualysis Motion Capture System. Evaluation of dynamic parameters (weight transfer) in the course of golf swing was made using two dynamometric Kistler platforms. Results: The measuring has demonstrated that in terms of both kinematics and dynamics, the mode of movement of a patient with a trans-tibial amputation during a golf swing corresponds to that of an able-bodied golfer. The same results were achieved by the patient also with the use of another type of golf club. A change, both in terms of...
Balance training in seniors using force platform
Holá, Irena ; Janatová, Markéta (advisor) ; Jeníček, Jakub (referee)
Name: Irena Holá Supervisor: MUDr. Markéta Janatová Opponent: Title of bachelor thesis: Balance training in seniors using force platform. Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of balance disorders due to ageing and the usage of the virtual reality in case of these disorders. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of home based balance training using the force platform and visual biofeedback. For the objective evaluation the Footscan® system is used. The thesis consists of two parts. Theoretical part summarizes the knowledge related to the balance provision, old age and ageing, involution changes which leads to balance disorders. This part also describes the virtual reality, its usage in rehabilitation and includes several studies of using gaming systems in elderly. In the end of the theoretical part the system which is used in the practical part is described. The practical part describes four weekly home balance training in the form of case reports, charts and graphs. There are analyzing data of seven respondents in the senior age. Results of the work are evaluated and compared with the conclusions of foreign studies. Key words: Virtual reality, aging, geriatric syndromes, balance, force platform, instability
Aplication of virtual reality on dynamic postural stability
Al Amri, Saad Khazim D ; Pánek, David (advisor) ; Maršáková, Kateřina (referee)
Objective The aim of this study was to identify if there is any significant difference in dynamic postural stability after 3D Virtual Reality VR application on healthy adults. Methodology There were 11 healthy adults participants ( n=11 , 7 males, 4 females), with age average of 27 years. Pre-test and post-test procedures were performed by using NeuroCom, Smart Balance Master System, Sensory Organization Test SOT (Composite Equilibrium, Sensory Analysis of Somatosensory SOM, Visual VIS, Vestibular VEST, and Preference PREF) and Motor Control Test MCT (Weight Symmetry). Application of 3D Virtual Reality was provided by using Samsung Gear Goggles, with 5 minutes duration. Results There were no significant statistical differences in SOT Composite Equilibrium, Sensory Analysis of Somatosensory SOM, Visual VIS, Vestibular VEST, Preference PREF, and MCT Weight Symmetry results (p > 0.05) after the Virtual Reality application. Conclusion The application of Virtual Reality has no significant difference on dynamic postural stability in healthy adults from one session exposure. Further investigation and trials are needed to clarify the Virtual Reality effectiveness on dynamic postural stability of healthy adults. Keywords Postural Stability, Dynamic Postural stability, Balance, Computerized Dynamic...
Post-activation potentiation (PAP) phenomenon - review and experimental verification
Horák, Jan ; Hojka, Vladimír (advisor) ; Červinka, Pavel (referee)
Title: Post-activation potentiation (PAP) phenomenon - review and experimental verification Objectives: Firstly, to compile the systematic review of up-to-date literature. Secondly, to develop method using force platform that will be applicable for PAP measurment during the counter-movement jump. Thirdly, to verify PAP by using the developed method in small group of volunteers. Methods: Review part of the thesis was complied according to analysis of up-to-date literature accessible from Charles University electronic system. The data from the analysis were used to develop method for measurment of PAP by using the force platform (Kistler) and activation of PAP phenomenon by series of squats with specific weight. The peak force and rate of force developement were the monitored parameters. This method was applied on a group of volunteers. Results: Results of experimental part of the thesis showed significant changes in monitored parameters and this change is consistent with current literature. Keywords: post-activation potentiation, peak force, rate of force developement, force platform
Golf swing in subjects with amputation of lower extremity
Richtrová, Michaela ; Otáhal, Jakub (advisor) ; Šifta, Petr (referee)
Author: Bc. Michaela Richtrová Tittle: Golf swing in subjects with amputation of lower extremity Objectives: The study aims at evaluation of the technique of golf swing used by patients with a different type and level of lower extremity amputation as compared to able-bodied golfers. Another objective is determination of the relation between individual phases of the golf swing and weight transfer, using different golf clubs, as compared to able-bodied golfers. Method: By its topic the work is a pilot study. The research has been divided into three descriptive case studies. The experimental group included two amateur golfers and one professional golfer. The control group was represented by an able-bodied golfer. Evaluation of kinematic parameters (trajectory of shoulders, hips, knee joints) was based on the Qualysis Motion Capture System. Evaluation of dynamic parameters (weight transfer) in the course of golf swing was made using two dynamometric Kistler platforms. Results: The measuring has demonstrated that in terms of both kinematics and dynamics, the mode of movement of a patient with a trans-tibial amputation during a golf swing corresponds to that of an able-bodied golfer. The same results were achieved by the patient also with the use of another type of golf club. A change, both in terms of...
Balance training in seniors using force platform
Holá, Irena ; Janatová, Markéta (advisor) ; Jeníček, Jakub (referee)
Name: Irena Holá Supervisor: MUDr. Markéta Janatová Opponent: Title of bachelor thesis: Balance training in seniors using force platform. Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of balance disorders due to ageing and the usage of the virtual reality in case of these disorders. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of home based balance training using the force platform and visual biofeedback. For the objective evaluation the Footscan® system is used. The thesis consists of two parts. Theoretical part summarizes the knowledge related to the balance provision, old age and ageing, involution changes which leads to balance disorders. This part also describes the virtual reality, its usage in rehabilitation and includes several studies of using gaming systems in elderly. In the end of the theoretical part the system which is used in the practical part is described. The practical part describes four weekly home balance training in the form of case reports, charts and graphs. There are analyzing data of seven respondents in the senior age. Results of the work are evaluated and compared with the conclusions of foreign studies. Key words: Virtual reality, aging, geriatric syndromes, balance, force platform, instability
Lower extremities loading of the patients after total hip joint replacement during walking up the stairs
Jirásková, Lucie ; Němeček, Ondřej (advisor) ; Molnár, Petr (referee)
ANNOTATITON Author: Lucie Jirásková Department: Department of rehabilitation medicine University hospital Hradec Králové Title of the bachelor's thesis: Lower extremities loading of the patiens after total hip joint replacement during walking up the stairs Supervisor: Mgr. Ondřej Němeček Number of pages: 70 Number of attachments: 2 The year of presentation: 2012 Keywords: Lower extremities loading, total hip joint replacement, walking up the stairs, reaction force, force platform Bachelor's work explores the loading of operated lower extremity with patients after total hip joint replacement during walking up the stairs. It adverts to connections following from kinesiology of joints of lower extremity, bipedal locomotion, total hip joint replacement and use of supporting - locomotive aids with loading of lower extremities. It describes the function and use of force platform - one of the possibilities, with which we can measure the loading of lower extremities. A part of this work is evaluation of the results of values of reaction force, vertically influencing the lower extremities, which demonstrate a real loading. The patients after TEP of the hip joint burden the operated lower extremity with this loading, when they walk the stairs.
Evaluation of postural stability
Šalamoun, Jan ; Janoušek, Oto (referee) ; Koťová, Markéta (advisor)
The topic of this bachelor’s thesis is Evaluation of postural stability. Measuring is provided by balance board Nintendo Wii Balance Board and force platform produced by Zebris. In the first part are explained basic terms and parameters which are necessary for evaluation of postural stability. Next part includes design of a suitable protocol for evaluation of postural stability by balance board and force platform. According to the protocol i received data from sufficient number of volunteers. In next part i create aplication in Matlab which can load and evaluate data obtained from probands. In the end i compare devices and evaluate obtained results.

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